The 2016 District Awards

To be awarded at the Rotary District Conference April 29 to May 1, 2016 at the Semiahmoo Resort in Blaine, WA. Closing date for nominations: March 31, 2016 to Chair Denis Boyd at

There are two types of District Awards - those which require a submission from the club President and those which are based on data such as attendance or contribution. Some awards will be awarded based on club size – small (up to 29 members), medium (30 to 59 members) and large (60+ members) as well as multi-club awards.


These are awards that a Rotary Club can submit to District Awards Chair, Denis Boyd () using the forms on the following pages.

Rookie Of The Year - Awarded to a first year Rotarian in District 5050 who embraces the ideals of Rotary by making a significant service contribution to their Club or the District and who joined Rotary on or after April 1, 2015(the closing date for last year’s nominations). Awards given to small, medium and large clubs.

McLean Community Project Award- Awarded for the best community project. Awards given to small, medium, large and multi-club projects.

International Project Award- Awarded for the best international project. Awards given to small, medium, large and multi-club projects.

Rotary Public Image Award - this new award recognizes Clubs which “tell the Rotary story”, with an emphasis on promotion in all of its aspects. Awards given to small, medium, large and multi-club projects.

The 2016 District Awards


These awards are for achievements that do not require submissions:

John Vanderzicht Award - Awarded to the Club with the highest average percentage attendance by the time of District Conference.

Keenlyside Membership Award –Two membership awards: one to a Club with the highest percentage gain in membership and one to a Club with the highest number of new members to April 1, 2016.

White Rock Award - Awarded to a Club with the highest attendance at the District Conference based on the distance from the conference and percentage of club members in attendance.

World Community Service - Awarded for the highest per capita giving towards international programs.

Ron Goldfinch Most Valuable Rotarian - Awarded by the District Governor to Rotary members who exemplify Service Above Self

NOTE: Nominations must be submitted on or before the deadline to district awards chair, Denis Boyd at

2016 Nomination Form

Rookie of the Year

Awarded to a first year Rotarian who embraces the ideals of Rotary by making a significant service contribution to their Club or the District and who joined Rotary on or after April 1, 2015.

Name of Nominating Rotary Club: ______

Club President Name: ______

Telephone Number: ______Email: ______

Name of Rookie Nominee: ______

Date joined: ______

Reasons For Nomination (may be on a separate document)










2016 Nomination Form

McLean Community

Project Award

Awarded to the Club with the best community project in the past year.

Name of Rotary Club: ______

Club President Name: ______

Telephone Number: ______Email: ______

Description of Community Project (may be on a separate document)













2016 Nomination Form


Project Award

Awarded to the Club with the best international project in the past year.

Name of Rotary Club: ______

Club President Name: ______

Telephone Number: ______Email: ______

Description of International Project (may be on a separate document)













2016 Nomination Form

Rotary Public Image


Awarded to the Club in District 5050 with the best promotion of Rotary’s Public Image.

Name of Rotary Club: ______

Club President Name: ______

Telephone Number: ______Email: ______

Describe how your Club and/or individual members promoted the “Rotary Story” - see next page for suggested criteria (may be on a separate document).














Some Criteria for Public Image Award Consideration:

Describe how your Club and/or individual members promoted the “Rotary Story” (Club, District and International) through the use of all aspects of promotion, including traditional media (newspapers, radio, TV), social media (website, Facebook, Twitter etc), community events, or any other method. In making your nomination, items that you may wish to address include:

Did you use a variety of promotional methods?

Do you have a marketing or promotion plan?

Did you identify your target market(s) - members, specific audience, general public

Was the content current and relevant?

Does the content contain District and International information as well as local?

Did you promote the Four Way test, Six Areas of Focus and Code of Conduct?

Did you include Club meeting and other contact information?

Did you make use of Rotary International PR resources (stories, videos, pictures)?

Were you able to measure the outcome?

What was the outcome?

Did you promote community projects or events?

Did you promote international projects or events?

Describe whether the promotions were limited or ongoing?

If ongoing, did you update the content regularly?


How many members did you have attend the following: District Conference, District Training Assembly, Rotary Leadership Institute, District Seminars