ECE 4006 Project Milestones and Grading
- Project Proposal and Presentation
- Credit 20% Due Date: May 28
Requires a written document containing a description of the project, what the completed design project will be able to demonstrate, a system level block diagram, parts required, a statement of work for each team member (one page), and a Gant chart (i.e. timeline) showing major project milestones and dates. In class, a 15-20 minute presentation is required and each team member must discuss his or her statement of work.
- Mid Term Presentation
- Credit 15% - Due Date: June 11
A presentation on the current status of project work and milestones. In class, a 15-20 minute presentation is required and each team member must discuss his or her statement of work.
- Project Demonstration
- Credit 20% - Due Date: On or before July 23
Present a demonstration of a functioning project in the laboratory to the faculty sponsor. Should meet the goals described in the project proposal. In some cases, this may also be appropriate to present as part of the final presentation.
- Final Report
- Credit 35% - Due Date: July 26
First draft of final report is due around two weeks earlier on July 16. Corrected version should be turned back in by July 26.
- Final Presentation
- Credit 10% - Due Date: July 23
A 15-20 minute presentation of the completed project. Include a short discussion of each project milestone. Each team member must discuss his or her work on the project during the presentation.
Additional Comments:
1. Oral presentations are required from every team member on their portion of the work.
2. A maximum course grade of B for a non-functional project. You should expect no more than 50% credit for a project that has problems performing the demonstration.
3. Late milestones carry a penalty of 10% per day late. Weekend counts as one day.
3. All other team members will be asked to evaluate your participation in the project. Ratings reports from other team members can raise or lower an individual’s grade.