2008-2009 State FFA Dairy Evaluation Career Development Event Page 5




Contestant Number: Name:

Chapter Name: Score:

Directions: Read each question carefully and choose the best possible answer. If provided with Scantron sheets, bubble in the answer. Otherwise, write the answer in the blank to the left of each number. Each correct answer is worth two (2) points. The maximum score is 50.

1. / Dairy cows are milked at regular intervals, two times per day, and:
a.  Two days per week.
b.  Three days per week.
c.  Five days per week.
d.  Seven days per week.
2. / The average labor required per cow per year is about:
a.  9 hours.
b.  18 hours.
c.  27 hours.
d.  36 hours.
3. / What is a major disadvantage of a dairy enterprise?
a.  Dairying provides a steady income.
b. Labor is used throughout the year.
c. A high capital investment is needed.
d. Feed roughages are utilized by dairy cows.
4. / What grade of milk is used for processing into dairy products, such as cheese and butter?
a.  A
b.  B
c.  C
d.  D
5. / Which breed of dairy cattle is cream to light fawn in color and is the smallest of the dairy breeds?
a.  Jersey
b.  Holstein-Friesian
c.  Ayrshire
d.  Guernsey
6. / When evaluating dairy animals using the Dairy Cow Unified Score Card, which trait description is the lowest ranked or least heavily weighted?
a.  Frame
b.  Body capacity
c.  Feet and legs
d.  Udder
7. / Rump, Stature, and Front End receive primary consideration when evaluating:
a.  Body capacity.
b.  Dairy character.
c.  Frame.
d.  Feet and legs.
8. / In judging, when a pair of dairy cows is close, make the decision based on:
a.  Mammary system.
b.  Body capacity.
c.  Feet and legs.
d.  Frame.
9. / The cheapest source of nutrients needed by a cow that is also the basis for dairy rations is:
a.  Corn.
b.  Oats.
c.  Cottonseed meal.
d.  Roughages.
10. / Which forage yields more energy per acre?
a.  Sorghum silage
b.  Corn silage
c.  Small grain silage
d.  Coastal Bermudagrass silage
11. / Calves are usually weaned between:
a.  2-3 weeks of age.
b.  4-8 weeks of age.
c.  9-12 weeks of age.
d.  13-15 weeks of age.
12. / What is fed to heifers about six weeks before calving?
a.  Grain
b.  Vitamins
c.  Skim milk
d.  Minerals
13. / Which DHIA testing program requires the dairy farmer to weigh and sample the milk from each cow in the herd once a month?
a.  AM-PM Testing
b.  Dairy Herd Improvement Registry (DHIR)
c.  Owner-Sampler (O-S)
d.  Dairy Herd Improvement (DHI)
14. / What is the recommended time for cows to be bred after calving?
a.  10-20 days
b.  20-30 days
c.  30-40 days
d.  50-60 days
15. / The major cost when milking three times a day is:
a.  Equipment.
b.  Labor.
c.  Medicine.
d.  Facilities.
16. / A nutritional disorder in dairy cows characterized by blood sugar dropping to a low level due to not feeding enough energy feeds is:
a.  Ketosis.
b.  Milk fever.
c.  Metritis.
d.  Mastitis.
17. / What is the recommenced barn width for large dairy breeds?
a.  12 feet
b.  24 feet
c.  36 feet
d.  48 feet
18. / Which milking system is more expensive, but requires less labor to handle the milk?
a.  Suspension milkers
b.  Side-opening milkers
c.  Pail milkers
d.  Pipeline milkers
19. / If evidence of mobility is a major consideration, which section of the Dairy Cow Unified Score Card would one be using?
a.  Frame
b.  Dairy character
c.  Feet and legs
d.  Body capacity
20. / If a contestant in a dairy judging event used the terminology, “sharper over the withers,” he/she would be describing:
a.  Body capacity.
b.  Dairy character.
c.  Frame.
d.  Udder.
21. / Part of the success of feeding total mixed rations depends on dividing the cow herd into groups. The most common way to group cows is according to:
a.  Production level.
b.  Size.
c.  Breed.
d.  Consumption level.
22. / After filling a silo, how many weeks should a dairy operator wait before starting to feed out of it?
a.  1-3
b.  3-5
c.  5-7
d.  7-9
23. / A chin-ball marking device is used to detect:
a.  Gestation.
b.  Heat.
c.  Conception.
d.  Pregnancy.
24. / The first step to do after the milking is done is to rinse the equipment in:
a.  Alkaline cleaners.
b.  Household detergent.
c.  Acid cleaners.
d.  Lukewarm water.
25. / Anemia, weakness, diarrhea, and a condition known as bottle jaw are symptoms of:
a.  Lice.
b.  Anaplasma.
c.  Roundworms.
d.  Mites.





# / Answer / Text: Modern Livestock and Poultry Production
1 / d / p. 706
2 / c / p. 706
3 / c / p. 707
4 / b / p. 708
5 / a / p. 717
6 / b / p. 722
7 / c / p. 722
8 / a / p. 725
9 / d / p. 731
10 / b / p. 738
11 / b / p. 755
12 / a / p. 758
13 / c / p. 770
14 / d / p. 784
15 / b / p. 794
16 / a / p. 808
17 / c / p. 814
18 / d / p. 818
19 / c / p. 722
20 / b / p. 727
21 / a / p. 735
22 / b / p. 738
23 / b / p. 783
24 / d / p. 797
25 / c / p. 349