Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs

Name: ______Date: ______

Directions: Circle the correct answer to the following questions about the story we just read; Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs.

  1. Who were the main characters?
  1. Grandma and Grandpa
  2. Henry, grandma, and Lily
  3. Henry, grandpa, and a girl
  4. No one
  1. What day is “pancake morning”?
  1. Monday
  2. Saturday
  3. Sunday
  4. Friday
  1. What town does grandpa talk about in his bedtime story?
  1. Meatball town
  2. Chicago
  3. Chewandswallow
  4. Pancake city
  1. In the town, where did everyone’s food come from?
  1. The sky
  2. The farmer’s market
  3. The grocery store
  4. The people’s personal farms
  1. This is a yes or no question. Did the town ever have normal weather, such as: rain snow and wind?
  1. No.
  2. Yes.
  1. What would the people eat if they were hungry in between meals?
  1. Went to the grocery store.
  2. Bought a snack from the vending machine.
  3. Did not eat until the next meal.
  4. They ate the leftovers they collected from the previous meals.
  1. What is sanitation department?
  1. They are the garbage men that would clean up the leftover food.
  2. Washed all of the dishes for the people in the town.
  3. They cleaned everything with sanitation cleaner.
  4. They were the police officers for the town.
  1. What changed in the town of Chewandswallow?
  1. They got a new weather man.
  2. The weather took a turn and the food got really bad.
  3. There was no more food falling from the sky.
  4. Nothing changed in the city.
  1. With the excess of food that was falling from the sky, what did the sanitation crew do?
  1. Cleaned everything up.
  2. Fed the animals with the extra food.
  3. They gave up because it was too much work and could not keep up.
  4. Gave the food to their families.
  1. What did the people do when the weather kept getting worse?
  1. Sailed away to find a new home.
  2. Cleaned up their city and stayed in the town of Chewandswallow.
  3. They had people come and rescue them.
  4. The sky stopped dropping food and they moved to another city.
  1. At the end of the story what did the kids think they could see and smell?
  1. They thought they saw their grandpa and smelled cookies.
  2. They thought they saw mashed potatoes and smelled butter.
  3. They thought they saw their breakfast and smelled pancakes.
  4. They thought they saw a pad of butter and smelled potatoes.
  1. What type of story was this?
  1. Non-fiction.
  2. A poem.
  3. A tall-tale.
  4. A Biography.

For problems 13 and 14: Write a short-answer to the following questions.

  1. Is the town of Chewandswalllow a real place? Why or why not?
  1. What type of food would fall from the sky?