题库2 1--15
1.A mail-order company sells packages of jam,
each containing three jars of jam. The avail-
able flavors are: grape, orange, strawberry,
peach, and quince. Each jar contains exactly
one flavor of jam. Each package must
conform to the following rules:
Each package must contain either two
or three different flavors of jam.
A package containing any orange jam
must also contain at least one jar of
A package containing any grape jam
must also contain at least one jar of
Peach jam and quince jam cannot be
packed in the same package.
A package containing any strawberry
jam must also contain at least one jar
of quince, but a package containing
quince jam need not contain
strawberry jam.
Which of the following is an acceptable package?
One jar of peach, one jar of strawberry,
and one jar of orange
One jar of orange, one jar of strawberry,
and one jar of grape
Two jars of strawberry and one jar of
Three jars of peach
Three jars of orange
An acceptable package CANNOT contain
which of the following combinations of jams?
Grape and peach
Peach and quince
Orange and peach
Orange and grape
Strawberry and quince
Which of the following could be packed with
a jar of strawberry to make an acceptable
One jar of peach and one jar of orange
One jar of grape and one jar of orange
Two jars of quince
Two jars of orange
Two jars of grape
A jar of which of the following must be packed
with a jar of orange and a jar of peach to make
an acceptable package?
Which of the following pairs of jars of jam
could be packed with a jar of orange to make
an acceptable package?
One jar each of orange and strawberry
One jar each of grape and strawberry
Two jars of orange
Two jars of grape
Two jars of strawberry
Which of the following CANNOT be two of the
three jars of jam in an acceptable package?
One jar of strawberry and one jar of peach
One jar of grape and one jar of orange
Two jars of orange
Two jars of grape
Two jars of strawberry
An acceptable package CANNOT contain
two jars of
2.Three women (R, S, and T ) , twomen (U and
V), and four children(W, X ,Y, and Z) are
going to a concert. They have a total of nine
seats for the concert, but the seats are in three
different sections of the hall; they have a
group of three adjacent seats in each section.
For the concert, the nine people must divide
into groups of three according to the following
No adults of the same sex can be
together in any group.
W cannot be in R's group.
X must be in a group with S or U
or both.
IfR is the only adult in one group, the other
members of her group must be
W and X
W and Y
X and Y
X and Z
Y and Z
IfR and U are two of the three people in the
first group, who can be in the second and third
groups, respectively?
S, T, W; V, Y, Z
S, W, Z; T, V, X
S, X ,Y; T, W, Z
T, V, W; S, Y, Z
W, X , Y; S, V, Z
Which of the following pairs of people can
be in the same group as W ?
R and Y
S and U
S and V
U and V
X and Z
Which of the following must be true?
One of the women is in a group with two children.
One of thetwo men is in a group with W.
R is in a group with a man.
T's group includes exactly one child.
One of the groups includes no children.
Any of the following pairs of people could be
InX' s group EXCEPT
R and U
S and T
S and U
S and W
T and U
IfT, Y, and Z are in one group, which of the
following must be together in one of the other
R ,S, V
R ,U, W
S, U, W
S, V, W
U, V, X
3. A shopkeeper is preparing gift boxes of
candy. Each box will contain exactly two kinds
of hard candy to be selected from F,G, and
H, and exactly three kinds of sot candy to be
selected from P, Q ,R, S, and T, with the
following restrictions:
G cannot be in the same gift box as T.
P cannot be in the same gift box as S.
Q cannot be in the same gift box as T.
IfG is included in a gift box, which of the
following is a kind of candy that must also
be included?
IfH isnot included in a particular gift box,
any of the following kinds of candies can be
included EXCEPT
Which of the following kinds of candies must
be included in each of the gift boxes?
IfT is included in a gift box, the box must also
include which of the following kinds of candy?
F and G
F and H
G and H
P and R
R and S
In a gift box that contains an acceptable
assortment of candies, which of the following
substitutions will always result in another
acceptable assortment?
P for S
Q for R
S for R
T for P
T for Q
4. Access to the XRT computer's data sets
is obtained by entering job names into the
computer. Each job name must consist of
a three-word sequence that conforms to
the following rules:
Each word must consist of three,
five, or seven letters.
The letters R, T, and X must each
appear exactly once in each job
name, not necessarily in that order.
The third word must contain more
letters than the second word.
Each word must begin with a
different letter.
Which of the following could be a job name for the
XRT computer?
IfBOXER is the second word in a job name for
the XRT computer, which of the following could
be the first and third words, respectively?
IfEXTRA is the third word in a job name for the
XRT computer, which of the following CANNOT
be the second word?
The sequence of words MOTHS, VE X , MAR is
not a possible job name for the XRT computer.
Which of the following procedures, if performed on
the sequence, produces a sequence that could be a
job name for the XRT computer?
Reversing the order of the letters in a specific
word and removing a specific letter from the
longest word
Reversing the order of the letters in a specific
word and reversing the order of the three
Reversing the order of the letters in a
specific word
Reversing the order of the three words
Removing a specific letter from the
longest word
How many letters can the second words in job
names for the XRT computer have?
