Name ______Period ______
Cloze Reading Assignment for Introduction to The Diary of Anne Frank
Directions: As you read pages 364-366 fill in the blanks.
The Diary of Anne Frank
Literary Focus
______answers the question “What ______?” Theme answers the question “What does this ______?” ______ is the general idea or ______about human existence that is revealed in a story, poem, or ______. It’s what the ______is saying about ______. Most works of literature have more than ______theme; a long ______will often reveal ______themes. See what themes you ______in this play as you experience with the ______the terror of ______from enemies who want to ______you.
Reading Skills
Using ______
In the following pages you’ll find many resources that contain ______about the ______story of Anne Frank and about the ______. Those ______include ______, a ______, historical ______, and entries from Anne Frank’s ______. (The diary is an example of a ______source, that is, firsthand information.) As you read, use those background resources to ______your understanding of what is happening in the play. The time line especially will help you ______what is going on in the ______world beyond Anne’s attic. The stage ______will help you ______the action of the play.
Literature and Real Life
“I hope I shall be able to ______in you completely, as I have never been able to do in anyone before, and I hope that you will be a great ______and ______to me.”
So begins the ______of a thirteen-year-old ______girl named Anne Frank. Anne’s diary opens in ______with stories of boyfriends, parties, and school life. It ______two years later, just days before Anne is ______and imprisoned in a Nazi ______camp.
Anne Frank was born in ______, Germany, in ______. When she was four years old, her family ______to Amsterdam, the Netherlands, to escape the ______measures being introduced in Germany. In Amsterdam, Otto Frank, Anne’s father, managed a company that sold ______, a substance used in making ______and jellies. Anne and her older sister, ______, enjoyed a happy, carefree childhood until May 1940, when the Netherlands ______(surrendered) to the ______German army. Anne wrote in her diary about the Nazi occupation that followed:
“After May 1940, good times rapidly ______: first the war, then the capitulation, followed by the ______of the Germans, which is when the ______of us Jews really began. Anti-Jewish decrees followed each other in quick succession. Jews must wear a ______, Jews must hand in their ______, Jews are ______from trains and are forbidden to ______. Jews are only allowed to do their ______between three and five o’clock and then only in shops which bear the ______‘Jewish shop.’ Jews must be ______by eight o’clock and cannot even ______in their ______gardens after that hour. Jews are forbidden to visit ______, cinemas, and other places of ______. Jews may not take part in public ______. Swimming baths, tennis courts, hockey fields, and other sports grounds are all ______to them. Jews may not visit ______. Jews must go to Jewish schools, and many more restrictions of a similar kind.
So we could not do this and were forbidden to do that. But ______went on in spite of it all.”
Soon, however, the situation in the Netherlands grew much worse. As in other German-______countries, the Nazis began ______up Jews and ______them to concentration camps and death camps, where prisoners ______from overwork, ______, or disease or were murdered in ______chambers. ______Nazi-occupied territory became nearly impossible. Like many other Jews trapped in Europe at the time, Anne and her family went into ______to avoid capture. Others were not so lucky, as Anne knew:
“Countless ______and acquaintances have gone to a terrible fate. Evening after evening the green and gray army ______[trucks] trundle past. The Germans ______at every front door to inquire if there are any Jews living in the house. If there are, then the ______family has to go at once. If they don’t find any, they go on to the next house. No one has a chance of ______them unless one goes into hiding. Often they go around with ______and only ring when they know they can get a good ______. Sometimes they let them off for ______—so much per head. It seems like the slave ______of olden times…. In the evenings when it’s dark, I often see rows of good, ______people accompanied by ______children, walking on and on, in the charge of a couple of these chaps, bullied and ______about until they almost drop. No one is spared—old people, ______, expectant mothers, the sick—each and all join in the march of ______.”
The ______family and ______other Jews lived for more than two ______hidden in a few cramped rooms (now known as the ______) behind Mr. Frank’s office and ______. In August 1944, the ______police raided their hiding place and sent all eight of its occupants to concentration camps. Of the eight, only ______Frank survived. Anne died of ______in a camp in Germany called ______. She was ______years old.
When she began her diary, Anne didn’t intend to ______it to anyone unless she found a “real friend.” Through its dozens of ______and the ______adaptation you are about to read, Anne’s diary has found her ______of friends all over the world.