Clowne RoadRunners meeting on the 8th of January 2010
Steve Shipp opens the meeting in the chair at 7.30pm, wishing everyone a Happy New Year.
Matt Russell, Dennis Learad, John Proffitt, Joanne Lancaster, Sarah Jane Hodson & Pete & Andrea Elston.
Steve Shipp, Jim McIntosh, Les Banton , Lewis Banton, Trevor Platts, Brian Banton, Steve Hattersley, Greg Goddard, Paul Sadler, Andy Ward, Dave & Julie Keeling.
Minutes read from the last meeting of 11th of December 09.
Jim and Brian agreed these were a true record.
Matters Arising
The Derbyshire XC has been cancelled due to the weather. Runners can keep an eye on their website for a new date.
Regarding The National XC Championships at Roundhay Park Leeds - Steve Hattersley reported he had sent off seven names to run from the club.
Clowne Cross Country
Due to the cricket club being unavailable for the 17th of January, the new date for our XC is the 24th of February at 11am (Sandwiches have been arranged). All clubs involved have been notified. We are still in need of someone to stand in for John Proffitt ASAP to record runners at the end of these four races please.
Presentation Night
Just a reminder that it is still taking place on the 9th of January at 7.30 and the bingo is still on for all present.
Jim McIntosh – Club Captain
Regarding Jog Derbyshire – there are 5 people on the course and Jim is hoping to meet with Kate this Tuesday.
No Business cards as yet.
Larwood 10k – Will be held on the 10th of May with a 1.5k fun run. Jim spoke of good progress being made, with the help of Steve, Paul, Reg and Karen & Matt as race secretary. We will need loads of help on the day - approx 25 marshals.
Steve Hattersley who is assistant race director has put together an entry form, which can go on the web shortly. It was passedaround for comments. Steve also added that a photographer was available,free of charge, with a £1 donation to the club with each photo sold, plus some spot prizes. A lead car/bike was suggested and plenty of signage for isolated front runners. Members to recce course shortly. Thank you to all involved for the good work so far.
Sport Relief 2010
Steve Shipp had received an e- mail from the organisers of Sport Relief asking if we could arrange a mile run, also maybe a 3 and 6 mile. They offer a lot of support with web page and goodie bags etc. We would like to be involved but a lot of us are very busy at present this year. So if anyone is interested and has time to follow this up, Steve as all the relevant information.
Emma who markets for Lucozade also e-mailed, thanking us for letting her stand at the Half Marathon and enquiring if the club was interested in a nutrition session. This was discussed for possibly a Thursday training night. It was also suggested that we could invite Emma to the Larwood 10k. Matt to follow this up shortly.
Club kit committee
Andy Ward reported that ‘Start Fitness’ were still going to get back to us, hopefully on Wednesday the 13th. The complete range of kit is still very reasonable and worth waiting for.
President - Brian Banton
Brian spoke of looking back on 2009, our 25th year as a club – he says everyone involved with the club have been fantastic and reminds us to thank family and friends for their continued support.Brian reports Clowne RR are definitely moving forward and we are all looking forward to the presentation evening.
Half Marathon – Les Banton
Les confirmed the application to BARR for membership has been sent off. Also the application for the Half Marathon for the Gold Grade. It is in the early stages, but everything is on target.
Club Secretary - Matt Russell
We all hope after Matt’s accident he is making a speedy recovery and getting better.
Club Captain - Jim McIntosh
Nothing to report.
Membership Secretary – Steve Hattersley
Nothing to report
Treasurer – Lewis Banton
Lewis reported he had banked the final Half Marathon cheque from Eric and will get all the necessary work finalised to pass on to Mark, our auditor, in time for the AGM.
Social and publicity – John Proffitt
Not Present – everything in order for the presentation evening.
Grand Prix – Steve Shipp
At the presentation evening we will all know who has won what, so please turn up and collect your trophies. It has been a very good year.
A reminder that the first Cross Country this year is at Handsworth on the 24th of January 11am.
Worksop Harriers – John Harrison
Not present.
Les handed around Swaledale forms and reminded they had to be in ASAP to get a chance of a number.
Someone brought up teams for next years events. In answer to this, Steve replied saying last year was a trial and to be honest it was a logistical nightmare!! Only 4 teams completed the GP. We will have to look at a different format for next year to trial again. Maybe putting all runners in the
hat for a team.? Also the idea of pulling names from the hat after the completion of races was also suggested by Trevor.
Andy Ward, in conjunction withHeritageSchool, is trying to promote younger runners in the community with staff and hopefully parents. Melanie and Jackie are also happy to be involved. Steve, in the chair, spoke of it raising the profile of the club and runners may come through and run with us eventually. The school have always been very helpful to us when needed. Everyone present agreed this was all good to move forward. Andy will come back to us with more information on interest within the school. Andy stressed we are still in need of more level 2 coaches
Still available at the moment at Sheffield is the level 2 coaching course for those interested - over a weekend session.
In the pipeline an idea of a highly qualified UKA coach to come along to one of our training sessions.
Andy spoke of a weekend in Belfast for the British Masters on the 13th of March.
Brian asked if it was ok to run a raffle on presentation night for the Gambia Water Aid project he was involved with – everyone agreed this was fine to go ahead with.
Meeting closes at 8.30pm. Next Meeting will be held on the 5th of February.
Reminder that the AGM is prior to this meeting. Any nominations for the committee, amendments to rules, or motions for this year to go to Matt Russell prior to the meeting.