Three, but they cannot have five or seven
Five, but they cannot have three or seven
Seven, but they cannot have three or five
Three or five, but they cannot have seven
Five or seven, but they cannot have three
5. The manager of a repertory theater company
is planning a schedule of productions for the
company's five-week summer festival. Two
different plays will be scheduled for each of
the five weeks. The ten plays that will be
scheduled are four plays by playwrightR, two
plays by playwright S, two plays by playwright
T, one play by playwrightU, and one play by
PlaywrightV. The scheduling is subject to the
following restrictions:
No two plays by the same playwright
will be scheduled for any of the five
weeks, except for week 3, for which
two plays by playwrightR will be
The play by playwrightV will be
scheduled for week 5.
No play by playwrightS will be
scheduled for the same week
as any play by playwrightR.
Which of the following could be the two plays
scheduled for week 1 ?
Two plays by playwrightR
Two plays by playwrightS
A play by playwrightR and a play by
playwright S
A play by playwrightR and the play by
playwright U
The play by playwrightU and the play by
playwright V
If the plays by playwrightR will be scheduled
for weeks 2,3, and 4,which of the following
must be true?
A play by playwrightS will be scheduled
for week 2.
A play by playwrightS will be scheduled
for week 5.
A play by playwrightT will be scheduled
for week 2.
A play by playwrightT will be scheduled
for week 4.
The play by playwrightU will be sched-
uled for week 1.
If the plays by playwrightS will be scheduled
for weeks 1 and 2, which of the following must
be true?
A play by playwrightR will be scheduled
for week 4.
A play by playwrightT will be scheduled
for week 1.
A play by playwrightT will be scheduled
for week 4.
A play by playwrightT will be scheduled
for week 5.
The play by playwrightU will be sched-
uled for week 4.
Which of the following pairs of plays CANNOT
be scheduled together for any week?
A play by playwrightR and a play by
playwright T
A play by playwrightR and the play by
playwright U
A play by playwrightS and a play by
playwright T
A play by playwrightS and the play by
playwright U
A play by playwrightT and the play by
playwright U
If a play by playwrightS and the play by
PlaywrightU will both be scheduled for the
same week, which of the following must be
A play by playwrightR and a play
by playwright T will both be scheduled
for the same week.
A play by playwrightS and a play
by playwright T will both be scheduled
for the same week.
The play by playwrightU will be scheduled
for week 2.
A play by playwrightS will be scheduled for week 4.
A play by playwrightT will be scheduled for week 5.
6. A woman plans to plant exactly six kinds of
herbs: marjoram, oregano, parsley, rose-
mary, sage, and thyme. She places six pots
side by side in a straight line and numbers
the pots consecutively from 1to 6. She will
plant only one kind of herb in each pot. The
arrangement of the herbs is subject to the
following conditions:
Oregano must be planted in a pot with
a lower number than the pot in which
parsley is planted.
Marjoram must be planted in a pot with
a lower number than the pot in which
thyme is planted.
Sage cannot be planted in pot 1.
Rosemary must be planted in a pot
immediately adjacent to the pot in
which oregano is planted.
Which of the following arrangements of herbs
from pot 1 through 6, respectively, conforms to
the conditions above?
Marjoram, sage, thyme, parsley,
rosemary, oregano
Oregano, parsley, marjoram, thyme,
sage, rosemary
Rosemary, oregano, marjoram, sage,
parsley, thyme
Sage, marjoram, thyme, rosemary,
oregano, parsley
Thyme, oregano, rosemary, marjoram,
parsley, sage
If sage is planted in a higher-numbered pot
than parsley, which of the following must
be true?
Sage is planted in a higher-numbered pot
than oregano.
Sage is planted in a higher-numbered pot
than marjoram.
Sage is planted in a higher-numbered pot
than thyme.
Parsley is planted in a lower-numbered
pot than marjoram.
Parsley is planted in a lower-numbered
pot than rosemary.
If thyme is planted in a lower-numbered pot
than oregano, which of the following must
be true?
Thyme is planted in a lower-numbered
pot than sage.
Thyme is planted in a lower-numbered
pot than rosemary.
Oregano is planted in a lower-numbered
pot than sage.
Oregano is planted in a lower-numbered
pot than rosemary.
Oregano is planted in a lower-numbered
pot than marjoram.
If parsley is planted in a lower-numbered pot
than marjoram, marjoram could be planted in
which of the following pots?
If oregano is planted immediately adjacent to
thyme, which of the following must be true?
Marjoram is planted in pot 1.
Sage is planted in pot2.
Rosemary is planted in pot3.
Oregano is planted in pot 4.
Thyme is planted in pot 5.
7. A doctor has prescribed an exercise program
for a patient. Choosing from exercises P, Q ,
R, S, T, U, V, and W, the patient must per
form a routine of exactly five different
exercises each day. In any day's routine,
except the first, exactly three of the exercises
must be ones that were included in the routine
done on the previous day, and any
permissible routine must also satisfy the
following conditions:
IfP is in a routine,V cannot be done in
that routine.
IfQ is in a routineT must be one of the
exercises done after Q in that routine.
