Document E – Glossary

EPP Procurement glossary

Term / Acronym / Description / Source
Acute Care Assessment Tool / ACAT / An assessment an ACCS or ICM trainee might use whilst in the non-anaesthetic part of their training. This is equivalent to the anaesthetic ALMAT, and on the current system there is one form for both (ALMAT/ACAT). /
Anaesthesia Clinical Evaluation Exercise / A-CEX / One of the workplace based assessments that is completed by the trainee and forms part of the requirement for progressing through training. /
Acute Care Common Stem / ACCS / ACCS is a three year training programme that is the only core training programme for trainees wishing to enter higher training in Emergency Medicine and is an alternative training programme for trainees wishing to enter higher specialty training in Anaesthesia and a number of other medical specialties. The first two years are spent rotating through Emergency Medicine (EM), Acute Internal Medicine, Anaesthetics and Intensive Care Medicine (ICM). The third year is spent in training that will ensure the trainee meets the minimum requirements for entry into higher specialty training in their parent specialty - in our case anaesthesia. In this document ACCS is used to mean ACCS (anaesthesia). /
Anaesthesia List Management Tool / ALMAT / One of the workplace based assessments that is completed by the trainee and forms part of the requirement for progressing through training. /
Annex / The curriculum (requirements) is split into levels (annexes). These are Core, Intermediate, Higher, and Advanced. They are separated into documents and include detailed requirements for that level. /
Annex G / One of the annexes. Non-clinical requirements that a doctor must complete in order to progress through training (teaching, presentations, audits etc.). /
Annual Review of Competence Progression / ARCP / The annual review of a trainee's e-portfolio and overall progression through a training programme. This is a locally run process, and has strict criteria that is mandated by the GMC, and explained in detail in the gold guide. This process provides a formal and structured review of evidence to monitor a doctor's progression throughout each stage of medical training. The trainee is given an outcome at their ARCP. /
Audit Assessment / An ACCS assessment tool, the Audit Assessment Tool is designed to assess a trainee’s competence in completing an audit. The Audit Assessment can be based on review of audit documentation OR on a presentation of the audit at a meeting. If possible the trainee should be assessed on the same audit by more than one assessor. /
Case Based Discussion / CBD / One of the workplace based assessments that is completed by the trainee and forms part of the requirement for progressing through training. /
Certificate of Completion of training / CCT / This is the award that the GMC confers a doctor to allow them to work as a consultant in the UK. The RCoA’s role is to monitor trainee progress (ensuring that progress is tracked) and make a recommendation to the GMC when they have completed the training programme to allow them to be issued with a CCT. /
Certificate of Eligibility for Specialist Registration / CESR / Non-CCT route onto the Specialist Register. The process involves application from Drs via GMC in accordance with Article 14, recommendation are made by the College Equivalence Committee to the GMC, /
Certificate of Eligibility for Specialist Registration (Combined Programme) / CESR (CP) / An accelerated version of the CESR for trainees who have completed part but not all of the CCT programme /
College Tutor / CT / A consultant who is appointed by the RCoA and responsible for trainees at their hospital. /
Core Level Training Certificate / CLTC / A certificate confirming that a trainee has completed all the requirements in their Core (or ACCS) programme. This allows them to apply for the next stage of their training. /
Consultant / A senior doctor based at a hospital who has completed their training and been awarded with a CCT.
Consultant feedback / This is used by consultants to gain feedback from consultant colleagues on a trainee before signing off their unit. /
Continuing Professional Development / CPD / CPD is a continuing process, outside formal undergraduate and postgraduate training, that enables individual doctors to maintain and improve standards of medical practice through the development of knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviour. CPD should also support specific changes in practice that will benefit patients. /
College Reference Number / CRN / This is the RCoA membership number.
Curriculum / This document identifies the aims and objectives, content, experiences, outcomes and processes of postgraduate specialist training leading to a CCT in Anaesthetics (there is a separate curriculum for ACCS). It defines the structure and expected methods of learning, teaching, feedback and supervision. It sets out the knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours expected of the trainee. /
Completion of Unit of Training / CUT / Once a trainee has completed all the requirements for a unit/module, they need to get this form signed off. /
Direct Observation of Procedural Skills / DOPS / One of the workplace based assessments that is completed by the trainee and forms part of the requirement for progressing through training. /
Educational Supervisor / ES / A consultant who has undertaken supervisory training and is responsible for 1 or more trainees. Their remit is to support the trainee and oversee their education, act as their mentor, monitor clinical and educational progress & ensure the trainee receives appropriate career guidance and planning. /
Educational Supervisors Structured Report / ESSR / A report that covers the trainee’s academic year and is signed off by the ES and College Tutor. This is then reviewed by the ARCP panel. /
Emergency medicine / EM / See source for details. /
Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine / FICM / Faculty affiliated to RCoA focussing on Intensive Care Medicine /
Faculty of Pain Medicine / FPM / Faculty affiliated to RCoA focusing on Pain Medicine /
Foundation training / the initial 2 years of training a qualified doctor undertakes after leaving medical school during which time they are exposed to a wide range of specialities before postgraduate training in a speciality (such as anaesthesia. The RCoA is not involved in the monitoring or delivery of foundation training
General Medical Council / GMC / An independent organisation that helps to protect patients and improve medical education and practice across the UK. /
