State University of New York at Buffalo
School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
Faculty Council 2016-17
Meeting Minutes of June28th, 2017
Location: / 144 Farber Hall, UB South Campus
Members present:
Dean’s Office / Michael Cain
Biochemistry / Bogdan Beriowski, Michael Garrick, David Estrada. Excused: Gabriela Popescu, Norma Nowak
Biotech & Clinical Lab Science / Jinwoo Park
Biomedical Informatics / Alexander Diehl
Dermatology / Excused: Kristina Seiffert
Emergency Medicine / Jennifer Pugh
Family Medicine / Robert Lugo
OB/GYN / Excused: Angelie Brebnor
Medicine / Manoj Mammen, Supriya Mahajan, John Hall, Jessica Reynolds, Alyssa Shon, Tom Russo, James Lohr, Nitu Kataria, Lynn Steinbrenner. Excused: Grace Dy
Microbiology & Immunology / Excused: Ira Blader
Neurology / Christopher Deline, Gil Wolfe, Melissa Rayhill
Neurosurgery / Excused: Jason Davies
Nuclear Medicine / Robert Miletich, Michael Hammersmith, Partha SinhaExcused: Jin Lim
Ophthalmology / Excused: Sarah Zhang
Orthopedics / Joseph Kowalski, Jeremy DoakExcused: Michael Ferrick
Otolaryngology / Joseph Muscarella
Pathology & Anatomical Science / Lucas Balos, Stuart Inglis, Keith Krabill, John Tomazewski, Wilfrido Mojica
Pediatrics / Matthew Barth, Indrajit Majumdar, Omar Alibrahim, Beverly Schaefer, Bobby Matthew, Jaime Wooldridge
Pharmacology & Toxicology / Stewart Clark, Davis Dietz, Pablo Paez
Physiology and Biophysics / Perry Hogan, Michael Morales, Mark Parker
Psychiatry / Peter Cogswell, Elsa Daurignac, Corey Leidenfrost, Sourav Sengupta
Radiation Oncology / Excused: Harish Malhotra
Structural Biology / Vivian CodyExcused: Michael Malkowski
Surgery / Jeffrey JordanExcused: Sonya Noor
Urology / Kevin PranikoffExcused: Gerald Suffrin
Also in attendance: /
  • David Kaye, Alan Lesse, Suzanne Laychock

Handouts: /
  • Faculty Council Agenda June26th, 2017
  • Faculty Council Meeting Minutes May31st, 2017
  • Highlights of Changes to Promotions Policy Document

Agenda Item / Discussion and Action
Call to order / Meeting called to order at 5:00 PM by Dr. Michael Morales, Faculty Council President.
Approval of minutes / Motion to approve Faculty Council Meeting Minutes fromMay31st, 2017. Approved without objection. No additions or subtractions.
Dean’s Report
(Dr. Michael Cain) /
  • Dr. Cain presented past president Dr. Russo with a plaque in recognition of his stewardship of the faculty council over the last year.
  • The consulting company that assisted JSMBS with producing the strategic plan for medical education have been re-engaged to return in July to assist with generating strategic plans for the clinical and research programs. The consultants will be working alongside Tony Campagnari and Tim Murphy, who are tasked with chairing the in house committees. An additional 23-24 people have been approached to serve on the steering committee for each strategic planning committee and a further 50 will be interviewed to gauge their opinions. The new plans are expected to be ready for implementation at the start of 2018.

President’s Report
(Dr. Michael Morales) /
  • Dr. Kaye will be leading a tour of the Saturn Club on July 27th.
  • New policies regarding Faculty Treatment of Medical Students and Conflict of Interest will be presented for first reading at the next full meeting of the faculty council.

Agenda Items /
  • Elections for new Faculty Council Officers.Dr. Hall presented the list of nominees for the vacant steering committee positions. As each position only had a single nominated candidate, and no new nominations came from the floor, the council voted en bloc (all in favor, no abstentions) to elect the following officials: Jeffrey Mador (Clinical Representative to Executive Committee), John Panepinto (Parliamentarian), Fernando Estrada and James Lohr (Representatives to Steering Committee), as well as Lynn Steinbrenner (President Elect).
  • Revised policy on Faculty Promotion.Dr. Kaye presented an overview of the major revisions to this document namely [1] consistency of language [2] delineation of specific promotion criteria for volunteer facility and [3] inclusion of new language to recognize the value of health services/population health, disparities research, multidisciplinary team science. The majority of discussion focused on the wording of rank titles for volunteer faculty. The promotions committee will take all comments into consideration when drafting the next version of the document for presentation to the council in August.
  • Update on new curriculum. Dr.Russo turned the floor over to Dr. Lesse who provided an overview of the new Medical Education Strategic Plan. The presentation can be found online at Dr.Lesse noted that the move to the new building downtown provides a unique opportunity to refresh the curriculum. The education vision is “to develop and inspire exceptional physicians through transformative education.”

Old Business / None
New Business / None
Adjournment / There being no further business of the Faculty Council, a motion to adjourn was made and accepted. The meeting was adjourned at6:00PM.
Next meeting / August30th,2017 at 5 PM; 144 Farber UB South Campus. (No meeting in July)

Respectfully submitted,

Mark Parker, PhD – Faculty Council Secretary