IfR is in a routineV must be one of the
exercises done after R in that routine.
The fifth exercise of any routine must be
either S or U.
Which of the following could be the routine for
the first day of the program?
P, R ,V, S, U
Q ,S, R ,V, U
T, U, R ,V, S
U, Q ,S, T, W
V, Q ,R ,T, S
If one day's routine isP, Q ,W, T, U, each of
the following could be the next day's routine
Q ,R ,V, T, U
Q ,T, V, W, S
W, R , V, T, U
W, T, U, V, S
W, T, S, P, U
Which of the following is true of any
permissible routine?
Pcannot be done third.
Q cannot be done third.
Tcannot be done third.
R cannot be done fourth.
U cannot be done fourth.
If the patient chooses R and W for the first
day's routine, which of the following could be
the other three exercises chosen?
P, T, U
Q ,S, V
Q ,T, V
T, S, U
T, S, V
IfR is the third exercise in a routine, which of
the following CANNOT be the second exercise
in that routine?
8. A student is planning his class schedule for the fall and
spring semesters. He must take exactly three courses
each semester. By the end of the spring semester, the
student must complete at least three courses in Area F,
at least one course in Area G, and at least one course
in Area H. The only courses available to the student
Area F: F102,F201,F202,F203
Area G: G101,G102,G103,G201
Area H: H101,H102,H202
The selection of courses is subject to the following
A student can take no more than two courses
with the same letter designation per semester.
Courses with a number designation in the 200's
are offered only in the spring semester;
courses with a number designation in the 100's
are offered in both the fall and spring semesters.
No course taken in the fall semester can be
repeated in the spring semester.
Which of the following is a course
that the student must take?
Which of the following is a possible
schedule for the spring semester?
F102,G101, and F202
F102,G101, and G102
F201,F202, and H102
G101,G102, and G201
G102, G201, and H101
If the student takesG101 and G102
in the fall, his spring schedule must
F201 and F202
exactly one course from Area G
exactly one course from Area H
9. At a cooking school , sixclasses --F, G, H, J,
K, and L--are to be scheduled to meet for one
demonstration each during an all-day seminar.
Each demonstration is 45 minutes long, and
the only possible starting times for theclass
meetings are 9 a.m., 10 a.m., 11 a.m., 2 p.m.,
and 4 p.m. The schedule of class meetings
is to be established in accordance with the
following conditions:
F cannot meet at the same time that
G meets.
H must meet earlier in the day than F.
J must meet in the afternoon.
None of the other classes can meet
at the time thatK meets.
L can meet in the morning or in the
Any of the following could meet at 4 p.m.
IfJ meets at some time before K meets, which
of the following could be true?
Fmeets at some time after J meets.
G meets at 4 p.m.
Kmeets at 2 p.m.
Lmeets at 2 p.m.
Lmeets at some time after K meets.
IfF meets at 10 a.m. and none of the classes
meets at 4 p.m., which of the following must
be true?
H meets at some time before L meets.
H meets at some time before K meets.
Kmeets at some time before G meets.
Lmeets at the same time that G meets.
Lmeets at the same time that J meets.
IfH meets at 2 p.m., which of the following
must be true?
Fmeets later in the day than L.
G meets at 2 p.m.
G meets in the morning.
Jmeets at 2 p.m.
Kmeets in the morning.
10. Two-way roads exist among the following
towns surrounding a mountain:
Between M and N
Between M and O
Between O and R
Between R and T
Between R and U
Between T and P
Between P and S
There is also a one-way road between
town P and town N; the permitted
direction of travel is from P to N.
None of these roads intersect each
other except at the towns.
There are no other towns or roads in
the vicinity.
Bicycles must follow the direction
established for general traffic on
To bicycle from S to N by road, it is
necessary to go to or through town
If a rock slide temporarily makes the road
between O and R impassable, then in order
to reach M by road from U, a bicyclist would
have to go to or through a total of how many
other towns besides M and U ?
If a bridge on the road between M and O
is washed out, making the road impassable,
a bicyclist would NOT be able to go by
road from
N to M
N to S
P to M
P to S
R to M
If a rock slide blocks a lane of the road from
R to T, with the result that travel on the road
can go only one way, from R to T, it will still be
possible to go on a bicycle by road from P to
N and/or S but impossible to go to M, O,
R , T, or U
N,S, and/or T but impossible to go to M,
O, R , or U
M,N, O, and/or T, but impossible to go
to S, R ,or U
M,O, R, S, and/or T but impossible to
go to N or U
M,N, O, R ,S, T, and/or U
Assume that one lane of the road from O toR
Isclosed for repairs, with the result that travel
on the road goes only one way, from R toO.
It will then be possible to travel by road on a
bicycle among any of the towns M, N, O, P,
R ,S, T, and U, among which such travel was
possible before the closing, if which of the
following one-way temporary roads is
From M toU
From P to R
From S to R
From S to U
From T to U
IfM is lower and T is higher on the mountain
than any of the other towns in the vicinity and if
N, P, and R are all at the same altitude, the
distance by road going from U to S will be
shortened by building a two-way road along
a level straight line between