Gold guide / A Reference Guide for Postgraduate Specialty Training in the UK which provides guidance to Postgraduate Deans on the arrangements for specialty training in the UK but is a key document which explains how the regulator (the GMC) mandates processes for training are run (including the ARCP). /
Head of School / HoS / There are 29 Schools of Anaesthesia that loosely affiliate to the Deaneries.
Initial Assessment of Competence / IAC / This is the first milestone for trainees in the Anaesthesia training programme and ACCS. The purpose of the IAC is to signify that the trainee has achieved a basic understanding of anaesthesia and is able to give anaesthetics at a level of supervision commensurate with the individual trainee’s skills and the clinical case; and the trainee can be added to the on-call rota for anaesthesia. /
Initial Assessment of Competence in Obstetric Anaesthesia / IAOC / Initial Assessment of Competence in Obstetric Anaesthesia. Similar to IAC but for obstetrics. /
Intensive Care Medicine / ICM / Also referred to as critical care medicine, ICM is the body of specialist knowledge and practice concerned with the treatment of patients, with, at risk of, or recovering from potentially life-threatening failure of one or more of the body’s organ systems. /
Intermediate Level Training Certificate / ILTC / A certificate confirming that a trainee has completed all the requirements of their intermediate level in order to proceed to higher level. /
Level of training / A trainee will progress through a training programme through 4 levels:
1.  Core – First two years of training (for ACCS this is three). Once a trainee completes Core training, the Core programme is completed and they must apply to start the next stage that would lead to a CCT.
2.  Intermediate
3.  Higher – trainee can also complete ‘advanced’ modules at this stage.
4.  Advanced – trainee can also complete ‘higher’ modules at this stage. /
Local Education Training Board / LETB / Department of Health funded organisations responsible for training delivery across all specialties. There are 21 Deaneries across the UK each has a Postgraduate Dean. The Deaneries coordinate the delivery and funding of postgraduate medical, training and dental education in their geographic areas. / Local Education Training Board
logbook / A log of cases performed by an anaesthetist in training, but now is often used by consultants and by anaesthetists in other specialities, for example intensive care or EM (for an ACCS trainee). There is no college produced logbook, although it recommends one made by two anaesthetists using file maker that does support various platforms. /
Medical Training Initiative / MTI / A programme co-run by the RCoA supporting doctors from developing countries to apply to work in the UK at a post equivalent to the trainee programme for two years. /
Multisource feedback / MSF / A form of assessment where a trainee nominates a number of individuals, whom they have worked with, to provide feedback which will be anonymised. For anaesthetics, a trainee is required to do one per year. Although some trainees will be required (by their trainers) to complete more than one MSF. /
Out of Programme Experience / OOPE / Trainee takes time out of their training to undertake clinical or other relevant experience. This will not count towards their training. /
Out of Programme Research / OOPR / Trainee takes time out of their training to complete research (PhD), this may count towards their training if they apply to the College. /
Out of Programme Training / OOPT / Trainee undertakes clinical experience in another region or country which is accredited for training - Trainees will need to apply to the College for prospective approval (and recognition once they return to training). /
Patient survey / An assessment performed during the acute medicine module of ACCS, This survey is given to one patient and is intended to assess the trainee's performance in areas such as interpersonal skills, communication skills and professionalism by concentrating solely on their performance during one consultation. /
Personal development plans / PDP / A plan made by a trainee and their ES containing a reasonable number of "SMART" goals to aid progression through a training programme. This may be annually or more often for shorter placements.
Reflective practice / Term used to describe systematic reflection and analysis on an event which has been significant in training (learning) or employment. An anaesthetic trainee is required to write 6 pieces of reflective practice a year, but may write many more and reflection is part of many other types of learning events.
Regional Advisor / RA / Anaesthetic consultants that act as the College’s senior representatives to local employers and schools of anaesthesia. They have a special obligation to work with the local Postgraduate Dean (or equivalent) to ensure the overall delivery of the RCoA’s competency-based training programme.
Teaching Observation / An ACCS assessment, the Teaching Observation tool is designed to provide structured, formative feedback to trainees on their competence at teaching. The Teaching Observation can be based on any instance of formalised teaching by the trainee who has been observed by the assessor. The process should be trainee-led (identifying appropriate teaching sessions and assessors). /
Trainee / A doctor on the anaesthetic training programme, leading to the completion of Core / ACCS training or a CCT in their chosen specialty.
Trainer / This refers to a doctor or other suitable health care professional, who is involved in the teaching and training of anaesthetists. The majority will be consultants in anaesthesia, but this can include other doctors and professionals. The group encompasses all educational supervisors, training programme directors, regional advisors.
Training programme director / TPD / A consultant who is responsible for the delivery of training in a speciality (i.e. anaesthesia or ACCS) according to the standards set by the GMC and relevant Royal College or Faculty and is managerially responsible to the Postgraduate Dean, but is responsible for appointment and management of the educational supervisor roles as well as overseeing the trainees within a programme including placement allocation plus varying degrees of other responsibility defined locally (eg organising regional teaching, running ARCP panels)
Unit (of training) / A component of a level of training such as "airway" or "day surgery" or "obstetric anaesthesia" /

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