CLPA Board Minutes – Oct. 16, 2006
Location: Bob Tomashek’s house
Attendees: Board members – Bob Tomashek, Fran West, Jim Aumann, Dennis Thornton, Carl Bruggink, Joe Mass.
· Reading of minutes from Aug. 17, 2006. Motion to approve by Carl, seconded by Fran, all in favor.
· Treasurer’s report: Fran reported income from the sale of the CLPA’s garage and a $1,000 donation from Cloverfest Run/Walk. Fran reported CoVantage Credit Union has a seven-month CD paying 5.5 percent. Motion to join CoVantage Credit Union and open an account by Carl, seconded by Joe. Bob Tomashek and Fran West-Tomashek will be signers on the account. All in favor.
· Bills. Jim moved, Carl seconded payment of $118.35 in bills, all in favor. Fran reported 16 new members have joined since the last mailing, bringing the total to 250. Joe moved, Jim seconded approval of the treasurer’s report, all in favor.
· Dam: Carl reported he opened the dam on Sept. 13 after keeping it closed most of the summer during dry conditions. Level is currently 71 7/8”, within the DNR limits. Carl plans to leave the dam open for now.
· Water depth: Bob read a letter sent to the DNR by the Belle Plaine Town Board. It included a petition signed by 167 people to increase the water depth by two inches, which had been circulated by residents. He said the DNR’s Scott Koehnke is studying the matter.
· Garage sale: Joe reported the CLPA’s garage sale has been closed. Winning bid of three received was $18,300 by Mary Britten of Kaukauna and net proceeds after expenses (title insurance, sanitary district fees, attorney’s fees) was $17,372.25.
· Reserve fund: Jim moved, Joe seconded setting aside about $27,000 from the garage sale and other assets in a reserve fund for large projects such as sediment control or Eurasian Water Milfoil treatment. The funds will be deposited in CoVantage CDs and money market, while the operational checking account will stay at Associated Bank. All in favor.
· Muskrats: Dennis reported he has been in touch with Dan and Nicky Schumaker of the Wisconsin Trappers Association. They plan to trap muskrats on the lakes this fall.
· EWM: Bob said DNR representatives are interested in working with the lake association to manage Eurasian Water Milfoil in a controlled state, possibly including a new grant following the end of the CLPA’s current three-year grant. He said a meeting has been set up in Madison on Jan. 17 with the DNR. There will be more EWM treatment in 2007.
· Rusty crayfish: A similar number as last year, about 420, were trapped in 2006 and plans are to continue the trapping in 2007.
· Boat launch inspections: Bob noted a final report by Mitch Lawver, who was hired as coordinator of the boat inspection program this summer, indicated inspection of about 600 boats. He said about 80 percent of the boaters were aware of invasive species concerns. The CLPA plans to continue the program in 2007, probably hiring a local person through the town government.
· Web site: Dennis reported the web site is up and running. Tracy Reeb set it up and Dennis is doing updates. Ed Stuebe sent out an e-mail to members calling attention to the site.
· Triathlon: Jim reported that Mary Wetzel would like to organize a triathlon for July 2007 in cooperation with the CLPA. She will be invited to attend the December meeting to discuss the event.
· Adjournment: Joe moved, Fran seconded adjourning the meeting. All in favor. Adjournment was at 9 p.m.