Coastal Management Role Play

Role-plays will be prepared and performed and the class will question those students in each role to clarify and explore alternative solutions proposed for the Thirlmere Lake wetlands. (Outcomes: 5.3; 5.5; 5.6; 5.8, 5.9)



Thirlmere Lakes are a unique wetland that is believed to be 15 million years old. The Lakes are within Thirlmere Lakes National Park, part of the Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area.

Over the last ten years, the water levels in Thirlmere Lakes have declined and members of the community have expressed concern at the low water levels. The reason(s) for the declining water levels is unclear.

From a Draft Report May 2012

The Committee, consisting of 4 scientists and one community member, undertook a survey of available data and information, completed several desktop evaluations, collected field data to check information, and received a number of contributions from the community, industry and local and state government.

Calls for submissions, notices of the meetings, and activities of the Committee were publicised via a website, local newspapers and radio, and direct contact with community, industry and local government. Two community consultation meetings were held, on the 30th and 31st March 2012. This report was released in draft form for community comment. All submissions and the report were made available on the Inquiry website.

The Committee examined information on rainfall, lake levels, geology and geomorphology, regional hydrology, groundwater, seismic activity, mining and its relation to groundwater, mine subsidence, bushfires, and European and Traditional Custodian records of the lakes. The Committee received information from the community, mining company (Xstrata) and local government, and also undertook its own library and database searches.


Group Roles

For your role-plays investigate the following:

·  The perceptions of your nominated group

·  What decision-making process they would undertake before acting on or making a decision

·  The consequences of any geographical and decision-making processes

·  What the implications are for social justice and equity from your perspective

1.  Local Government

2.  State Government

3.  Local Residents

4.  Environmentalists

5.  Xstrata (Mining Company)