Columbia Christians for Life (CCL)
Columbia, South Carolina
July 19, 2016
Trump VP Mike Pence, professing Evangelical Christian,
co-sponsored some Personhood Bills while in US Congress,
Jan 2001 - Jan 2013
Historical Note: If elected, a Vice President Mike Pence would be the first
officeholder in the last 43+ years since the abominable, unconstitutional,
evil Roe v. Wade SCOTUS Opinion to become US President or Vice President,
who previously co-sponsored federal Personhood legislation.
Congressman Mike Pence (R-IN) served in the US House of Representatives
from the 107th Congress (Jan 2001-Jan 2003) through the 112th Congress
(Jan 2011-Jan 2013).
Congressman Mike Pence co-sponsored some Personhood Bills in the 109th
(HR 552), 110th (HR 618 and HR 4157), 111th (HR 881), and 112th (HR 374) Congresses.
[ Note: HR 552, HR 618 and HR 4157 were all principled Personhood Bills, HR 881 and HR 374 slightly flawed. ]
Congressman Pence also did NOT co-sponsor several other Personhood Bills
in the 107th (HR 2763), 108th (HR 579 and HR 3069), 109th (HR 776), 110th
(HR 1094 and HR 2597), 111th (HR 227 and HR 2533), and 112th (HR 212
and HR 1096) Congresses.
[ Note: All of these bills were principled Personhood Bills. ]
Note: Additional details about each and all of these bills are available further below in this e-mail report.
The Hill
Trump introduces Pence as unifier
July 16, 2016, 11:45 am
[ excerpts, emphasis added ]
Donald Trump formally unveiled Indiana Gov. Mike Pence as his running mate Saturday, calling him
the key to unifying the Republican Party after a tumultuous primary season.
"One of the biggest reasons I've chosen Mike, one of the reasons is party unity, I have to be honest,"
Trump said before introducing Pence at the Hilton Midtown in New York.
When Pence finally took the stage, he introduced himself as a "Christian, [ a ] conservative and a Republican, in that order."
Pence, who was also a House lawmaker from 2001 to 2013, could improve Trump's conservative bona fides and help appeal to the party's base.
The contents of this site are ©2016 Capitol Hill Publishing Corp., a subsidiary of News Communications, Inc.
Full Speech: Mike Pence Speaks After Being Announced Trump VP (7-16-2016)
Video - 13:48
Views - 76,305 views
@ 3:45 - "I'm a Christian, a conservative, and a Republican, in that order."
Mike Pence
Religion: Protestant [ sic - Evangelical ] [ Community Church of Greenwood, Greenwood, IN.
( Note: hyperlink added ) ]
US Congressman, Indiana 6th (2003-13)
US Congressman, Indiana 2nd (2001-03)
The Heritage Foundation
[ CCL Note: The faux "conservative" Heritage Foundation is infested with members of the NWO's
Council on Foreign Relations ( CFR ), including Senior Management member, "Distinguised Fellow"
Dr. Kim Holmes. Heritage Foundation Co-founder and past President, and current Senior Management member, Dr. Ed Feulner is Roman Catholic, Jesuit - controlled Knight of Malta Papal Crusader,
Bohemian Grove, Club for Growth, Council for National Policy (Board of Governors, Executive Committee). Dr. Ed Feulner is also a current member of The Heritage Foundation Board of Trustees. ]
What You Didn't Know About Rep. Mike Pence of Indiana
Posted 11/15/06
[ excerpt, emphasis added ]
He received a bachelor's degree from Hanover College in 1981 and a J.D. from Indiana University School
of Law in 1986. It was at Hanover that Pence converted to evangelical Christianity and changed his
politics, inspired by Ronald Reagan's economic beliefs.
Mike Pence’s religion
Posted on 9 January 2013
[ excerpts, emphasis added ]
In 1994, the Indianapolis Business Journal published a terrific profile of the 35-year-old Pence. There, he described his faith quite openly: “I made a commitment to Christ. I’m a born-again, evangelical Catholic.”
You don’t see that combo every day, even in Indiana, but the Journal had caught Pence at a time when
he was oscillating between his upbringing and his evangelical faith. Pence’s parents raised their children
Catholic, and Pence served as an altar boy and went to a parochial school. In college, however, he fell in
with a nondenominational student fellowship group he wouldn’t tell me which one and made his “commitment
to Christ.” That didn’t end his commitment to Catholicism, and when Pence graduated in 1981 he worked as
a full-time Catholic youth minister and even applied to D.C.’s Catholic University. The plan was to become
a priest, he told the Journal, and while it didn’t work out Pence was still attending mass in the late ’80s,
when met his wife at Indy’s St. Thomas Aquinas.
