St Luke Academies Trust

Minutes of theBoard of Directors meeting held on Tuesday, 22nd September 2015 at 6.30 pm at

St Edward’s School, Eastleigh Road, Kettering

Present: / Mr R Hill / Mr E McAuley
Mrs P Cuddihy / Mrs T Mitford- Barberton
Mrs M Hayes / Mrs N Vaughan (School Improvement Director)
In attendance: / Mrs L Doherty (Clerk)
Action required / Person responsible
70/15 / Opening Prayer
1. / The Opening Prayer was led by Mr R Hill.
72/15 / Elect Chairman
3. / The Clerk stated it was necessary to elect a Chairman for the academic year 2015/16.
It was proposed by Mr E McAuley, seconded by Mrs T Mitford-Barberton and unanimously agreed that Mr R Hill be elected as Chairman for the academic year 2015/16.
73/15 / Elect Vice Chairman
5. / The Clerk stated it was necessary to elect a Vice Chairman for the academic year 2015/16.
It was proposed by Mrs N Vaughan, seconded by Mr R Hill, and unanimously agreed that Mr E McAuley be elected as Vice Chairman for the academic year 2015/16.
6. / Mr R Hill took the Chair for the meeting.
74/15 / Apologies
7. / Apologies had been received from Mrs N Fletton, Mrs A Kilsby, Mr D Lally and Miss C Smith.
75/15 / Declarations of Interest
8. / Mrs P Cuddihy declared that her husband was the Chair of Governors at St Brendan’s.
It was noted that Miss C Smith was related to a governor at St Edward’s.
76/15 / Declarations of any other business not included on the agenda
9. / There was no declaration of any other business.
77/15 / Minutes of the meeting held on 14th July 2015
10. / The minutes of the meeting held on the 14th July 2015 were proposed by Mr E McAuley, seconded by Mrs P Cuddihy, and unanimously agreed.
78/15 / Matters arising
18. / 52/15 para 17 Governors Support Services
It was agreed that the Clerk would speak to Alison Webster regarding the costs for buying into Governors Support Services.
52/15 para 18 Training
Mr E McAuley stated he had made little progress in arranging training for the Directors and Academy Representatives (governors). He was waiting for a response from LGSS.
It was agreed that the School Improvement Director (SID) would contact S4S regarding Finance training.
67/15 St Brendan ‘s
It was noted that the application to sponsor St Brendan’s had been successful.
67/15 para 76 Financial Management and Governance Self Assessment (FMGS)
The SID has submitted the FMGS to the DfE although 6 items had not been completed. She explained that all items would be completed by the end of September when it would be re-submitted.
The exception would be the appointment of a CEO as the St Luke Academies Trust model of governance does not have a CEO in its structure.
67/15 para 78 Audit Scope
The SID had contacted Macintyre Hudson for an explanation of the process. They will require the financial accounts and risk register.
The School Business Managers and Bursars would need to produce a 3 year Finance Plan.
67/15 para 80 Lease Agreement
Mr E McAuley pointed out that the Lease Agreement was in respect of St Brendan’s not the Trust. / Contact Alison Webster
Contact S4S regarding Finance training / Lynda Doherty
Nicola Vaughan
79/15 / Appointment of Clerk
21. / The Clerk left the meeting.
It was agreed to appoint Mrs L Doherty as Clerk to the Board of Directors for the academic year
The Clerk returned to the meeting.
80/15 / Register of Directors' Interests
23. / The Clerk asked for all completed Declaration of Interest, Eligibility Forms and signed Code of Conducts to be returned to her by the 30th September. The forms would be inspected by the auditors during week commencing 12th October.
It was agreed that Head Teachers would remind their governors to return their forms to either Lynda or Alison. / Forms to Clerks / Head Teachers
81/15 / Review Committee Membership
24. / The Committee Membership was reviewed and agreed as follows:
Dun Scotus Trust
Mgr Kevin McGinnell
Mr John Hugh-Davies
Mr John Rogers
Mr Philip Reynolds
Ms Sue Imbriano
Board of Directors
Rob Hill (Chair)
Pauline Cuddihy
Nina Fletton
Maire Hayes
Anna Kilsby
Dermot Lally
Eamonn McAuley
Theresa Mitford-Barberton
Clare Smith
Nicola Vaughan
In attendance
Lynda Doherty (Clerk)
Leanne Brydon when required
Julie Rutherford-Bate when required
Audit Committee
Dermot Lally (Chair)
Nina Fletton
Anna Kilsby
In attendance
Lynda Doherty (Clerk)
Maire Hayes
Nicola Vaughan
Nathalie Young
Auditors when required
Finance and Resources Committee
Eamonn McAuley (Chair)
Rob Hill
Nicola Vaughan
In attendance
Lynda Doherty (Clerk)
Maire Hayes
Nathalie Young
Human Resources Committee
Clare Smith (Chair)
Anna Kilsby
Eamonn McAuley
Nicola Vaughan
In attendance
Lynda Doherty (Clerk)
Head Teachers when necessary
Pupil Outcomes Committee
Theresa Mitford-Barberton (Chair)
Nina Fletton (Vice Chair)
Rob Hill
Nicola Vaughan
In attendance
Lynda Doherty (Clerk)
Head Teachers when required
82/15 / Agree Scheme of Delegation
29. / The SID stated concerns had been raised regarding the number of committee meetings during the year.
It was agreed that the Committee dates would remain as previously agreed for the Autumn Term.
It was agreed that the first Finance and Resources meetings in October would combine the agendas of meetings 1 and 2, and the second Finance and Resources meeting would focus on local policies.
It was agreed from January 2016 there would be one FR committee meeting per term providing all items on the agendas in the Governance document were covered.
It was agreed that the policies would be split into Trust and Local level to aide policy writing and agenda setting. / Inform schools and Clerk
Inform schools and Clerk
List to be produced / Lynda Doherty
Lynda Doherty
Nicola Vaughan
