Student Name: ______

CO2 Car Design Portfolio Instructions

Before you design

  • Think about the weight of the vehicle. “Who runs faster? A guy who is 6 foot and 150 lbs or a guy who is 6 foot and 300 lbs?
  • Think about aerodynamics. Is the wind more likely to blow you over if you’re standing up or if you’re laying flat on the ground?
  • Keep in mind that you have to leave space for your Co2 Cartridge in your design. It is 2 inches or (51 mm) long.
  • Follow all instructions in your booklet
  • On your graph paper the top square is for Top View of your car. The bottom is for side view.
  • You will turn in your drawings; make sure you put your name on them.

Co2 Car Specs
Car Spec / Max / Min
Body Length / 12" / 7"3/4
Body Width / NA / "3/4
Width at Axel hole / NA / 1"3/8
Height at Rear Wheel / NA / 2"1/4"
Wheel Base / 10"5/8" / 4"1/8"
Eye Screw Dist Apart / 10"5/8" / 6"1/8"


Four (4) plastic wheels

Four (4) Small Washers

One (1) block of wood

Two (2) Metal Axles

Two (2) Eye Screws

One (1) Straw


  1. Each student must complete an Engineering Designfolio documenting the process.
  2. Each team must submit a prototype of CO2 Car and conduct testing of the prototype.
  3. Each team must submit the CO2 Stat Worksheet which is the last page in this document
  4. Each student must submit a learning objective summary for the project.This rubric will be used to evaluate your extension activity:

Category / Below Average / Average / Excellent
Defining a Problem / Rephrases the problem with limited clarity. / Rephrases the problem clearly. / Rephrases the problem clearly and precisely.
Brainstorming / Contributes few or implausible ideas. / Contributes a plausible idea. / Contributes multiple plausible ideas.
Researching and Generating ideas / Contributes ideas, but without documented research. Produces incomplete sketches. Does not present a concept. / Contributes one plausible idea based on documented research. Produces marginally accurate pictorial and orthographic sketches of design concepts. / Contributes multiple plausible ideas based on documented research. Produces accurate pictorial and orthographic sketches of design concepts.
identifying Criteria and Specifying Constraints / Does not restate the criteria clearly and fails to identify constraints. / Restates the criteria clearly and identifies several constraints. / Restates the criteria clearly and precisely and identifies many constraints.
Exploring Possibilities / Inadequately analyzes the pluses and minuses of a variety of possible solutions. / Satisfactorily analyzes the pluses and minuses of a variety of possible solutions. / Thoroughly analyzes the pluses and minuses of a variety of possible solutions.
Selecting an Approach / Selection of solution is not based on consideration of criteria and constraints. / Selects a promising solution based on criteria and constraints. / Selects a promising solution based on a thorough analysis criteria and constraints.
Developing a Design Proposal / Design proposal is inadequate and lacking pertinent information. / Design proposal is adequate, containing all pertinent elements. / Design proposal is accurate and comprehensive.
Making a Model or Prototype / Prototype meets the task criteria to a limited extent. / Prototype meets the task criteria. / Prototype meets the task criteria in insightful ways.
Testing and Evaluating the Design using Specifications / Testing and evaluation processes are inadequate. / Testing and evaluation processes are adequate for refining the problem solution. / Testing processes are innovative.
Refining the Design / Refinement based on testing and evaluation is not evident. / Refinements made based on testing and evaluation results. / Significant improvement in the design is made based on prototype testing and evaluation.
Creating or Making it / Finished solution (product) fails to meet specifications. / Finished solution (product) meets specifications. / Finished solution (product)exceeds specifications.
Communicating Processes and Results / Solution presented withlimited accuracy. Limited supporting evidence on how the solution meets the task criteria. / Solution presented accurately. Some supporting evidence on how the solution meets the task criteria. / Solution presented concisely with clarity and accuracy. Extensive supporting evidence on how the solution meets the task criteria.
Specifications / The solution is missing more than one of the required specifications listed in the design brief. / The solution meets all but one of the required specifications listed in the design brief. / The solution meets all of the required specifications listed in the design brief.
Learning Objective Summary / Learning objective summary (one page maximum) indicates student unrelated knowledge related to the design challenge. / Learning objective summary (one page maximum) indicates student knowledge related to standards addressed in the design challenge. / Learning objective summary (one page maximum) indicates student in depth knowledge related to standards addressed in the design challenge.

Learning Objective Summary

  • For your learning objective summary, explain what you learned about the affects of weight and aerodynamics on the speed of a vehicle with that has the same motor.

Engineering Design Process Folio

Name / Group Members
Date Started / Due Date
  1. Define the Problem

What need or want must be met by the solution?

  1. Brainstorming

In the space provided, sketch three possible solutions to the given problem. Remember to be creative!

3. Research and Generating Ideas

In the space below, document your research. Be sure to include proper citations at the end of your notes.

  1. Identifying criteria and specifying constraints

What are the criteria and constraints?

Materials List

  1. Exploring possibilities

Reflect on your brainstorm ideas and research notes. Generate any additional designs which you feel meet the criteria and constraints in the space below.

  1. Selecting an Approach
  2. Enter the constraints of the project in the first column.
  3. Score each sketch for each constraint. + = 3 pts., √=2 pts., - = 1 pt.
  4. Total the columns and circle the highest score.

Constraint / Sketch 1 / Sketch 2 / Sketch 3
  1. Developing a Design Proposal

Take your highest scoring sketch and create working drawings on graph paper provided (sketches with dimensions, so that you could build your project). Attach your working drawings to this sheet.

  1. Making a model or prototype

In the space below, document (using digital pictures) your construction of the model/prototype. Be sure to include a picture of the final model/prototype.

  1. Testing and Evaluating the Design, using specifications

As you create your solution, you will perform tests to make sure that the solution is meeting the needs of the given problem. If you solution does not work, you may need to repeat the previous steps of the Engineering Design Process, until you find a functional design. In the space below, document the type of test you conducted and the results.

Test Performed / Test Results
  1. Refining the Design

Based on your tests, propose refinements to the design and construction of the design problem in the space below.

  1. Creating or Making It

If time allows, modify your model/prototype as proposed in refining the design. What additional steps would be necessary to produce this solution for mass market production?

  1. Communicating processes and results

Present your completed design portfolio as an oral presentation to the class.

Student Name: ______

Co2 Car Racing Stat Sheet
Racers Name / Car Weight / Time 1 / Time 2 / Distance / MPH / Velocity

To calculate Velocity use the following formula

Velocity= Distance/Time


Ex) If the Distance is 50ft and the car traveled that distance in a time of 1.18 seconds then we do: 50/1.18 = 42.22

Velocity = 42.22

The following link will be helpful in the calculation of MPH