
Special Meeting of the Board of Chief Elected Officials

June 23, 2016 -- 10:00am

Members Present: Gary Choate, Melissa Dennis, Lee Doolen, Gary Phillips, Bruce Smith, Jack Stewart, and Ray Vaughn

Regrets: Rod Cleveland, Mike Pearson

Guests: Bill Elliott, Tracy Harjo, Ashley Sellers

COWIB Staff: Bill Bryant, Phil Floyd, Eddie Foreman

The notice for this special meeting was properly filed with the county clerk of Oklahoma County on May 31, 2016.

The agenda was posted at the Central Oklahoma Workforce Investment Board, 3813 N Santa Fe, Suite 135, Oklahoma City, OK, on June 21, 2016, at 9:30am.

1. Call to Order

Melissa Dennis called the meeting to order at 10:00am sharp. The members of the board convened at the offices of the Pottawatomie County Commissioners, 14101 Acme Rd., Shawnee, OK.

2. A Quorum was declared with 7 voting members being in attendance.

3. Approval of Minutes of the May 25th Meeting

Jack Stewart moved to approve the minutes of the May 25th meeting; seconded by Lee Doolen. VOTE: All Aye; motion carried.

4. Presentation of Business Services

Phil Floyd was recognized, and he described a broad set of services that are available to businesses through the COWIB’s Business Services team. He circulated a written summary of these services.

As an example, Mr. Floyd related the story of a small company in Oklahoma City that sells and leases material handling equipment. They needed forklift technicians. The Business Services team helped the company to create a job description, advertised the job opening on www.okjobmatch.com, and produced a “Hot Jobs” video that was shared widely on the internet. Additionally, the COWIB’s EMSI software package was used to produce a customized report on Service Technicians in the labor market area.

Other available services include the “Fit First Jobs” online assessment package, information about the Work Opportunity Tax Credit, and “Interview Stream” – an online tool for conducting job interviews remotely via the web.

At the end of the presentation, Eddie Foreman offered to prepare a 9-county report from the COWIB’s EMSI software. The report will cover jobs available, skills required, and other relevant topics.

5. Discussion and Possible Action on Risk Management Report

Foreman was recognized. He distributed copies of a 7-page report describing the concept of risk assessment. He noted that self-assessment tools are available online through our provider of liability insurance. Other handouts were provided for informational purposes.

Foreman reported that he has begun a thorough assessment of risks faced by the Board of Chief Elected Officials, and it is not complete yet. It will be finished by the time of the next BCEO meeting in August. He would like to present a complete assessment to the board on August 25th.

There was no action on this item: No motion; no vote.

6. Discussion and Possible Action on Budget for PY ‘16

Two proposals were presented. Foreman distributed copies and described each one.

Each proposed budget identified four categories of income: (i) WIOA Adult / Dislocated Worker allocation; (ii) WIOA Youth funds; (iii) Revenue from the Tulsa Workforce Board (for services provided as their Employer of Record); and (iv) Revenue from the South Central Workforce Board (for services provided as their fiscal agent).

Considering the new funding that is expecting for PY 2016 as well as carry-over from PY 2015, we expect to have income in the amount of $4,919,822.

Planned expenditures were described. Foreman reviewed each line item. He offered comments about spending requirements / limitations that are given in the WIOA law.

Discussion: Foreman noted that this year’s budget represents a loss of about $600,000 in grant funding from the current program year – the result of the allocation formula that is used to allot funds to local areas in the state. He described the allocation formula briefly. A significant share of funds is allocated on the basis of the number of persons who live in Areas of Substantial Unemployment (ASU’s). This factor is volatile. It can change dramatically from year to year.

Foreman described the second budget option. It differs from the first option only in the fact that it provides extra funding to add a member to the COWIB’s Business Services team. Foreman proposes to assign the new Business Services representative to serve the eastern portion of the COWIB area.

The budget is labeled as “interim” because we don’t yet know exactly what our carry-over amounts will be. It was suggested that a final budget can be presented in August.

Gary Choate moved to approve the second budget option – the one with the extra funding for “Board Program” services. Lee Doolen offered a second. VOTE: All Aye; motion carried.

(A copy of the approved interim budget is attached).

7. CEO Report

Foreman reported that the first meeting of the new Central Oklahoma Workforce Board was held yesterday, June 22nd. Thirty-five members were in attendance (out of 43 appointments). The new COWIB officers are:

Tim Yaciuk … Chair

Theresa Stewart … Vice-Chair

Darci Williams … Vice-Chair

A Request For Proposals (RFP) will be published soon. It will be for the purpose of selecting a WIOA Service Provider for the 9-county area. The RFP will describe a list of performance measures that the service provider will be required to achieve. Foreman indicated that he will send this list to the members of the BCEO board as an informational item. Additionally, he announced that he will form a review committee to evaluate the proposals after we receive them. He invited BCEO members to express their willingness to participate in the review process.

Regarding the certification of the new COWIB board, Foreman reported that there was a meeting on Tuesday of the Workforce System Oversight Committee (WSOC) of the Governor’s Council for Workforce and Economic Development. The WSOC committee voted to recommend the certification of the new COWIB board.

8. Other Business

There was no other business. No citizen participation. No announcements.

9. Adjourn

A motion was made to adjourn, and it was seconded. Vote: All Aye; motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 11:12am.

Prepared by:

Bill Bryant



Melissa Dennis