Hospital Authority Finance Internship Programme
Application Form- Spring 2017
The information collected from this application form will be used solely for the purpose of recruiting Finance Intern. The information will be provided to HA internal departments for processing.
Name of UniversityFull-Time student / ☐Yes ☐No
Current Year of Study / ☐Year 2 ☐Year 3 ☐Year 4
Personal Particulars
Title Mr/ Ms / Miss / MrsFull Name in English / Other Name in English
Chinese Name / Date of Birth
Permanent HK Resident / ☐Yes ☐No / HK Identity Card No.
Residential Address
Telephone No.
Email Address
Education (in chronological order)
Start & End Date / Secondary School, College, University, Institutions / Class Attended/ Attending
Academic Achievements
Date Obtained / Academic Qualifications
Have you participated in any competition in accounting, finance or management related areas?
(e.g. HKICPA’s QP Case Analysis Competition)
☐Yes ☐No
If Yes, please specify & include Awards given, if applicable:
Date / Organiser/Competition Participated & Awards givenWork Experience
Start & End Date / Name of Organisation / Position Held
Personal Statement (200 words)
What attracts you to apply for an internship in HA Finance and what you expect to achieve out of it.Preference in Work Location
I prefer to work in / ( ) / Head Office(Please indicate your first and second preference / ( ) / Princess Margaret Hospital
by inputting (1) and (2) in the bracket) / ( ) / Prince of Wales Hospital
( ) / TuenMun Hospital
☐Tick if you would consider internship placement in other locations in case you are not selected by your first and second preference.
I certify that the information given in this form is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief.
(Full Name of Applicant) (Signature of Applicant) (Date)