CoDA Texas Spring Board Mtg. Final Minutes – Revised 4/20/2012

DATE:Saturday, March 31, 2012 at 1:00 PM

PLACE:Camp Lone Star, LaGrange, Texas


Bob M.Chair

Terri S.Vice Chair

Marilyn B.Secretary

Calista M.Treasurer

Attendees: Bob M., Terri S., Marilyn B., Karen G., David Mc., Calista M., Cindi S., Ken S., Paula S., Tina P.

(Count = 10)

The meeting was called to order at 1:07 PM with the Serenity Prayer, Steps & Traditions



Marilyn B. read the Minutes, however, several members wanted to make changes. Motion passed to accept Minutes as amended.

TREASURER’S REPORT – Calista M. gave the Treasurer’s Report through December, 2011.

The checkbook balance was $5,322.08 as of January 1, 2012. As of March 25, 2012, the checkbook balance is $7,471.97 with a prudent reserve of $1,000 leaving operating cash of $6,471.97. Marilyn motioned to accept Treasurer’s Report, seconded by David Mc., motion passed unanimously.

BUDGET REPORT – Calista M. gave the Proposed 2012 Budget Report.

Proposed 7th Tradition Donations of $4,305 with proposed expenses of $6,183.11 leaving a negative balance of ($1,878.11). Motion unanimously passed to accept the Budget Report as read.

2012 STATE ASSEMBLY UPDATE – Tina P. reported that the North Austin Groups have agreed to host the meeting and she has a contact at the Courtyard Marriott at 9409 Stonelake in Austin, TX 78759. Meeting Rooms are $150/day and Rooms are $89/night. She will check into it further and try to set a date in Mid October or possibly the first of November.


Voting Entity Issues for CSC:

None discussed at this time. Any VE Issues need to be submitted toCSC 70 days before CSC which is July 10-13, 2012. All VE Issues should be submitted to the Secretary with the Intent by Mid April, 2012.

Webinar for CoDA Texas:

Bob M. mentioned that J.D. is willing to set up Webinars cost free which could be used for VE Issues, Bylaws Revisions and possibly Board Meetings. Karen G. motioned to discuss Bylaw Revisions in a Webinar Format by the middle of May.

CoDA Texas Bylaws Update:

Bob M. stated that he and Karen G. did discuss amending the Bylaws and she presented the changes to the Board. It was agreed that a 2/3 quorum count is the standard for Bylaw changes. A vote was taken to leave the 2/3 quorum in the Bylaws and accept Karen’s changes as well. This draft will be presented at the State Assembly. These changes must be sent to the Texas fellowship 90 days before State Assembly for a vote to approve. The result of the vote was 8 For and 2 Opposed 2, motion passed.

Karen also mentioned a draft Business Procedure document she created of information pulled from the Bylaws. This document could also include guidelines for Texas (e.g., more detail on officer duties, email guidelines and retreat and scholarship procedures, etc.).

Corrective Action to Austin & Paris Groups:

Paris Group: CSG of N. Texas will handle this issue.

Austin Group: Since Austin is forming a CSG; they will handle the issue.

World Committee Member Term Limits – Karen brought up that this was an issue with SOCAL and that it doesn’t concern CoDA Texas and should be dropped from discussion. The Board agreed to do that.


Resignation of Senior Delegate:

Robert G. felt it was in Texas CoDA’s best interest to resign as Senior Delegate since he could not attend most of the Board Meetings and other activities. Due to this resignation; David Mc. becomes Senior Delegate. Tina P. is the first Alternate for Junior Delegate but said she could not attend CSC because she had to work. Clint T. is the second Alternate so he would become Junior Delegate. Bob said he would ask Clint and Dephny Z. (next Alternate) if they could attend CSC.

Resignation of Electronic Liaison/Email Messenger:

Della B. resigned as Electronic Liaison/Email Messenger. She also was the Webmaster contact and distributed the Newsletter electronically. Bob stated that there are other Board Members that have access to her Distribution List and password. Bob asked for volunteers to take up this position, however, none came forward as yet.

CoDA Delegate/Alternate Registration Form:

David Mc. filled out the Form that needs to be submitted to CSC to be included in the CoDA National contact Directory and to represent CoDA Texas at CSC. He gave the form to Marilyn B. to have the alternates sign also.

Retreat Committee:

A person at the meeting read Traditions 2 and 9 stating that these Traditions had been violated by excluding her from the discussions and decisions regarding the retreat by the other Retreat Committee Members. They stated that Group Conscience procedures were not followed with a majority vote of the Committee. It was suggested that for next Retreat, the Guidelines described in the Fellowship Service Manual should be followed more closely.

Retreat Scholarship Issue:

It was discussed that before the retreat, a person wanting a scholarship was uncomfortable asking their new home group for money. Her anonymity was broken in the emails sent between the Committee Members. We need to set guidelines for retreat scholarships and include them in the Business Procedure Document discussed previously or possibly in the Webinar discussed earlier.

Retreat Feedback:

Last year; there was no retreat feedback envelope put out. Marilyn stated that it was forgotten due to the scrambling of putting the retreat together after the person who was supposed to coordinate the retreat resigned one month prior to the retreat without any preparation. It was decided by the Board to put out a Retreat Feedback Envelope out requesting feedback and asking for volunteers for next year’s retreat. Marilyn agreed to do that.

Addendum to Spring Board Meeting Minutes (Author: Della B. Date: November 09, 2012):
The original motion was for Robert G. or Bob M. to contact David C. and report to the Board in writing.
No such report has yet been presented to the Board; issue remains unresolved.

The intent of the motion was for an impartial person contact David C. Della B. had brought issue to state to request that an impartial person contact David C. because of past experience she was afraid to approach
David C. due to his past reactions.

EVENTS/ANNOUNCEMENTS mentioned by the Chair:

CoDA Service Conference (CSC) – July 10-13, 2012 in Asheville, North Carolina

International Convention - July 13-15, 2012 in Asheville, North Carolina

ADJOURNMENT with the Serenity Prayer at 4:00 P.M.

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