Campbell Middle School

8th Grade Dance and Year End Activities


March 27, 2014

Dear 8th Grade Students & Parents,

Please carefully read the information about the 8th grade dance and the participation agreement. This agreement must be signed by both a parent and the student. You are responsible for understanding all of the information, as once payment is made there will be NO refunds for the dance.

Although this is a very exciting time, we must remain focused on academics and exemplary behavior for the remainder of the school year. In order for 8th graders to participate in end of the year activities, the agreement form below must be signed and returned to the homeroom teacher. Please note any student who receives OSS during the last nine-week grading period (March 27th through May21st) will be prohibited from participation in the 8th grade dance, picnic/field day activities and any payment received will be non-refundable. Additionally, for the 8th Grade Picnic/Field Day, students cannot have outstanding Media Center books or fees.

This year’s 8th Grade Dance will be held on Friday, May 16that the Smyrna Community Center from 7:00 pm until 10:00 pm. Students selected the dance theme as “The Hollywood Ball.” Please note the following guidelines for the dance below:

Dance tickets must be purchased in advance.The fee includes food, beverage, and party favor.Tickets are $25.00 each and must be purchased by Monday, May 9th.Checks must be made payable to Campbell Middle School. Tickets will be distributedafter the 8th grade Honors and Awards Ceremony on Friday, May 16th.Please note, the dance is only for 8th Grade Campbell Middle School students and students may NOT bring guests.

Attire for the 8th Grade Dance is semi-formal (i.e. school homecoming or church attire). School appropriate attire is required and we ask that young ladies not wear attire that is too revealing (i.e. strapless, spaghetti straps, etc). Students should dress age-appropriate. It is not recommended or necessary for boys to rent a tuxedo. Refrain from wearing sneakers and/or jeans. Please note this event is a dance, not a middle school prom. Limousines are not permitted and will not be allowed near the entrance to the Smyrna Community Center.

School appropriate behavior at the dance is expected. Consequences will be given to students who do not adhere to school rules as this is an official Campbell Middle School function.

Thank you in advance for helping us to close out the school year on a positive note. If you have any questions regarding this information please contact the school.


The CampbellMiddle School8th Grade TeachersCampbell Middle Administration


2013-2014 Campbell Middle School Eighth Grade End of the Year Activities ~ PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT PERMISSION FORM

Student Name: ______Homeroom Teacher: ______

**I plan to participate in the end of the year activities and understand the behavior requirements stated above.**

Student Signature: ______Parent Signature: ______

I plan to attend the 8th Grade Dance. Yes _____ No _____ Payment for dance submitted Yes___ No ____ Not yet, but plan to ______