Roles in Groups
This activity is designed to help students think about how roles are reinforced through group members’ communication. Students should work in groups to discuss some kind of issue. Some instructors will provide a decision-making scenario to the groups like the one in the box below. Other instructors give the group an editorial from the local paper and ask the groups to discuss the opinions given in the editorial and outline a response to the writer detailing their group’s position on the issue.
There are two conditions in this activity: “sticker” groups and “paper” groups. Each group should be either a sticker or paper group- divide relatively evenly.
Sticker Groups:
Sticker groups should have this discussion while each member has a sticker on his/her forehead that other group members can see (but they can’t see their own). Each group member should have a sticker, and groups should include the following.
Stickers should say:
Clown: laugh at me
Isolate: ignore me
Leader: follow me
Info. Giver: ask for my opinion
Fighter: disagree with me
Tell the groups that they should NOT look at their own sticker and they should NOT tell other group members what their stickers say. But, they should treat the other members in the ways that are appropriate for the role given on the stickers.
Paper Groups:
Each member of a “paper” group should receive a slip of paper (next page) detailing their role. They should keep their role a secret from the other group members, but act in accordance with what is on their paper.
I don’t really care about the specific outcome of their discussion, but sometimes I’ll ask that just as a first question in the debrief just to get the conversation rolling. It can be useful to talk about how the discussion process was affected by the roles (what roles helped further discussion, how did you deal with disruptive roles, what roles were missing that would have been helpful, etc.)
Each group should talk about what they noticed in their conversation.
For paper groups, ask them what it was like to play a role secretly. What roles do they think others in their groups had? How did they know? Have they ever been in groups where they (or another group member) had hidden agendas? What was that like?
For sticker groups, ask them if they knew what their role was. How? What did others say/do that put you in that role? Have they ever been in situations where they were put in a role like that? (pay special attention to isolates here) How can we deal constructively with being put into a role that we are not comfortable with?
Note that roles emerge through our own and other group members’ communication. Being flexible and able to adopt different roles in different situations is a good thing.
CLOWN – you are a disruptive character. You will goof off, crack inappropriate jokes, make frequent asides, side-track the group with irrelevant comments, etc.
LEADER – you will run this group. Do not allow other members to assume the role of leader. Provide direction for group discussion and bring the group to an eventual decision.
ISOLATE – you are bored with this task. You will resist contributing anything to the discussion. Remain silent unless spoken to directly, and then answer half-heartedly and with brief responses. Don’t be too obvious. Simple melt into the background. Don’t be obnoxious, just bored and uninterested.
INFORMATION-GIVER – you provide relevant information and opinion on the subject for discussion. Act as a resource person. Even if you have to make up information or provide misinformation, be actively involved in the group.
FIGHTER- CONTROLLER – Try to dominate the group. Compete with members and openly disagree. Interrupt with your own opinions. Focus on your ideas – use “That’s not a very good idea…” “My ideas are much better…”
SUPPORTER-ENCOURAGER – Try to bolster the spirits and goodwill of the group. Praise group members’ suggestions, be warm and encouraging. Try especially hard to encourage people who aren’t speaking up much.