Project Management Institute
Portland Chapter
Code of Conduct for PMI Component Volunteers of the Portland, Oregon Chapter
The PMI Portland Chapter commits all PMI Portland Chapter officers, directors, chairs, mentors, volunteers and members (hereinafter referred to collectively as the chapter volunteer/s) to ethical, businesslike, and lawful conduct, including proper use of authority and appropriate decorum when acting as a volunteer of the PMI Portland Chapter. Accordingly; these individuals must comply with the following rules of conduct:
1)Avoiding Conflict of Interests.
Chaptervolunteers must not breach their responsibility to PMI as a volunteer and must avoid conflict of interests, as well as the appearance of any conflict of interests, with respect to the following:
a)When the chapter volunteer is to provide, advise, or render other services as part of his/her duties upon an issue in which he/shehas an unavoidable conflict of interest, that individualshall excuse herself or himself, without comment, from all activities or discussions relating to that event and shall immediately advise achapterofficer of the conflict. This policy applies to both existing and future engagements.
b)Chapter volunteers will annually disclose their involvement with other organizations, vendors, or any other associations that might produce a potential conflict under this Code of Conduct.
2)Chapter volunteers must abide by Institute-wide policies.
3)Maintaining Confidentiality.
Chapter volunteers will respect any confidential information concerning PMI and their respective volunteer groups including, but not limited to contact lists and member data.
4)Chapter volunteers, past, current or future volunteers whether temporary or ongoing, or others handling PMI Portland Chapter information shall not use this information to solicit non-PMI business or events such as marketing for personal businesses, invitations and marketing for other events (unless specifically approved by the PMI Elected Board).
5)Compliance with Code of Conduct.
Chapter volunteers will annually acknowledge compliance with this Code of Conduct by completing an appropriate consent form(s) as provided by PMIPortland Chapter President. This Code is in alignment with the Institute’s Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct. Violations of this Code may constitute a violation of that Code and may result in procedures being brought under the Member Ethics Case Procedures, in addition to any corrective or other enforcement actions taken by PMI.
Chapter VolunteerConflict of Interest Disclosure
During such time I continue to serve as a chapter volunteer, I agree to notify PMI’s Component and Community Relations Department promptly if and when I determine that any additional actual, apparent or potential conflicts of interest with my duty to PMI arise subsequent to the execution of this form.
Please check and/or complete the appropriate section below:
Actual, apparent or potential conflicts:
There are no actual, apparent or potential conflicts.
Printed Name / Signature / DatePMIPortland Chapter Volunteer Position:
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