CoALA Annual Meeting: Minutes
CALCON 2013 – Loveland, Co.
October 18, 2013
Attendee / Name / CoALA roleSIS / Sarah / Smith / President
PM / Paul / Mascarenas / President-Elect
SH / Shelley / Harper / Past President
SK / Sue / Keefer / Community College Rep.
Absent / Andrea / Klemme / Member-at-large
Absent / Julie / Fronmueller / Member-at-large
JH1 / Julie / Huddle / Secretary
LB / Linda / Bolling
MB / Marcia / Butler
DC / Dawn / Combe
CF / Caroline / Franklin
MG / Martin / Garnar
JH2 / Julia / Havelick
DH / Dina / Hornreich
TK / Tamera / Kirch
KO / Kim / O’Neill
CO / Carole / Olds
BR / Bette / Rathe
LR / Lindsay / Roberts
KV / Kelly / Visnak
TW / Tiffanie / Wick
- Introductions
a. New Board Members – Paul Mascareñas, Julie Huddle, Sue Keefer, Andrea Klemme
b. Attendees – see table above.
CoALA Summit
a. Virtual vs. Physical: Financial Ramifications
SIS / We have $141 in our budget for programming from ACRL Chapter funds; possible restrictions
SH / CoALA has used up all of its seed money for conferences.
MG / Offering CoALA programs online would be cheaper and allow more people to attend. Organizing clusters of participants by geographic location could be possible. Good back-up plans are needed to ensure that technical problems can be easily resolved. Workshop presenters could offer Skype presentations and this would eliminate travel expenses for programming.
LR / I would like some face-to-face encounters via clusters.
SH / It would be nice for participants to register for online summits by presentation. While most participants have engaged in all online summit presentations in the past, this might not be the case all the time.
b. Changes to CoALA’s By-Laws
SIS / Do CoALA’s by-laws need to be changed to allow more flexibility for us to schedule and plan summits and conferences?
- What’s next for CoALA? Ideas from Membership
- CoALA Conference w/in CALCON
MB / Some conferences and summits hosted by CoALA have attracted few participants. We need to rethink conferences. Is spring the best time to hold our conference? We need to make sure travel is possible.
SIS / CoALA conferences could be held in conjunction with CALCON via breakout sessions.
MG / We could cover topics like (1) implementing information literacy; (2) electronic resource management and acquisition; (3) building partnerships with school librarians to support literacy; (4) future of library services. Some of these topics could be planned via partnerships with other CAL associations like CASL.
JH2 / These topics sound great. Currently CALCON doesn’t offer many sessions that specifically address academic librarian issues
LR / I often get cool ideas from public librarians. I like the idea of partnering with other associations.
JH1 / Offering CoALA sessions within CALCON would give academic librarians more opportunities to present – something they need to do for tenure and promotion.
MG / This year’s CALCON was modeled after the r-squared program since it was so successful.
TK / I liked the 4th floor makerspaces idea
CO / We can help school librarians who are struggling.
SIS / Can we partner with CASL?
JH2 / We could definitely explore the high school to college transition with respect to information literacy
MB / I felt rushed when planning our last conference.
SIS / The Virginia Academic Library Conference w/in a Conference is a good model that we can explore.
JH2 / Enrollment in our conferences/sessions will increase if we partner with other library organizations.
- LIS Article Discussions
SIS / CMC colleague suggested that CoALA host LIS-related article discussions
BR / Could CoALA run a Listserv discussion on topics where librarians could earn continuing education credits, something that could be applied towards tenure?
MG / That would be a great use of our Listserv
KV / We could create a local journal for critical reviews, perhaps an electronic journal
MG / We used to have a peer-reviewed portion of CAL’s journal that we could revive.
BR / There seems to be a hiatus in publishing articles right now.
JH1 / Could we adapt Listserv discussions and use them to write articles?
TK / Perhaps CoALA could host blog sessions that could likewise be turned into journal publications and post video materials on the CoALA website.
JH2 / We need to promote mentor-mentee relationships that would help students [and professionals - SIS] publish their first papers.
TK / Do I have to pay to publish?
- Library Instruction Un-conference
SIS / An un-conference would involve participants bringing topics to discuss, perhaps organizing sessions by geographic clusters if not held by virtual means.
PM / Ask Academic Committee worked well. We could do this in breakout sessions and discussion sessions.
SIS / We need to cluster in locations with a critical mass of academic libraries.
MG / Library Camp of the West, Steve Austin (??). Engage these institutions as well.
CF / CC out of the box. It’s good to have different approaches.
SIS / Instruction librarians can learn a lot from each other
PM / Library instruction could be a part of CALCON
SIS / Tech services -- could do the same thing / different tracks.
MB / We could call it “All things instructional.”
CF / There is a WordPress Conference in Denver that costs $25.
TK / Track with Open Sources
LB / Covering tech service topics would be great – and it would draw people from there.
BR / Cataloging workshop
MG / We could partner with tech service division and organize an event with them
TW / It would be nice to do a workshop on government documents. We could work with Gov Pub or another partner
KV / CamiliaAlire (ALA, ACLR past pres, REFORMA) is very disappointed with CAL.
SIS / Reforma should be active everywhere. They could be one of our partners.
KV / Start with a recommended speaker: Camilia speaking about leadership in academic libraries.
SIS / She could also be invited to be our keynote speaker for the conference within a conference
MG / Campuses with dual language programs. Regis has connections with past presidents of Reforma.
SIS / Single mothers need childcare while they attend classes. This is hard to incorporate on campuses – issue to explore?
- Volunteer Opportunities
a. Board Positions (2014-15)
SIS / Serving on CoALA board is an act of service to your profession. Please consider stepping up next year.
b. Event Planning and Hosting, etc.
SIS / I will contact you for help with our online/cluster projects, local networks
MG / Regis is available to host online events.
TK / The Hampden Center at the University of Denver can host events.
Everyone was thanked for their attendance and participation.