Coalfield Communities Campaign

Report to Community Committee – February 8th 2005

Tim Jones (Salford CC) and Anne Parkes (Groundwork Manchester, Salford and Trafford)

  1. Purpose of this Report:

Salford City Council, working with Groundwork Manchester, Salford & Trafford Ltd, has been successful in securing £225, 000 from the NW Coalfield Communities Campaign. It is proposed that this funding be invested to support and develop projects in & around Clifton, adjacent to the Newlands LIVIA site.

The purpose of this report is to update the Community Committee, and ask for feedback, input into and approval for the proposed programme of activity, prior to its start.

  1. Introduction to the NW Coalfield Communities Campaign (NWCCC)

NWCCC, with support from the Northwest Development Agency, seeks to accelerate the revival of those former coalfield communities in the North West that continue to suffer from the economic, environmental and social legacies of the coal mining industry.

Coalfield communities, exhibiting common regeneration issues, have been identified across the North West, in both the Lancashire and West Cumbrian coalfield areas. In most cases, these are smaller communities where mainstream regeneration programmes have failed to address the local community legacies of the coal mining industry. The NWCC programme looks to link with other public sector programmes, including the regional economic strategy.

  1. Coalfield Communities Campaign Investment in Salford

£225, 339 has now been approved for investment in regeneration projects in Clifton, starting Jan 2005 and to be completed by end March 2007.

In Salford, the Coalfield Communities Campaign funding has been matched with existing investment from the Newlands Programme (LIVIA). By linking the 2 programmes, it is envisaged that the benefits of both will be optimised.

The approved breakdown and phasing* of the NWCC funding is:

Capital / £135, 205
Revenue / £ 90, 134
  1. Current Proposal for Spend – for consideration and approval by Community Committee:
    The proposed investment plan is summarised below for your consideration – subject to approval. This plan was put together based on input from key community members and representatives. However, further ideas may exist for projects in the area.
  1. Capital:

The bid highlighted 6 projects / schemes that could be supported with capital funding over the next 2 years:

  • Clifton Resource Centre
  • Operation Gate It around Clifton Green
  • Green Gym
  • Swinton Car Project
  • Swinton and Pendlebury Anglers
  • Open Space Improvement Programme

This programme of projects was identified as a result of early consultation and discussions with the local community, councillors and officers. Any additional fundraising by officers (see below) would enable further projects to be considered or more investment to be made in the current programme of projects. Any changes to the capital programme would be subject to Community Committee and / or Clifton Initiative agreement.

  1. Revenue:

It is proposed that £90k of the funding is invested in revenue to provide additional, dedicated resources to the area in order to:

  • Support local organisations and community members in the delivery of regeneration projects that meet their needs, whilst maximising the benefits from the funding available
  • Provide training and capacity building with these groups and individuals to raise their confidence to continue such projects in the area, after the CC Programme is complete e.g project management, fundraising
  • Secure additional match funding to support the Coalfield Communities and Newlands funding already in place e.g. Operation Gate It

It is currently proposed that the following posts are secured to support the programme:

  • Project Officer (3 days per week) – Officer in Post:
    To manage the day to day coordination of the programme, liase with community representatives, ensure that objectives meet the needs of the community at large, and that key milestones and outputs are achieved and reported across the programme.
  • Outreach Youth Development Worker (Full - time):
    To work with young people from the community to ensure their inclusion in the community and specifically in the development and delivery of these projects. To investigate the wider needs and issues affecting young people in the area, and build them into the programme. Particular emphasis would be placed on inter-generational working – ensuring that the programme brings together all ages of the community to develop truly sustainable projects, and help to tackle any issues that are present.
  • Additional Revenue funding is ring-fenced in the programme. This will be utilised as required to deliver the programmes objectives e.g. sessional workers.

Recruitment for any vacant positions will be undertaken following the partners’ Equal Opportunities policies. A local focus (Clifton & wider Salford) will be ensured to maximise opportunities for local people. A representative from the Clifton Initiative would be sought to approve the job specification, shortlist candidates and sit on interview panels.

  1. Next Steps:

In order to move forward with the programme, Salford CC and Groundwork now seek approval for the programme. The key milestones are laid out below:

Feb:Report to Clifton Initiative for approval

Meeting with Members for sign off

March: Detailed Programme Timetable developed for approved programme

Recruitment of Youth Development Worker

Community involvement in initial projects starts

April:All staff in place, full programme commences.

CCTV project delivered on Clifton Green

Annex 1 Detailed description of Proposed Projects for Support

A number of projects were identified for support and for the purpose of submitting the bid.

(A) Clifton Resource Centre

The resource centre is located in a row of shops adjacent to Clifton Green and is at the heart of the community. At present the centre is closed as a resource to the community, previously the opening times and quality of the services provided was sporadic.

The Resource Centre has now been refurbished and a number of support services are willing to provide a range of services from this centre. However some funding will be required to carry out additional minor works on the building and provide assistance towards the running costs.

