Science, Technology, Engineering and Math applied in R&D Centers of Innovation and Incubation by Federal and University Centers for Students and Entrepreneurs
June 2, 2011
Clouston Energy Research, LLC
Sidney N. Clouston, Jr. CEO
10003 Allen Pointe Drive
Allen Park, MI 48101
Mobile: 503-320-9136
The goal of Interstellar Flight is a grand challenge that will be a scientific marvel one day. We can ask for the grace of God to favor us in the work of our hearts and minds that use these gifts as well as wisdom of our scientific gnosis.
The goal of Interstellar Flight will require a cooperation more grand than the one forged for the International Space Station (ISS) and similar historical alliances. It
will require new alliances as well. It is because of the possible new alliances that
we can forge that in our team’s estimation that makes such a grand venture to seem possible. However, just as any Champion must not only have talent for the
event there must be preparation of training and exercise of that ability with the will to exceed past demonstrated ability. We today must someday pass the baton to others who must prepare to receive it. Scientist of today and tomorrow
as well as those not born yet need the tools of Science, Technology, Engineering
and Math (STEM) to enable the successes required.
A Framework:
The economic and political factors with the human factors as well are relevant.
aware of national, international and other Space Exploration organizations also
begs for us to be mindful of the needs of the Earth’s population. One such type
of framework is the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDG). I propose to explain how following basic humanistic values can actually not only inspire butenable the Interstellar Spacecraft exploration and STEM achievements.
The Type Two Partnership was promoted by Kofe Annan Chairman of the United Nations during the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) in 2002
that was held in South Africa. The Governments, Non-profits (University and Tax Exempts) as well as For profit businesses he said ought to team up in formal and
less than formal ways to address the MDGs. Our team has formed one that has been formed as a Self-governance entity. We have cooperation and democratic
The Regional Sustainable Energy Center of Excellence (RSECE) followed the ideals of the World Energy Consul and complies with the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) Policy Brief 18 for the centers of excellence. We seek
Third Party funding and have separation from direct governmental control. Thus
we are engaged in the processes to move Humanity forward and we can team to
generate an income and be inclusive of higher human aspirations such as needed in the future of Space Exploration.
The need to be Sustainable exists in many forms. The existence of mankind now questions the level of prosperity for the population now and in the near future.
Sustainable Finance is another factor that is relevant to the Triple Bottom Line.
The King of Bhutan developed these indices that produce the Gross National Happiness metric. The triple bottom line involves the Planet, People and Profit.
In other words, Environmental, Entities or Social and Economic sectors. The
situation exists that for a more robust profit bottom line, some would take from
and adversely affect the social and environmental bottom lines. This is not being
Muslim and Christian’s acknowledge Isa al Mesih (Jesus the Messiah) and he is
Recorded in Matthew 25 : 31 – 41 as suggesting from his grand spiritual insight
that we ought to uplift the poor. Surely we can unite in doing things to be able
to do that. Economically, John S. Mill said that what is ethical can be tested if
it ; ”creates the greatest good for the greatest number of people.” He was not
only an Economist but a Philosopher. It would seem that we could uplift the poor
for spiritual blessings and follow an ethical path in economics which is more to
the needs of sustainable actions. We are concerned to be sustainable in finance
for the 100 or more years in this Request For Information presently.
Rural Development is one problem that needs attention for improved economic
conditions and Global Trade. The development can occur by carefully managed
businesses with the technical support of the five university R&D centers of the Energy Commission of Nigeria (ECN) that supports the Poor
family farmer and others in Microfinance or rural development programs. The
indigenous wisdom meeting scientific knowledge will enable success.
To lower risk for investment and ensure a good Return On Investment (ROI) the small added interest rate increase is justified. We are planning Joint Ventures with the business community and people in poverty with Contract Growing of
the feedstock that is needed for the product in demand. We are discussing
Biomass, Bioenergy and Biofuels. The Department of Defense of the United
States of America spends $600,000,000 more dollars for every $10 dollar increase
in a barrel of oil. Demand is expected to increase worldwide which means in basic
economics that a higher price can be expected. Leveling of cost can be achieved by the infusion of Biofuels. Moving humanity toward the goal of Interstellar travel, requires the application of the technology and cultivation of the biological
natural resources in a social context that benefits the Triple Bottom Line to include the economics.
The possible use of Centers of Excellence in the USA for mentoring High School students in STEM and graduate who are involved with the STEM applications can
benefit by visitation and various volunteering and employment at the centers. I
am suggesting that Innovation and Incubation programs need to be enhanced. A
Cluster (Center) of innovation and incubation can be linked to other Clusters by
a secure broadband linking. Conversations in focus group forums are needed as
well as mentoring by NASA scientist for innovation and incubation purposes as well as economic reasons.
The RSECE would be welcoming a grant, but really we could provide a Return on Investment with our strategy that would be focused for the STEM program and challenge of the Interstellar Spacecraft. Furthermore, Clouston Energy Research
LLC has since 1989 been developing Architecture for Manned Missions to Mars
In a call by the Space Exploration office of NASA. It has had some program development with NASA Glenn, L-3 Communications Space and Navigation Division and Beacon Power for an unfunded BAA proposal to the Air Force Research Laboratory. The section of the Spacecraft has integrated Artificial Gravity for Crew Health and operation safety factors with cost savings due to
the Aerobrake design. Furthermore it is the subject for the Game Changer Technology BAA of the Chief Technologist Office presently. Additionally, it
needs the pipeline between clusters of innovation and incubation as outlined.