AuburnHigh School


Annual (Invader) / Tom Kaup
Auburn Actors' Guild / Warren Kerr
Choir / Kandy Gilbert
Debate / Dyann Seidl
DECA / Lori Jacobs
Family, Career, Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) / Bess Owens
First Nations Club / Stacie Brooks
French Club / Greg Isham
Freshman Class / April Asfour
Future Business Leaders of America / Vicki Munoz, Becky Keefe
Gay/Straight Alliance Club / Mike Grenz
Harry Potter Club / Beth Cockcroft
Jewelry Club / Chris Telford
Junior Class / Beth Cockcroft
Key Club / Lindsey Pickle
Leadership / Katie Henry
Magic Club / Mike Grenz
Manga Club / Sherri Ashlock
Math Club / Jason Capps
National Honor Society / Sheryl Harmon, Jan Erie
Newspaper (Troy In'Voice) / Michael Wasserman
Orchestra / Dale Johnson
Philm-U / James Cleary
Robotics / Chris Zawislak
Senior Class / Jennifer Skeel
Sophomore Class / Donna Bowler
Sports Medicine Club / Krista Parsons
Teen Book Club / Sherri Ashlock
Troy Crew / Katie Henry, Beth Cockcroft
VICA Auto / Fred Donaldson
VICA Culinary Arts / Marci Killian
VICA Electronics / Chris Zawislak
VICA Metals / Ron Cughan
VICA Woods / Lew Keliher
Athletics Boys Basketball / Ryan Hansen
Athletics Girls Basketball / Adam Ladage
Athletics Wrestling / John Aiken
Athletics Cheer / Reina Wakefield
Athletics Gymnastics / Kristie Wilson
Athletics Baseball / Baj Alastra
Athletics Fastpitch / Charlie Frampton
Athletics Cross Country (g) (b) / Lacey Way, Greg Isham
Athletics Football / Gordon Elliott
Athletics Golf (g & b) / Vincent Morris,Jeremy Sagle
Athletics Soccer (g) (b) / Adam Ladage, John Yorke
Athletics Swimming (g) (b) / Katie Henry, Scott McLaughlin
Athletics Tennis (b) (g) / Phil Smetheram, Crystal Wisness
Athletics Track (b) (g) / Greg Isham, Doug Burt
Athletics Volleyball / Kim Farris
Athletics (b) (g) Water polo / Jim Isom, Justin Pritchard

Auburn Senior High School


* Clubs or organizations related directly to a class. Membership is contingent upon enrollment in the class.

^ Clubs that meet criteria for community service.


Students work to compile a yearbook with pictures and text that "tell the story of the year." The club meets fourth period and many times after school. Good writing, organization, and time-management skills are needed. Photography experience is always needed as well as Adviser approval. There is no cost to the students.

Adviser: Tom Kaup


Supports student leadership activities such as conferences, contests, and other enrichment activities. Students must be active members of the auto technology class and pay dues to National/State VICA. VICA is a student run, industry supported leadership organization that provides personal enrichment and scholarship/employment opportunities for all participants.

Advisers: Fred Donaldson


Culinary Arts Club operates Cafe' Auburn, executes catered functions outside of regular school hours, and trains students to compete at regional, state and national culinary events. Membership is limited to students enrolled in Culinary Arts.

Adviser: Marci Killian


A competitive activity which develops better analysis, research, organization, and communication skills (listening and speaking). We compete against other schools around the Northwest, and also travel nationally to some of the top meets in the country. Students on the team prepare and participate in both individual and team events, in about a dozen different speech contests and three forms of debating.Adviser: Dyann Seidl


The Auburn High School DECA club is one of the strongest in the state. Tied to our marketing classes, DECA offers students the opportunity to use business and marketing skills as they learn them. Students compete with others from across America over marketing topics. Also available are many marketing conferences around the country. DECA members learn marketing concepts, civic consciousness and leadership skills. A $15 membership fee can be earned by students through their small entrepreneurship ventures.

Advisers: Lori Jacobs


Drama Club is open to all students and involves acting as well as technical theatre. Any student can join and there is no requirement to be in a play. We produce three plays a year. A large cast show in the fall, a musical in late winter and a traveling small-cast play in the spring. We encourage students to experience theatre by going to other schools as well as professional theatres. We are also very involved in local amateur and professional theatre groups.

Adviser: Warren Kerr


FCCLA is a dynamic and effective national student organization that helps young men and women become leaders and addresses important personal, family, work and societal issues through family and consumer sciences education. It develops skills for life -- planning, goal setting, problem solving, decision making and interpersonal communication -- that are necessary in the home and workplace.AHS leads the state with the largest FCCLA chapter of over 100 students a year. Dues are $18 annually.

Advisers: Bess Owens.


This club promotes and shares traditional tribal cultural differences and experiences with each other helping to raise positive awareness of tribal cultural traditions at AuburnHigh School and in the community at large. Club is open to all Auburn High School Native American students registered with the school district office of Indian EducationAdviser: Stacie Brooks


Purpose is to give students an opportunity to participate in activities which are easier done outside of the classroom. These activities give students more exposure to francophone culture while supporting the language work done in class. We try to do a variety of things to appeal to different tastes: cheese tasting parties, crepes parties before school, French videos, movies and plays in Seattle and Tacoma, organizing trips to France, etc. ($3 dues, anyone can join but it's mainly for French students).

Adviser: Greg Isham


FBLA is the premier students’ leadership organization with a reputation supported by over 250,000 members worldwide. For nearly 60 years FBLA has been carrying out our purpose to bring business education, community service, and leadership training together. FBLA students are prepared to be the business leaders of tomorrow.

The AHS FBLA Chapter members attend exciting local high school business conferences as well as a Washington State Conference. Winners of state conference events will be representatives for AHS at the FBLA National Summer Conference. There are many FBLA student social events as well community service activities. FBLA sponsors the annual March of Dimes fundraiser to help prevent birth defects. Meetings are held during 1st and 2nd lunches and are open to any AHS student who is interested in a future in the business world. The membership dues are $15 and this fee can be earned by participating in the annual fall fundraiser.

Advisers: Vicki Munoz, Becky Keefe


The Auburn High School Gay Straight Alliance brings together students to overcome homophobia and create a school environment free of harassment by raising awareness of different sexual and gender identities and advocating equal treatment for all youth. The GSA is about nondiscrimination and positive school climate, not about sex.

Advisers: Mike Grenz


For Harry Potter fans. We appreciate the beauty that is Harry Potter and our goal is to go to the Harry Potter theme park in Florida. It’s worth the obsession <3

Adviser: Beth Cockcroft


Key Club is a student-run community service organization. Adopting families and raising money are just a few of the projects they do each year. Adviser: Lindsay Pickle


Jewelry club is open to students enrolled in jewelry (free) or to any interested student ($1 per meeting). They meet the second Wednesday of each month. The aim is to teach members different jewelry skills and processes than we have time to cover in class. Any student interested in learning more about jewelry and making beautiful pieces of wearable art is invited to attend. We also set up jewelry displays in the school.

Adviser: Chris Telford


Learn to be a leader! Practice leadership skills by doing great things for AHS and the Auburn Community. Leadership class is responsible for Wellness Week, Spring Fever, and many of the activities and assemblies that occur at AuburnHigh School. Criteria for membership: Be enrolled in a leadership class. Class meets daily.

Adviser: Katie Henry


The Magic Club meets after school twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays in room 307. The club provides a social setting in which students can enjoy playing “Magic: The Gathering” card game. There is no membership or playing fees, and the club is open to all interested students.

Adviser: Michael Grenz


The AHS Manga Club is an informal group of teens that meet on Mondays during lunch in the back of the library. This is where teens meet, eat and chat about everything relating to manga. Bring your lunch and join the conversation!


Math Club is for any student! Math club tries to make math and science concepts be moreaccessible to every student at AHS. We meet everyThursdayafter school inportable 531 for a half hour to plan and discuss upcoming events. Members of the Math Club will participate in eventsincluding: Math Day at UW, Peer tutoring, T-Shirt sales, the Imagine Tomorrow Competition at WSU, and Mathematics competitions. Advisers: Jason Capps and Erik Gunderson

METALS – (Skills USA)

Students take their abilities to the next level by demonstrating leadership, welding, and machining skills through competitions. Students must be enrolled in a metals vocational class, pay dues of $15.50, and pay for travel expenses to contests. Costs maybe offset through club fund raising.Adviser: Ron Cughan


National Honor Society is for sophomores, juniors, and seniors. Members are selected annually by a five-member faculty council. Requirements include a cumulative G.P.A. of 3.6 or higher, active involvement in at least two organizations (one of which must be associated with Auburn High School), completion of at least two service projects totaling sixteen hours or more (six hours must be with Honor Society) within the year, and regular participation in National Honor Society meetings. In the spring, the faculty council reviews the members and selects those eligible for induction; induction is mandatory to become a member. Besides scholarship and service, candidates must demonstrate leadership and character. Meetings are held in room 308 every other Wednesday of each month. Adviser: Sheryl Harmon and Jan Erie


The newspaper staff publishes eight issues a year that cover the events and issues that concern AHS students. Students must be responsible, independent workers who can meet deadlines.Prerequisites: The newspaper staff needs reporters who have successfully completed the semester-long Journalistic Writing class. Photographers, cartoonists, and computer experts are not required to take Journalistic Writing, but must be individually approved by the Adviser.Adviser:Michael Wasserman


Reinforces, enhances, and promotes the activities of the orchestras at AuburnHigh School. Criteria for membership: Enrollment in one of the orchestra classes or by invitation.

Adviser: Dale Johnson


Students shoot digital film projects and learn editing skills using MAC computers. Club meets every other Monday after school. Criteria for membership: An interest in video filmmaking. No membership fee or cost to students.

Adviser: Jim Cleary


FIRST Robotics Team 3219 aka TREAD Club (Technology, Robotics, Engineering, And Design)

Auburn High School Robotics Club is open to all students. We compete in the FIRST Robotics Competition that occurs in March. FIRST was founded in 1989 to inspire young people's interest and participation in science and technology. Our mission is to inspire young people to be science and technology leaders, by engaging them in exciting mentor-based programs that build science, engineering and technology skills, that inspire innovation, and that foster well-rounded life capabilities including self-confidence, communication, and leadership. We hold weekly meetings during the preseason. Our build season is very intense beginning in January and ending late February. Find more information about our program on our SWIFT page or by checking out Adviser: Chris Zawislak


The AHS Teen Book Club is an informal group of teens that meet on a regular basis to chat about…books! This is where teens meet, eat and chat about books they have read, books they want to read and anything else in between. The Teen Book Club meets every other Wednesday during all three lunches (each student attends only during his or her lunch). Each lunch group can choose the books they want to read and discuss. The librarian joins in the fun too and sometimes brings tasty treats to eat! Bring your lunch (and a friend) and join us!


Troy Crew is a freshman orientation and mentorship program. Based on the idea that the most valued resource in a high school is the students, juniors and seniors are selected to welcome freshmen to AuburnHigh School. This program is fun, inviting and energetic. Troy Crew Leaders run the orientation day before school starts. During the school year they provide activities for freshmen in three areas: academic follow ups, social events and individually lead activities. Our motto is Students helping Students Succeed. Prerequisite: Must apply and be selected.Advisers: Katie Henry and Beth Cockcroft


Members earn money for tournament fees, travel, banquet, team spaghetti dinner, awards slide show, etc. Criteria for membership: Must be a member of the volleyball team.

Adviser: Kim Farris


Members learn leadership and further woodworking skills during class and after school. Club is open to students enrolled in woodworking class. Instructor permission required for students with an interest in woodworking who are not currently taking woodworking classes.

Adviser: Lew Keliher.