COEHD College Council Meeting


April 1 2011 930a MB 2.220

Members in attendance: Mariela Rodriguez (Chair, ELPS), Alex Bowers (parliamentarian, ELPS), Donovan Fogt (secretary, H&K), Shannon Sauro (BBL), Kelly Rodgers (EDP), Audrey Dentith (Chair-elect, ILT), Bruce Barnett (ELPS),Gerald Juhnke (Counseling),Alycia Mauer (NTT rep, ILT), Elias Zambrano (Counseling),Meizi He (H&K),Robin Redmon-Wright (ILT),graduate student representative Debra Root (ILT),John Zhang (H&K),Howard Smith (BBL),Mari Cortez (ILT),

Members excused or missing: Patricia McGee (EDP)

  1. Call to Order
  2. Dean’s Forum – Page Smith
  3. The Dean may have available funding for greater exposure at national and international presentations. Most likely will be for travel to present accepted presentations.
  4. U.S. News report on higher education programsmaintains public credibility across the nation. Latest report has ranked COEHD graduate programs 119th out of about 250 schools. Same ranking as some highly regarded schools. We ranked much higher than other UTSA departments’ program (many were unranked) and higher than other SA parallel universities’ comparable departments as well (many were unranked).
  5. Discussion Items
  6. Review draft of letter for Provost regarding concern Faculty Development Leave.

i.Revisions/additions recommended by Council include emphasis on importance of FDL to maintain course of UTSA Strategic Plan, the productivity of this college, that we the Council/COEHD represent a large faculty base and even larger student base, that we suggest (with emphasis) that the Provost reconsider reinstituting FDL policy. The letter will give the Provost leverage material for considering instituting cuts somewhere else and suggesting such to the VP Business, etc.

  1. Faculty participation in outreach activities with schools

i.Continue sending Mariela all community outreach projects and include research-based community efforts as well.

  1. New Business –
  2. Howe Outstanding Service to Undergraduate Teaching Award

i.Awards Committee to be comprised of: 1 tenured and 1 tenure-track faculty member and 1 non-tenure-track faculty member

ii.Gerald Juhnke,Shannon Sauro, and Alycia Maurer have volunteered to serve on Awards Committee

iii.Departments can send 2 nominees of T/TT or NTT rank

iv.Then 3 nominees can be chosen to send forward from College

  1. Committee Updates
  2. Awards – Alycia Mauer, Kelly Rogers, Shannon Sauro

i.Reviewed award applicants and faculty nominees will be announced at Spring COEHD Faculty Forum.

  1. COEHD Research Colloquium: Alex Bowers, Audrey Dentith, Meizi He, Robin Redmon Wright, Debra Root, Elias Zambrano

i.April 21st all afternoon/evening in U.C. Ballroom with April 22nd breakfast meet-and-greet in Dean’s conference room or TBD.

ii.Speaker confirmed: Dr. Luis Moll will talk for an hour at 6pm and participate in a breakfast with graduatestudents/faculty the next morning.

iii.We need to push the poster session – especially to our undergrads performing research. Posters will be due April 15th.The Dean’s office will print 2x3 posters for students at college’s expense. Other sizes can be presented, however.

iv.Students/faculty can email questions to Alex Bowers.

  1. Department ChairEvaluation: Gerald Juhnke, Patricia McGee, Mariela Rodriquez, John Zhang

i.Revised version of evaluation instrument may be piloted or possibly implemented in Fall.

ii.This evaluation exercise is scheduled to be performed at end of Department Chairs’ 3 year term.

  1. Promotion & Tenure Faculty Forum: Bruce Barnett, Donovan Fogt, Howard Smith, Mari Cortez
  1. University has designed an Electronic Submission instruction series for P/T so we don’t really have to do anything aside from promote these sessions within the COEHD. Downtown sessions have been added recently.
  2. P/T committee will promote these sessions to our faculty by email and/or flyer.
  1. Announcements
  2. College Council 2011-2012 nominating and voting forthcoming for Chair-Elect, Secretary, Parliamentarian, and Graduate Student Representative. Officers serve a year and members 2 years.
  3. Remind faculty about the importance of attending Spring commencement on May 6th at 6pm.