Coding With Ozobot Review

  • A set of instructions written in any programming language is called a program.
  • Coding is programming.
  • Computer programs are based on algorithms which are a set of instructions that are followed to perform a particular task.
  • There are hundreds of programming languages such as C, C++, Scratch, Python, and Java.
  • Ozobot’s “eyes” are optical or light sensors that read color – red, blue, green, and black.
  • Some of Ozobot’s codes are symmetrical meaning that it does not matter if Ozobot reads them from left to right or right to left while others are not and therefore give different “directions” based on which way that they are read from.
  • Ozobot’s decisions, such as to turn left or right, are random UNLESS you provide instructions or ‘code’ telling it what decision to make.
  • Ozobot codes can NOT be placed at corners or intersections.
  • OzoBlocky is a simple “block coding” language much like Scratch.
  • When using OzoBlockly to write a program, you drag and drop instruction blocks together to form a script or program.
  • When Ozobot is executing a loaded program, its sensors are NOT working and Ozobot ignores lines, shapes, and colors drawn on the surface below.
  • The “Move” block in OzoBlockly directs Ozobot to drive forward or backward for a prescribed distance and speed.
  • When using the “Rotate” block in OzoBlockly, the ‘slight left or right’ turns ABOUT 45 degrees, the ‘left or right’ turns ABOUT 90 degrees, and the U-turn turns ABOUT 180 degrees.
  • The “Wait” block in OzoBlockly allows you to introduce a delay into a program between maneuvers.
  • The “Repeat” block in OzoBlockly can be used to make instructions within its body over and over a designated number of times or forever.
  • Do NOT place any instruction blocks after a “Repeat Forever” command as the program will never get passed the infinite loop of the “Repeat Forever” block.
  • Ozobot can store up to 500 OzoBlocky instructions in a program at one time
  • When drawing Ozobot codes with markers, it is important that the codes:
  1. Are NOT of different sizes
  2. Do NOT have white spaces in between them
  3. Do NOT have overlapping colors
  • Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs), similar to the Ozobot, are used in nearly every industry such as transporting materials for assembly lines, moving products in warehouses, and delivering food in restaurants or medicine in hospitals.
  • When an Ozobot has been successfully been calibrated, it will blink green.
  • When coding Ozobot using markers, it is important that the lines are not too thin, not too thick, and not inconsistent in width.
  • Programming, or coding, simply means telling a computer what to do.
  • A mistake in a program is called a bug.
  • Ozobot’s sensors are very sensitive to light and so the Ozobot must be calibrated often including EVERY time you switch from paper to a tablet or computer.
  • When using a tablet or laptop with the Ozobot, you should set the screen brightness to 100 %.