Potential Service Providers operating from the Clifton Resource Centre:

  • Neighbourhood Management Team, Salford City Council
  • Councillor Surgeries
  • Swinton Familes
  • Primary Care Trust
  • Salford Community Network
  • Swinton & Pendlebury Anglers Club
  • Greater Manchester Police.
  • Greater Manchester Fire Service
  • Newlands Project/Forestry Commission

(B) Swinton Car Project

The car project is currently run by volunteers supported by the Swinton Youth Partnership. The project engages young people some of who have criminal records for car related offences.

Key aims of the project are:

  • Engaging young people
  • Provision of diversionary activities thus reducing youth nuisance
  • Providing attendees with road safety knowledge
  • Reducing car crime in the area
  • Providing tuition on car repair and maintenance

Potential to link tuition to vocational qualification

(C) Swinton & Pendlebury Anglers

To support the Club in the construction of fishing access for disabled users and the development of an educational resource at the mere off Queensway. The club has a membership of over 125 adult and 45 young people from the area.

Key aims of the project are:

  • Construction of 5 fishing pegs with disabled access
  • Increased site usage
  • Development of a small pond for use by local schools as an educational resource
  • Improved of access for anglers and other site users and to provide continued support to group with various youth and community projects.

(D) Green Gym

A number of partners in Salford are looking to establish a Green Gym for the Salford area. This entails individuals undertaking practical physical improvements.

This would operate in a number of areas of Salford visiting the Pendlebury area on a rota basis managing local woodlands, improving footpaths, enhancing grounds in schools and gardening.

The Green Gym would not only benefit the local environment but would help to tackle a number of the health issues in the area. Work would also help to reduce fear of greenspace usage.The attendee of the Green Gym works at their own pace and it will be suitable for people of any age, fitness or ability.

The Green Gym will be run by BTCV in partnership with Salford PCT who will promote the Green Gym through local health practitioners who recommend the Green Gym to their patients.

(E) Open space improvements Programme scheme

The area has real potential in relation to links to the open spaces surrounding the estate. There are many natural environmental assets close to the area but these suffer from dereliction, neglect, anti-social behaviour and under use by legitimate users. If improved in partnership with local people these areas could become a real asset, providing many benefits, a fact that has been recognised and demonstrated by Newlands Programme funding.

Key aims of the project are:

  • To engage local residents on environmental improvement programmes
  • To develop schemes with a focus on gateways and routes through the area
  • To enhance the image, accessibility & safety
  • Improve the streetscape scene
  • Prevent further deterioration

(F) Operation Gate It

To assist in the funding of the installation of a CCTV system to cover the Green at Clifton and adjacent areas. This would be linked to a 24 hour monitoring and recording station. This project has been requested by local residents, businesses and community groups in the area. The project has been developed in partnership with the Salford community Safety Unit and the police.

Key aims of the project are:

  • Install monitored CCTV System
  • To safeguard employment
  • To safeguard CCP / Newlands investment
  • Encourage investment in the area
  • Reduce anti-social behaviour
  • Remove perceptions of fear in local residents
  • Engage the community.

Link between Proposed Coalfield Communities Programme and Salford City Council Pledges

Working with the Salford Partnership (LSP) the council has aligned it’s Pledges with the Themes of the Community Plan (see below). This project will support all of the Pledges in the following way: -

  • Improving Health in Salford – through direct promotion of health improvements, dietary advice and displays and demonstrations, working with the PCT to achieve these through the community resource centre.
  • Reducing Crime in Salford – through a number of elements of the project. Working with Greater Manchester Police to utilise the resource centre for the provision of safety and security advice to residents and local businesses; and in particular through the Car Project which will target youths involved in anti-social behaviour encouraging them to get involved in diversionary activities, improve road safety knowledge, reducing car crime and possibly leading to vocational learning opportunities in car repair and maintenance. In addition to this the provision of cctv around Clifton Green will reduce crime in an area badly affected, encouraging additional investment in the area.
  • Encouraging Learning, Leisure and Creativity in Salford – in particular a number of elements of the project will lead to more active leisure pursuits through the provision of improved footpaths, cycleways, green gym concept etc. Residents will be directly involved in the development and implementation of these projects providing learning opportunities, enhancing their skill levels and providing a range of opportunities for building their social skills.
  • Investing in Young People – several elements directly aimed at improving opportunities for young people, provision of additional and diversionary services and allowing them to fulfil their potential.
  • Promoting Inclusion in Salford – as set out elsewhere in this document the area being targeted with this funding suffers from its industrial past which has left a legacy of poverty, low self esteem, poor quality of environment etc. This project will tackle a number of poverty issues and social inequalities, increasing the opportunities to get involved in local community activities and in shaping the future of their own area. This will build pride and self esteem amongst residents.
  • Creating Prosperity in Salford – a number of elements should lead to increased investment in the area. Building up learning opportunities should produce a long term benefit of a more marketable workforce, some residents will gain valuable skills and qualifications, including vocational learning opportunities. Improving the image of the area will secure existing and attract additional investment.
  • Enhancing Life in Salford – the project is directly aimed at improving the area from social, economic and environmental perspectives. It should create an area that is good to live in with a much improved local environment, at both streetscape scene level and through the wider open areas that have suffered from coalfield and other industrial dereliction.