COAST Principal Office, Date: January 23, 2017

Subject: PO Staff Meeting MInutes

The PO Staff Meeting was held on January 23, 2017 in PO at 1000 hours where Executive Director presided the meeting. All Assistant Directors, Deputy Directors and Heads along with Director were present in the meeting. Following are key issues of discussions and decisions;

  1. Picnic review: Though few gaps with food quality, singer team and prizes over all the picnic was good and every one enjoyed it very much. After different discussions the meet took the decision below:
  2. We will organize two events each year; at June dinner party and at January annual Picnic with our colleagues of principal office along with our family members.
  3. We will search new cook for programs in future and ensure more games and events among us during picnic.
  1. COAST jacket and cookeries:
  2. Next winter COAST will procure sweaters with and without hoots along with T-shirts for staffs.
  3. For all offices we will prepare plates, cups with small COAST logos and appropriate speeches.
  1. Thinking for 2017; Management:
  2. Operational responsibilities should be delegated to Head level so that Assistant Directors and Deputy Directors may use their optimum time for strategic relations and issues. They can spent more time on Networking in International, National and local level along with system development and introducing innovation in programs and projects.
  3. We should enhance our knowledge level through reading newspapers and other knowledge sources; sharing and networking with peer level colleagues of other organizations, attending different National and International seminars etc.
  4. Our challenges are lacking of generic skills of Head level and family dissatisfactions of colleagues and lacking of leadership. He who is an initiator, has tendency of not avoiding problems but try to solve the problems is a leader.
  5. What we have to do; 1st providing Management leadership training to Head, RTL, RPCs, PCs and Monitoring Officers of different projects and 2nd providing training on communication proficiency; writing email and understanding English.
  1. Thinking for 2017:Accountable to learning: COAST always emphasis its colleagues to be updated on knowledge. We have facilitated laptop, pad, newspapers and magazines. We sometimes get hopeless with some of our colleagues. So we have to measure the learning and knowledge.
  2. In RTLs will arrange staff test for PCs and from PO Director will take initiatives.
  3. Through email question will be sent and the participants will answer through return mail within specific time. They will be informed in advance about the subjects and examination time.
  4. The colleagues, who got less than 40% marks, will face increment held up punishment. And COAST colleagues, who have no attitude on constant learning, will be recognized and dropped.
  5. Thinking for 2017; New approach:
  6. We are thing of new sections as below that will have focal for each section and will organize regular meeting.
  7. Financial Audit, Risk and Compliance
  8. Human Resource, Administration standards and Discipline section
  9. Advocacy, development communication and Image building
  10. Technology integration
  11. We will not increase more human resources in central level but do our job within coordinated way.
  12. In future management training course should be included manner and courtesy
  13. We will go for face book policy MujibulHaqueMunir will lead this.
  14. We will go for developing child protection policy for COAST and AD-GT&CR will lead this.
  15. We will not provide lap top to area managers and auditors.
  16. As soon as possible we will go for software for our human resource management.
  17. Admin and finance sections will work for faster final payment because it creates face loss to organization.
  18. Service staffs should have cleaning standard and roster daily basis. Especially we should ensure one staff that will be engaged cleaning al time.
  19. COAST colleague should visit COAST website’ this will be an agenda in the next MCM and PPMM.
  20. Head-ICT will lead ICT meeting round the month.
  21. We will organize learning sharing sessions at COAST PO monthly basis.
  22. We will go for a survey to know against whom staffs feel fear to complaints and why.
  1. Annual staffs Conference
  2. Dates: CMTC 31st January, BMTC and Outreach-11 Feb, Chittagong Region- 18 Feband Noakhali Region March -4. AD-CP will leadCox’s Bazar, DD-ME&IA will Lead-Noakhali, DD-FC&CA will lead Chittagong and Director will leadBhola Conference. The lead persons will take care of successful completion of the events.
  3. Songs for staff conference are; জাতীয়সংঙ্গীত, মুক্তিরমন্দিরসোপানতলে--, আনন্দলোকে--- আগুনেরপরশমণি
  4. Outline-1: discussion on energizing working environment, upholding five years plan and open secret method; to write down events that motivated and to write down events that de-motivated one and finally good and weak sides of COAST. The program will start at 9 am and will be closed at 3.00 pm.
  5. Annual Report 2016; by 15th March 2017 Annual Report will be published. MujibulHaqueMunir will lead the composition with discussing to ED for theme and priority. PCs and others will get 15 days’ time for literature and photos. The theme of the report will be “Intelligently Influencing”
  6. Life skill Philosophy Manual completed by 5th Feb’17 by Director.
  7. The 3rd anniversary of the Radio Meghna will be observed simply and Head-ICT will be responsible for this.
  8. AD-SA&DRR will give emphasis on the analysis and collection efficiencies of overdue mobilization and also he will encourage the staff for giving more efforts.
  9. Fund raising thrust for 2017 will be on adolescent girls, Radio Meghna and climate migrants.
  10. The stores of PO, CMTC and BMTC will be clean out with unused papers and materials. DD-FC&CA and Director will be responsible for PO and respective RTLs will be for centers.

Documented by: Edited by

Shawkat Ali Tutul, Sanat K. Bhowmik

Assistant Director, SA&DRR.Director