Pearland AAPC PresentsCoding on the Bayou

October 5, 2013

Coders , please join us for an amazing experience, 7 CEU's for ONLY $65.00!!!!!!

The Pearland AAPC Chapter is proud to present its 1st annual symposium "Coding on the Bayou". Our speakers have a wealth of knowledge on the topics being presented which include: Coding from a Medicare Advantage Perspective, to how to remain relevant in the world of coding and much more......

Please see the attached agenda and registration form. Being that this is our 1st symposium seating is limited to the first 50 paid attendees.

The cost is $65.00 which will be collected the day of the symposium via cash, check, or money order.

Confirm your attendance by emailing your completed registration form to .Once you attendance is confirmed you will receive a confirmation email with your confirmation number.

1 week prior to the event you will receive copies of the presentations and bio's on each presenter.

We sincerely appreciate your efforts forwarding our e-mails to your chapter members and colleagues!


Holiday Inn Express
13931 South Freeway
Pearland, Texas 77047

Registration will begin at 8:00am, and speakers will start promptly at 9:00am.

Coding on the Bayou

AAPC Pearland Symposium Agenda

October 5, 2013

8:00-8:45Registration- Check-In & Breakfast

8: 45-9:00Welcome


Speaker: Stephanie Y. Dean, CPC, RCC

Basics of Cervicocerebral Interventional Diagnostic Coding


Speaker:Mahwish Shaqir, MD

Anxiety from a Providers Perspective



Speaker:Reba Charleston

Motivation and Productivity – 10 Steps to Keep You Fit in Business and Life

12:10-12:40Lunch (Provided)


Speakers: Lindsay Davis, Business Development Manager, HIM Division

Ally Clardy Buckminster, Recruiter, HIM Division

Building a Career in Coding-Your Job Search


Speaker:Chaun Tatum-Williams, CPC

Coding from a Medicare Advantage Perspective



Speaker: Jimasha Shorter, CPC

Coding Rodeo- It takes a TEAM

Coding on the Bayou

AAPC Pearland Symposium Registration

October 5, 2013

Name: ______

(Include any credentials you would like on your name badge)

Address: ______

City/State/Zip: ______


Phone/Cell: ______Specialty:______

E-Mail: ______

(E-mail address is essential to notify you of confirmation and speaker outline availability)

Payment Confirmation $65.00- (Please circle one)

(This section just notifies the chapter of how you will be making your payment)

CashCheckMoney Order

Registration includes breakfast, lunch, and snacks. Speaker outlines will be available on the AAPC website. NO BOOKS will be provided at the Symposium.

Please send a completed registration form along with payment confirmation for each attendee.

A confirmation e-mail will be sent with your confirmation number. Seating will be limited to the first 50 attendees. The speaker presentations will be on the AAPC website as soon as they are available and you will be notified by e-mail.

Questions or need more information? Respond to this e-mail () and we will respond as quickly as possible.