At some point in the mid ’90s, Pence and his young family switched to an evangelical mega church.
(In 1995, he told the Indianapolis Star that they attended the city’s Grace Evangelical Church.)
Congressman Mike Pence's record of sponsorship and non-sponsorship
of Personhood Bills in the United States House of Representatives,
January 2001 - January 2013:
Congressman Mike Pence co-sponsored some Personhood Bills in the 109th (HR 552),
110th (HR 618 and HR 4157), 111th (HR 881), and 112th (HR 374) Congresses.
[ Note: HR 552, HR 618 and HR 4157 were all principled Personhood Bills,
HR 881 and HR 374 slightly flawed. ]
Congressman Pence also did NOT co-sponsor several other Personhood Bills in the
107th (HR 2763), 108th (HR 579 and HR 3069), 109th (HR 776), 110th (HR 1094 and HR 2597),
111th (HR 227 and HR 2533), and 112th (HR 212 and HR 1096) Congresses.
[ Note: All of these bills were principled Personhood Bills. ]
1) Personhood Bills introduced in US House of Representatives in the 112th U.S. Congress (2011-2012):
Pence NOT co-sponsor - HR 212, "Sanctity of Human Life Act" - Introduced in US House, January 7, 2011
Pence YES co-sponsor - HR 374, "Life at Conception Act " - Introduced in US House, January 20, 2011
( slightly flawed*** )
Pence NOT co-sponsor - HR 1096, "Sanctity of Life Act of 2011" [removes jurisdiction of Federal Courts***]
- Introduced in US House, March 15, 2011
*** Note: The flaw in this otherwise good Personhood Bill was inclusion of one 22-word sentence which
needed deletion, which denied requiring prosecution of woman for murder of her child.
***Note: As per power authorized to US Congress in Article III, Section 2, Clause 2, US Constitution
2) Personhood Bills introduced in US House of Representatives in the 111th U.S. Congress (2009-2010):
Pence NOT co-sponsor - HR 227, "Sanctity of Human Life Act" - Introduced in US House, January 7, 2009
Pence YES co-sponsor - HR 881, "Right to Life Act " - Introduced in US House, February 4, 2009
( slightly flawed*** )
Pence NOT co-sponsor - HR 2533, "Sanctity of Life Act of 2009" [removes jurisdiction of Federal Courts***]
- Intro. in US House, May 20, 2009
*** Note: The flaw in this otherwise good Personhood Bill was inclusion of one 22-word sentence which
needed deletion, which denied authorizing prosecution of woman for murder of her child.
***Note: As per power authorized to US Congress in Article III, Section 2, Clause 2, US Constitution
3) Personhood Bills introduced in US House of Representatives in the 110th U.S. Congress (2007-2008):
Pence YES co-sponsor - HR 618, "Right to Life Act" - Introduced in US House, January 22, 2007
Pence NOT co-sponsor - HR 1094, "Sanctity of Life Act of 2007" [removes jurisdiction of Federal Courts***]
- Intro. in US House, February 15, 2007
Pence NOT co-sponsor - HR 2597, "Sanctity of Life Act of 2007" [removes jurisdiction of Federal Courts***]
- Intro. in US House, June 6, 2007
Pence YES co-sponsor - HR 4157, "Sanctity of Human Life Act" - Introduced in US House, November 13, 2007
***Note: As per power authorized to US Congress in Article III, Section 2, Clause 2, US Constitution
4) Personhood Bills introduced in US House of Representatives in the 109th Congress (2005-2006):
Pence YES co-sponsor - HR 552, "Right to Life Act" [includes definitions] - Intro. in US House (109th),
February 2, 2005
Pence NOT co-sponsor - HR 776, "Sanctity of Life Act of 2005" [removes jurisdiction of Federal Courts***]
- Intro. in US House, February 10, 2005
***Note: As per power authorized to US Congress in Article III, Section 2, Clause 2, US Constitution
5) Personhood Bills introduced in US House of Representatives in the 108th Congress (2003-2004):
Pence NOT co-sponsor - HR 579, "Right to Life Act of 2003" - Intro. in US House (108th), February 5, 2003
Pence NOT co-sponsor - HR 3069, "Right to Life Act" - Intro. in US House (108th), September 10, 2003
[added definitions]
6) Personhood Bill introduced in US House of Representatives in the 107th Congress (2001-2002):
Pence NOT co-sponsor - HR 2763, "Right to Life Act of 2001" - Intro. in US House (107th), August 2, 2001
Prepared by Columbia Christians for Life, PO Box 1222, Columbia, SC 29211
[ This Report posted at, click on ‘Personhood Act’ page, Item #130. ]