83/15 / Review Trust aims and mission statement
30. / The Trust’s aims and mission statement were reviewed.
84/15 / Agree dates for committee meetings
31. / This item had been discussed earlier in the meeting.
85/15 / Review Trust website
34. / The SID stated that the website was under construction. It was anticipated that the website would be operational by the end of October.
The content of the website was discussed.
Directors were asked to submit their photographs for the website. / Photo for website / Directors
86/15 / Review and approve annual update of Trust Development/ Improvement Plan prior to submission to DfE on 30 September
37. / The SID would be producing a Trust Development Plan taking into account the Schools’ Development Plans.
She tabled a list of priorities which would form the basis of the Trust’s Development Plan.
She would be forming a Deputy Head Teachers Networking Group this year and was considering Finance and HR training for them as part of their CPD.
87/15 / Review achievement data for previous academic year
39. / The SID stated that the data would be reviewed by the Local Pupil Outcomes meetings the following week, and she would report back to the Board of Directors’ Pupil Outcomes meeting.
She presented the headline targets for information.
88/15 / Review management structure
40. / Following the e-mail exchange during the summer, it was resolved that Mrs Nathalie Young be appointed as the Trust Business Manager, which holds the role of Chief Finance Officer, from the 1st November 2015.
89/15 / Local Governing Body verbal reports
62. / St Brendan's - 14th September 2015
Mrs N Vaughan stated that Mr Andrew Cuddihy had been appointed at the Chair of the Governing Body.
It was noted that not all of the Foundation Governors have been appointed.
The SID had been based in the school to lead training days and support the school during the absence of the Head Teacher due to illness during the first two weeks of term.
It was noted that the Bursar and Site Supervisor were also on sick leave.
A Pay and Benefits Review was being undertaken. The SID was being very well supported by the HR department at the Local Authority (LA) during this process.
The SID would continue to support the Head Teacher for one day per week for the rest of the term.
An audit had been carried out by the LA and its findings were being addressed.
As a result of the report, it was anticipated there would be a small budget surplus at the end of the year.
As a result of the verbal report, it was agreed that St Brendan’s would not pay its contribution to the Top Slice this term.
Directors asked if there should be procedures in place for when schools were forecasting a deficit budget. It was agreed to review this on an individual school basis.
Our Lady's - 15th September 2015
Mr E McAuley stated that a Chair and Vice Chair had been elected and the membership of all Committees agreed.
The foci of the Local Governing Body would be data, challenging the senior management team, attendance, and preparing for Ofsted.
New staff were settling in and there were no issues at the moment.
In answer to a question, he confirmed that the Little Learners children do progress into Reception and are very well prepared for “school”.
It was noted that 53% of Reception children were Catholic.
St Edward - 16th September 2015
The Head Teacher stated there had been challenge on the ratification of the budget which had been approved by the Board of Directors.
It was confirmed that the term of office for all Academy Representatives was for four years from the 1st March 2015 (date of conversion) or the date of their appointment.
Staff training had been undertaken.
There had been 5 interests in the School Business Manager vacancy.
The Clerical Assistant had resigned.
Discussion took place regarding the membership of the Local Governing Body.
St Thomas More - 17th September 2015
There was no report.
90/15 / Policies for approval
68. / Premises Management
It was agreed to adopt the Local Authority’s Premises Management policy and procedures.
Anti-Harassment and Business Continuity Plan
The two policies had been discussed at the Board of Directors Finance and Resources committee meeting.
The SID had spoken to the Head Teachers and the differences between the Schools’ Admissions policies had been discussed and reviewed.
The implications of summer born children had been discussed.
It was agreed to name the four schools in the Trust on the Admissions policy.
It was proposed by Mr E McAuley, seconded by Mrs T Mitford-Barberton, and unanimously agreed to approve the above policies. / Policies to Local Governing Bodies / Lynda Doherty
91/15 / Any Other Business
72. / Asset Control Policy
The SID stated that the accountants have requested a change to the above policy with regard to capitalising depreciated items.
It was agreed that the basis for depreciation would be on the following month basis.
Head Teachers Meetings
The SID stated she would be meeting the Head Teachers three times per term and a report would be sent to the respective Chair of the Governing Body.
External Review
The Head Teacher stated that an External Review would be taking place at St Edward’s this term, and reviews would be undertaken at the other schools during this academic year. / Policy to be amended and SBMs informed. / Nicola Vaughan
92/15 / Date of Next Meeting
73. / The next meeting would be held on Tuesday, 1st December 2015 at 6.30 pm at Our Lady's
93/15 / Closing Prayer
74. / The Closing Prayer was led by the Chair.
75. / There being no other business, the meeting was declared closed at 8.50 pm.

Minutes of the Board of Directors meeting held on 22nd September 2015Page 1