Topic / Discussion

COD Meeting Notes

January 15, 2004

Attendees: P. Eibeck, R. Evans, J. Blagg, M. Steger, R. Malotki, J. Anderson, H. Hopkins, J. Burton, S. Maxwell, C. Fox, N. Lund, D. Patton, P. Deegan, D. Bousquet, C. Connell, L. Gould, L. Huenneke, R. Lavery, C. Childrey, P. Haeuser, K. Appleby, A. Alicee, L. Grobsmith

Topic / Discussion
1. Updates – Liz Grobsmith / ·  Fees – Regent Herstam is unlikely to support fee increases. If NAU proposes a Health Center fee, we will abandon the IT fee. ACTION: Need to investigate the health fee for off-campus students. Tucson students use the UA center. Yuma students use the AWC nursing center. To recover $600,000 state dollars we need to charge students $80/semester and that’s too high.
-Some tuition and state dollars could be set aside to help with activity fee and IT fee.
-There are 43 requests for course fees above $50. Only one program fee for the UG Nursing program will be sent forward. This fee covers what the student needs to enter the program (e.g., tests, etc.). The Tri University Master of Engineering fee probably will not go forward.
-The university must set aside 14% for need based students. The President and cabinet will decide.
-One possibility for an IT fee may be to charge $1/credit hour and phase in a higher fee each year but this will not happen this coming year.
·  D. Bousquet noted that 204 people have paid deposits for enrollment.
·  Endowed scholarships will not pay out this year. They are all on hold. Donor letters have not gone out. The deans will be asked to share this information with donors. ACTION: Need a university message about this for the community. Lisa Nelson will investigate.
·  A newsletter for faculty and staff within academic affairs will begin soon.
·  The partnership agreement with NAU and Yavapai will go to the January board meeting.
·  A memorial service and reception for Bryan Short will take place on Tuesday, January 20, 4-6 p.m. Donations will be accepted for a memorial fund.
·  Lipman Hearne will meet with the COD on Friday, Jan. 16, 8:30, Student Union.
·  May 6 COD is cancelled.
2. University Calendar – L. Nelson, J. Dillon, J. Kuhn / ·  Many of the deans expressed interest in having their own calendar. ACTION: Contact Jeff Dillon if colleges want to set up their own calendar.
·  May need a calendar for academic affairs (e.g., UC101, Faculty Development, etc.). ACTION: Liz to discuss with Provost’s Group.
3. Annual Report on Academic Programs / ·  Some secondary education programs are not listed. ACTION: Pam to meet with the deans regarding those programs.
·  Common elements requires that a community person/alumnus needs to be on the APR committee. ACTION: Pam will contact ASU and UA to see how they are handling stipends and travel expenses to the external folks.
·  Low productivity must be addressed in the self study for academic program reviews. PAIR can assist with this activity.
4. Web TA funding – P. Eibeck / ·  ACTION: Add this item to next COD meeting.
·  Current policy covers the costs for off campus and on campus costs are spread out amongst several areas.
·  The policy provides very generous funding based on the 21st day enrollment figures. A group of deans have worked on the modified policy and a draft was sent to all deans and associate/assistant deans. Many of the deans are uncomfortable with the lower amount of funding for online courses. ACTION: Pam will send an e-copy of the handouts to the deans.
·  DLS is coordinating the payout. Faculty can request a minimum enrollment and if enrollment is higher they will get additional dollars after the 21 day enrollment. The proposed change in payout is as follows: $25 for UG will increase to $80 for off campus and $65 for on campus; $20 for Graduates will increase to $100 for off campus and $80 for on campus. TA management stipend stays the same and is capped at $1,000. If a faculty members has more than 90 students, a separate contract will be developed.
·  ACTION: Pam will take this to the chairs council.
5. Campus Sustainability Plan – L. Grobsmith / ·  The President’s Cabinet has reviewed the plan and will take action on it. The plan increases efficiency and economy in a number of areas. October will be energy awareness month.
·  The plan will go to the strategic planning committee for review. ACTION: Send your comments or concerns to Provost Grobsmith.
6. UC101 – P. Eibeck / ·  ACTION: Add this item to the next COD agenda.
·  Chairs Council agreed to eliminate UC101 in its present form and to fund things that are currently working.
·  The Chairs Council agreed to be more active in Previews and Welcome Week.
·  An optional pilot model where students achieve the goals established would be agreeable to the chairs. There is sufficient funding to keep an optional model.
·  There is pressure from ABOR to have tenure and tenure track faculty in lower division courses which makes staffing for UC101 difficult to achieve.
·  If UC101 goes away there would need to be alternative courses in the colleges which would accomplish the same thing. The money for UC101 will not be redistributed.
·  The Curriculum Committee must send forward a proposal to make it optional or eliminate by Fall 04.
·  ACTION: Deans to discuss UC101 with their faculty.

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