Church Services

There will be an informalFamily Serviceon 10thSeptember. We welcome new families who would like to bring their children to join in this service, and to theFamily Communionservice which will be held on 24thSeptember. Both services start at 11 am.

Coffee Mornings

The specialgarden coffee morningat 2 Grindle Way on Tuesday 25thJuly raised £472.10 which was shared between FORCE and the church. Thank you to those who supported the event, contributed to and ran the stalls and provided the coffee and biscuits. Our special thanks to Mary and Martyn Gibbs for lending their garden for the event and for their hard work before, during and after.

The nextcoffee morningwill be held in church as usual on 9thSeptember from 10 till 11.30 am. Please come along and join us.

Church Fundraising Meeting

The nextchurch fundraising meetingwill be held on Thursday 7thSeptember at 2.30 pm in church. Please come along if you would like to help us with this task. It can be fun!

Devon Historic Churches’ Trust Annual Bike Ride or Stride

The Devon Historic Churches’ Trust Annual Bike Ride or Stride will take place on Saturday 9th September. This is a fun day out and a good way of helping the church. Get as many sponsors as you can and see how many churches you can visit on the day. Money raised goes to help the Trust and your local church. Sponsor forms are available in the church or from Rob Hatton (01392 874305).

Harvest Supper

TheHarvest Supperwill be held in church on Saturday 7thOctober, starting at 7 pm. Tickets from Pat on 01392 877097 or Linda on 01392 875708.

Clyst St Mary Christmas Tree Festival 2017

Longstanding residents of Clyst St Mary will know that we have had a Christmas Tree Festival in Clyst St Mary Church for the past nine years. Our 10th one in December will be the last one for this small committee so we want to make it special and celebrate what we have achieved over these years. The profits always go to the church and a charity of our choosing. This year the Festival will be held on 1st, 2nd and 3rd December with the celebration dinner on 30th November. Please put these dates in your diary and calendar and we look forward to welcoming you to this special event. As the months progress, more details will emerge about how you can join in with your creative ideas but in the meantime, if you have any questions about this Festival, particularly if you are new residents, please contact Pat on 01392 877907 or Sue on 01392 874597.

Bishops Clyst Parish Council Notices

Bishops Clyst Parish Council are in the process of drawing up an Emergency Plan document which will be used in the case of an emergency in the parish such as flooding, severe weather, electrical failure, major road incident, etc. Therefore, we are compiling a list of local people who may have equipment that could be used should an incident occur - such as four wheel drive vehicles, lifting equipment, chainsaws, etc. We are also looking for people to be added to the list who may be medically trained. If you are able to offer your services, could you please email your name and number r ‘phone/text the Clerk on 07432 761833?

Full details of the Parish Council’s activities are available on the website. If you do not have access to the internet please contact the Clerk on 07432 761833 or ; or come to the Village Hall office on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday between 11 am and 3 pm; and Friday between 11.30 am and 3 pm.

Does Clyst St Mary Want a Drama Club?

Clyst St Mary Players would really like you to come along to our AGM being held on Tuesday, 3rd October at 7.30 pm in Clyst St Mary School and see what we have to offer. One of the items on the agenda will be the next production and we would ask that anybody who would like to be involved to please come along and have a chat with us.

After the short meeting we hope you will enjoy a glass of wine or fruit juice and nibbles and get to know us better – it’s a great way to make new friends if you are new to the village.

Walking Group

The September walk will be in the Axminster area on Tuesday 19th.
We will meet at the Village Hall at 10 am to share cars as usual. The walk will be approx five miles with a pub lunch. All are welcome and we walk at our own risk. For further informatiion please ring Tonyon 01297 32076. NB PLEASE BRING YOUR BUS PASS IF YOU HAVE ONE!

Exeter Nomads Short Mat Bowls Club

Our regular Club Night is every Friday from 7 until 10 pm approx at the Village Hall. The game is suitable for all ages from 9 to 90! And for ladies and men, girls and boys alike. New members are always welcome so if you would like to try the game please contact Robert or Richard Ivings on 01392 210268 or just turn up.

Table Tennis Club

It's really nice to report that, having expected to take a break during the summer months, the demand from members has meant that we are now meeting at 4 pm on Thursdays at the Village Hall throughout the year. There are three excellent tables and all the equipment to go with them so that players need only bring a pair of non-marking soft/sports shoes.

We now have a regular turn out most weeks of between 8 and 12 members, playing a mixture of singles and doubles. Tea and coffee (+biscuits!!) are provided within the ten-week session charge of £20 and I think it's fair to say (without upsetting any prima donnas or uomos) that the standard of play so far has been remarkably even. One thing that remains consistently high is the warmth of welcome! If the idea appeals and you'd like further information, please get in touch with Roger Norman r on 01392 874597.

Badminton Club

The club recommences playing on Tuesday 12th September at 8 pm in the Village Hall. The club plays 8-10 pm on Tuesdays. New members - from teenagers upwards - are always welcome. Contact Malcolm Macmillen on 01392 873280 for more details or just turn up on a Tuesday evening.

Anyone for Tennis?

Some of us play tennis every Friday morning at a private court in Clyst St Mary (no fee). Would you like to join us? Please ring Janice on 01392 876858 or Martyn on 01392 874948.

Toddler Group

Unfortunately the Monday morning toddler group in the Village Hall is not running at the moment as we don't have enough help to run the group. If anyone would be interested in starting up this group again, please contact Lynne on 07980 759363.

Clyst Valley Pre-School

We are now taking applications for children wishing to start pre-school in the autumn or spring term. We offer a friendly, secure, stimulating environment in our OFSTED ‘Outstanding’ Pre-School; for children aged 2 years 8 months to school starting age. Our hours are Monday – Friday 9.15 am – 3.15 pm; children come on a full or part-time basis, for either whole or half days. Please get in touch by going to our website at or by calling Pre-School on 01392 876615 during session times.