Coaching and Mentoring Program: Advanced Pedagogy in Signed Language 27 October 2014
Program Announcement
Victorian Deaf Education Institute
Coaching and Mentoring Program: Advanced Pedagogy in Signed Language
The Victorian Deaf Education Institute is seeking teachers of the deaf to join an exciting opportunity for professional learning as part of its coaching and mentoring program.
In Victoria, an educational option available to students who are deaf is attendance at a school offering a bilingual program employing Auslan as the language of instruction with English represented in written form and/or spoken form. Teachers of the deaf require a high level of competence in Auslan and in the pedagogy of using signed language in the classroom.
For students using signed language to communicate, improved skills in pedagogy promoting evidence based practice may result in programs that target their individual development and clarify the teaching skills and strategies involved.
The Victorian Deaf Education Institute is providing the opportunity in the context of a variety of settings for five Victorian teachers of the deaf to develop signed language pedagogical knowledge and practices in2015in an online format.
Who would benefit from this opportunity?
This coaching and mentoring program is for five Victorian teachers of the deaf working with students who are developing their signed language skills in a bilingual education setting, to learn from a mentor (expert practitioner) in signed language pedagogy.
What will I learn?
Each teacher of the deaf will develop their knowledge and practice of specific teaching techniques using signed language in their educational settings.
The program has two main components.
Part 1: Completion of course EDUC6858 Advanced Pedagogy in Signed Language
School term one and two require enrolment in EDUC6858 Advanced Pedagogy in Signed Language via the University of Newcastle non-award program, which includes participation in an online Blackboard component and attendance at a three-day VDEI-based professional learning program to be held in Melbourne on April 28 – 30, 2015. For more information of the course, please see:
Part 2:Coaching and Mentoring Program -Advanced Pedagogy in Signed Language
School terms three and four involve intensive online mentoring, which includes analysis or recorded teaching of the teacher of the deaf and of the mentor, Dr Breda Carty.
All online components are to be completed out of school hours.
How is this time structured?
Part 1
- Enrolment in the Advanced Pedagogy in Signed Language.
- Lectures: in 3 day format (first term, April 28 – 30, 2015)
- Topics will include:
- Introduction to the linguistic features of Auslan relevant to its use as a language of instruction
- Theory and practice of code-switching between different types of sign communication, including natural sign systems
- Demonstration and analysis of specific teaching techniques using signed language, including explanation of new concepts, using questioning effectively, and managing group discussions
- Translating texts from English to Auslan
- Translating texts from Auslan to English
- Theory and practice in assessing Auslan development
- Assessing and teaching English language and literacy through sign language
- Assessing and teaching aspects of spoken language skills for students who sign (including visual phonics)
- Creating and adapting resources for sign language- using families and classrooms.
- Projects: - Evidence based teaching resource utilising both Auslan and English to be posted and discussed in an online format.
Part 2
- Self Directed Learning: Professional reading and collaborative responses to readings through guided questions (a minimum of five per school term)
- Presentations: Individual - Presentation and discussion of individual videotaped teaching activities, completion of log summarising responses
- Analysis of teaching videos using Auslan modelled by an expert practitioner
- Individual feedback to participants following mentor analysis of their videoed teaching
- Reflective journal and documentation of reflective practice
- Group videoconference discussions
What are the eligibility requirements?
The following requirements are required for eligibility:
-High-level Auslan proficiency is required as there will be no interpreters. Dr Carty will conduct video interviews with applicants.
-Mandatory course requirement (University of Newcastle): AuslanProficiency Rating Scale Level 3 or equivalent. All core courses in MSpecEd or demonstrated equivalent.
-Academic: Qualified teacher of the deaf
-A formal description of signed language practice
-Professional experience in a bilingual educational program
-Principal’s letter of recommendation and endorsement
-Participating teachers of the deaf are required to have attended at least two of the following VDEI workshops conducted by Michelle Baker and Michelle Stark in 2013 or 2014:
- Language experience approach to reading
- Reading and assessment
- Sign language narrative, Written language narrative
- Sign language development in children
- The contact sign continuum and its application to the classroom
- It’s all in their hands – supporting signing deaf children to read
-Dr Carty may interview prospective participants, prior to their selection for the course.
What assistance is provided?
VDEI is able to provide funding for five Victorian teachers of the deaf to complete this 12 month program.
If you would like to be a part of this program and participate in the Advanced Pedagogy in Signed Language Coaching and Mentoring Program, please complete the Expression of Interest form and return by email to before close of business on 14 November 2014.
You will be advised of the outcome of your application by 5 December 2015
If you would like more information, please contact VDEI at
or telephone: 90326400
Expression of Interest
Coaching and Mentoring Program: Advanced Pedagogy in Signed LanguagePlease complete this form and email to before close of business 15 November 2014
- Why are you interested in joining the Coaching and Mentoring Program:Advanced Pedagogy in Signed Language?
- Describe signed language pedagogy.
- What professional development have you taken part in over the past two years?
- Provide a brief summary of your professional experience.
How long have you been an Auslan user?
- List additional qualifications in Auslan.
- What do you hope to gain from the experience of participating in the Coaching and Mentoring: Advanced Pedagogy in Signed Language program?
The Principal’s endorsement is required to accompany this application.
(Please scan this page once completed and attach it to the completed of interest).
In completing this form it is acknowledged that this application has been made with full endorsement of the Principal (and Coordinator if applicable) for the prospective participant to attend the full time required to participate in this program and to complete the report following.
School name…………………………………………………………………………………
Principal’s signature:………………………………………………Date: …………….....
Coordinator’s signature………………………………………… Date: ……………….
Name and signature of teacher of the deaf applying for a position in the program
Name………………………………………………………………… Date: …………….
Signature…………………………………………………………… Date: ……………….
Email completed expression of interest and completed endorsement to VDEI at: