Our school web site: svhs.nbed.nb.ca
Toll free school cancellation (due to weather) phone number: 1-888-388-4455
Message From Staff
Teachers and staff welcome you to Southern Victoria High School. A special greeting goes out to all those grade nine studentsentering SVHS for the first time this fall.Southern Victoria High School is proud to offer a variety of educational opportunities, including a current and challenging curriculum.We want to encourage students to get involved in the many activities that the school offers. We want students at SVHS to feel safe,
included and successful.Have an awesome and unprecedented year,
Teachers & Staff
This agenda belongs to:
Month / Dates / Events / Number of Days for Students / Number of Days for Teachers
August / 30 / Full Administration Day 1 / 1
31-1 / Subject Council Day / 2
September / 2 / Full Administration Day 1 / 1
September / 6 / Labour Day
7 / First Day for Students / 18 / 18
October / 11 / Thanksgiving Day / 20 / 20
November / 11 / Remembrance Day / 21 / 21
December / 23 / Last Day for Students 2 / 17 / 17
January / 10 / First Day for Students / 16 / 16
February / -- / -- / 20 / 20
March / 7-11 / March Break / 18 / 18
April / 22 / Good Friday
25 / Easter Monday / 19 / 19
May / 6 / Subject Council Day / 20 / 1
23 / Victoria Day / 20
June / 24 / Last Day for Students / 18 / 18
1 day for N.B.T.A. Branch Meetings / (1)
2 days for Pedagogical Activities Focused on Curriculum 3 / (2)
2 days to be scheduled by School District for Administration Days and Professional Development Activities / 2
1. These are full days reserved for school and district administration and are not to be used
for travel to/from subject council activities. The New Brunswick Teachers' Association has
agreed that no committee meetings under Article 36.06 will be scheduled during these days.
2. The last day of classes for students and staff prior to the Christmas Break, will be December 23rd and
will be a full day of classes.
3. The school districts will schedule two (2) professional development days for purposes of
implementing curriculum. The content and dates of the two days will be determined jointly by
the Department of Education and the school districts.
- The school districts will schedule two (2) days as a combination of parent teacher meetings
and one (1) full day in the spring) to be held within the instructional year.
Why A Student Agenda?
The staff of Southern Victoria High School is committed to school effectiveness. We regard planning as a continuum – on one end is dependence, and on the other is independence. We have chosen school agendas to assist students to learn to move progressively along the continuum of independence.
The student agenda is designed to teach and practice basic planning skills in a consistent and structured way. Through modeling, encouraging and teaching, teachers assist students in becoming independent learners. This can be accomplished by influencing our students to set goals and by working to meet these goals. We feel our student agenda will accomplish this.
With parental support, we wish to accomplish the following objectives:
- Teach goal setting
- Track homework
- Improve home-school communication
- Teach organization
- Encourage accountability
Further, it is the expectation of Southern Victoria High School staff that:
- All students will record their homework and activities in their agenda
- Students will be given time to record assignments in agendas
- Agendas will be checked regularly
- All agenda users will be rewarded
- All staff will model planning
As a student,
I am responsible for my own behaviour to the best of my abilities.
- I will be responsible for my own personal choices.
- I will respect others’ differences, ideas and opinions and treat everyone fairly.
- I will not tolerate bullying of any kind and I will report bullying when I have knowledge of it.
- I will do whatever I can to help those around me who may be struggling.
- I will respect the school’s rules.
- I will attend my classes, do my homework, and be prepared and on time.
- I will behave in a way that is empathetic, responsible and civil to those around me.
- I will resolve my conflicts in a constructive manner.
- I will treat school property and the property of others with respect.
I will respect myself.
I will respect others.
I will respect my environment.
SVHS Mission Statement
We are a community of students, staff, and parents promoting positive achievement within an atmosphere of respect and belonging.
Our Vision for Southern Victoria High School is:
- A school where all people feel safe, respected and have a sense of belonging,
- A school where teachers function in a professional, learning community to promote student learning and success for all,
- A school that promotes high standards for student and staff learning,
- A partnership between students, staff, parents, and the community that promotes high expectations for all,
- A school that promotes wellness for all,
- A safe, well maintained and inviting building.
Subject:Attendance Policy
Effective:September 1, 2009
Revised:May 14, 2009
This policy will:
- provide consistency in tracking and reporting attendance
- ensure interventions based on Best Practice are implemented when attendance issues arise .
This policy is replacing the Guidelines for School Attendance Policies, approved June 2, 1999, revised 2003.
This policy applies to all schools in School District 14.
Individual student attendance will be tracked daily by their teachers in a consistent and organized manner, with the expectation that timely and effective interventions will occur.
- No consequences will be associated for those absences considered acceptable by the Education Act:
The Education Act states that a child is not required to attend school if the child
(a)is unable to attend school by reason of the child’s sickness or other unavoidable cause,
(b)is officially excluded from attendance under the Act or the regulations (e.g. suspension),
(c)is absent on a day regarded as a holy day by the religious denomination of the child or the parent of the child, or
- In circumstances considered exceptional by the Minister, a child is exempted from attendance in writing by the Minister (e.g. home schooling).
- No consequences will be associated forabsences considered as school-sanctioned activities. A school sanctioned activity is one approved by the school administration and /or Superintendent.
- Chronic non-attendance is when the referral has been at SST and interventions have been unsuccessful.
4.0Legal Authority: New Brunswick Education Act
Roles of parents
13(1) In support of the learning success of his or her child and the learning environment at the school, a parent is expected to
(c) Cause his or her child to attend school as required by this Act,
(d) Ensure the basic needs of his or her child are met
Duties of pupils
14(1) it is the duty of a pupil to
(d) Attend school regularly and punctually,
(h) Comply with all school policies.
Compulsory Attendance
15(1) except as provided in section 16 and subject tosubsection (2), a child is required to attend school in theschool in which the child is placed by the superintendent
Concerned under section 11
(a) beginning on the first school day of a given schoolyear if, on or before the thirty-first day of December ofthat school year, the child will have attained the age offive years, and
(b) Until the child graduates from high school or attainsthe age of eighteen years.
15(2) the parent of a child referred to in paragraph
(1)(a) May defer the attendance of his or her childuntil the first school day of the next school year if the childhas not attained the age of five years on or before the firstday of September of a given school year.
15(6) On receipt of the notice referred to in paragraph (5)(b), unless the child is excused from attendance as provided by this Act or the regulations, the parent of the child shall immediately cause the child to attend school.
15(7) A parent who violates or fails to comply with subsection (6) commits an offence punishable under Part II of the Provincial Offences Procedure Act as a category C offence.
19 Where a parent neglects or refuses to ensure that his or her child attends school as required by this Act and, in the opinion of the superintendent concerned, the child’s security or development may be in danger, the superintendent shall refer the matter to the Minister of Social Development for investigation under the Family Services Act. 2000, c.26, s.95; 2008, c.6, s.11.
Duties of a teacher
27(1) (e) attending to the health and well-being of each pupil
27(2) A teacher employed in a school is accountable to the superintendent of the school district through the principal of the school for the performance of the teacher’s duties and the overall educational progress of the pupils under the teacher’s instruction.
The Principal of a School
28(1) (a) is the educational leader and administrator of the school and has overall responsibility for the school and for teachers and other school personnel employed at the school, and
(b) is accountable to the superintendent of the school district for the performance of the principal’s duties and the overall educational progress of the pupils enrolled in the school.
5.0Goals / Principles
School District 14 recognizes that regular attendance supports the learning success of the student and contributes to the learning environment of the school. Research has shown that student success in school is enhanced by regular attendance. Students who miss important presentations, discussions and activities each day that they are not in attendance forego experiences that can never be duplicated. Academic success may be jeopardized as a natural consequence of non-attendance.
An Attendance Policy is a tool to keep students in school rather than to exclude them from the educational process. Emphasis must continue to be placed on the development of a positive learning environment and on regular communication with students and parents in promoting student attendance.
School District 14 commits:
1.1 To developing genuine, caring, significant relationships with all children
1.2 To promoting communication and collaboration in our school communities.
1.3 To enhancing personal student growth and academic success.
1.4 To keeping students in school while emphasizing punctual, regular attendance.
1.5 To ensuring regular communication with school and parents/guardians
1.6 To providing consistency in tracking and reporting attendance.
1.7 To promoting regular attendance through positive interventions
6.0Requirements /Standards
Individual student attendance will be tracked and documented in a consistent and organized manner.
- Individual student attendance will be recorded by the teacher daily or by class.
- The teacher will speak with the student after each absence.
- Personal contact will be made with a guardian by the teacher and/or designated educational staff member prior to or on the 5th absence.
- On or before the 10th absence the teacher and/or designated educational staff member will refer to the SST for appropriate on-going interventions.The principal will notify guardian in writing of the concern regarding absences.
- The principal will ensure regular (min. monthly) generation and review of attendance reports with SST.
- The principal will ensure on-going communication with student, parent/guardian regarding non-attendance.
- The principal will notify Social Development of chronic non-attendance by written notice on each further absence.
- The principal will notify the Superintendent of chronic non-attendance.
Interventions with respect to any student absenteeism will be initiated and documented.
Recommended Teacher Interventions:
- Speak with the student to find out why he/she was absent
- Talk with the parent
- Brainstorm with the student to find out what is missing for the student
- Buddy up with another student
- Talk with other teachers of the student
- 10 Day Challenge- 2 min./day of meaningful conversation with student for 10 consecutive days
- Provide extra academic help and supports
- Request a 30 minute problem solving meeting for attendance issues
- Look at student’s strengths, talents and assets and how to build on these
- Look at student’s academic program to determine if accommodations, modifications or enrichment is needed
- Determine the student’s learning style and provide opportunities for the student to learn in that style
- Consult with Guidance/ Resource and Methods
Recommended Student Services Team Interventions:
- Meet with student to look at lagging skills and unsolved problems
- Meet with parents/guardians
- Determine involvement with other professionals and seek consent to collaborate
- Arrange for a case conference (with all service providers, parents, student, relevant educational staff) to problem solve attendance solutions
- Identify caring adult relationships within school and larger community for the student
- Assist teachers in developing a stay-in-school plan that utilizes and develops a student’s strengths, talents and assets
- Assess student’s academic program to determine if working at appropriate level
- Home visit
- Determine appropriate referrals such as SSE, Behaviour Team, Mental Health, Physician, Addictions Counsellor, Sexual Health Nurse, Probation, Social Development, Alternative Education Consultant.
- Parents can be charged under Provincial Offences Procedure Act, Category C Offence
Schools will differentiate interventions for unacceptable absenteeism for elementary/ middle, and high school students.
7.0School Policy-making
Schools are permitted the opportunity to create a School Attendance Policy as long as those policies are in compliance with the District Attendance Policy.
- Education Act
- Human Rights Act
- Provincial Offences Procedure Act
- Family Services Act
- Lost At School – Ross Greene
- Pre-Referral Intervention Manual
- 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens/People
- Kids Who Outwit Adults
- Discipline With Dignity – Alfie Kohn
- With All Due Respect – Ron Moorish
- Harry Wong- The Effective Teacher
- All Kinds of Minds- Mel Levine
- Myth of Laziness –Mel Levine
9.0Contacts For More Information
- Superintendent of Education – School District 14
- Director of Education-School District 14
- Learning Specialist – Student Services - School District 14
- Attendance Database Technician
Sample Letter #1
Dear ______
I am writing to express my concern regarding your child’s attendance. Regular attendance is critical to the academic success of your child. Children who miss a considerable number of classes frequently do not achieve at the same level as their peers. Our records indicate that ______has now missed ______.
As the parent/guardian of this child, it is your responsibility to ensure that your child is attending school. The N.B. Education Act states that “ …a parent is expected to cause his or her child to attend school as required by this Act.”
It is my understanding that ______contacted you ______( put in interventions and contacts to date)
Our desire is to see your child succeed in school. We are interested in working with you to meet that end. Please discuss this with ______(child’s name).
______(someone from the school) will be in contact with you to discuss how we can support you in ensuring your child attends school.
Thank you for your consideration and help in this matter.
Provincial Code of Conduct
All members of the school community have the right to learn and work in a safe, orderly, productive, respectful and harassment-free environment.
All members of the school community are responsible for supporting and modeling the standards established in this Code.
Students are expected to be respectful and engaged in their school community. Nothing is expected of a student that is not also expected of others in the school community. Teachers and school staff, led by the principal, and members of the school community should model good behaviour and the values of the Code in school and wherever students are present (including on the school bus).
As a student,
I will follow my school’s Student Code of Conduct.
I will encourage my friends to respect my school’s Student Code of Conduct.
I will behave in an acceptable manner when I am a guest or a visitor at other schools.
As a parent,
I will teach my children how to behave civilly.
I will ensure that my children come to school ready to learn.
I will learn the school rules, including the Student Code of Conduct, and reinforce these rules with my children.
I will collaborate with the school by supporting the standards of this code and the measures taken by the school to reinforce positive behaviour.
I will communicate reasonably with school personnel.
I will encourage and demonstrate appropriate behaviour within the school community.
The following are some examples of consequences or interventions:
- Verbal warning
- Behavioral contract
- Conference with student and parent/guardian
- Withdrawal/restriction of privileges
- Restitution/Restorative Action
- Letter of apology
- Confiscation of prohibited material
- Detention/Period of reflection
- Service learning (spend time performing duties at school)
- Suspension in accordance with the Education Act
Educators use their discretion and professional judgment when intervening to correct inappropriate behaviour.
Please do not drop off students before 7:45 am.
Our day begins with the warning bell at 8:15 am. Our school day ends with the dismissal bell at 3:16 pm.
Extra help is available after school Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Students need to let teachers know in advance. Extra help is often offered at noon as well, at the teachers’ discretion.
Wednesdays are always staff meeting days after school.
Our student fee at SVHS for the 2010-2011 school year is $30.
Student fees can be paid to your homeroom teacher. Whenever a student pays a fee they are given a receipt.
Lab fees for classes that require them (sciences, shop classes, Outdoor Pursuits, Cul. Tech etc.), are to be paid to that teacher.
Fees associated with Graduation are to be paid at the main office.