Closing the gap: research and practice on Black and Minority Ethnic student attainment in Higher Education

University of Kent, Canterbury UK

Call for papers

Deadline: 7th March 2016

This one-day conference brings together academic researchers, policymakers and practitioners on the issue of race and ethnicity in higher education, and how we can inspire, support and share excellent practice in closing the attainment gap between white and Black & Minority Ethnic (BME) students.

Research has shown that BME undergraduates are less likely to convert their entry qualifications into a ‘good’ degree across the higher education sector. With this issue rapidly moving up the policy agenda, universities are tasked with finding new and innovative ways of closing the gap. Not only does this require gaining a better understanding of the experiences and needs of BME students, it also involves critically evaluating institutional culture including the role of equal opportunities strategies. This conference provides a great opportunity for academics and practitioners currently engaged with these issues to share their research, insights and initiatives, and make a significant contribution to the debate.

Keynote speakers

  • Professor Leon Tikly, University of Bristol
  • Professor Kalwant Bhopal, University of Southampton
  • Professor Les Ebdon, Director of Office for Fair Access (OFFA)

Conference themes

Each of the conference themes focuses on aspects of our practice which support the attainment and success of BME students. In particular, the conference welcomes contributions that address the following questions:

  • How might class, language, family background and prior schooling affect BME students’ performance in HE?
  • What impact does ethnicity have on students’ choice of HEI and academic course?
  • Do HEIs deliver a curriculum, style of learning, or method of communication that privileges white students?
  • What are the policy implications for the persistence of the white-BME attainment gap?
  • What initiatives, interventions and approaches have proven successful in addressing the white-BME attainment gap?


The conference invites contributions from researchers, policy-makers and HE practitioners. Contributions should be grounded in your current work (teaching or research or student support) which helps us to better understand excellent practice in closing the attainment gap between white and Black & Minority Ethnic (BME) students.

We invite oral presentations (15 minutes + 5 minutes Q&A) or poster presentations on any of the following:

  • Theory and pedagogy relevant to improving BME performance in higher education.
  • Research on race and ethnicity in higher education, including the white-BME attainment gap.
  • Policy reviews and proposals on BME attainment in higher education.
  • Practices, interventions and initiatives: examples of innovative teaching, learning and student support approaches beneficial to BME attainment.

Please send us a 300 word abstract, a 100-word biography of the presenter(s), and contact details to . A panel will act as peer reviewers for all conference submissions.

Notifications of acceptance will be sent out at the earliest opportunity and no later than 1st April 2016. If you have any questions about the conference or your submission please email us at .

Conference prices

(Bookings open 8th Jan 2016)

Full conference (excluding accommodation) / £125
Full conference (excluding accommodation) - Early bird rate (before 14th April 2016) / £80