23rd November 2012

Dear Parents,

Lollipop Patrol

Mr Kemp is on the mend but on crutches. Unfortunately, this does mean that he is unable to stand for periods of time and it will be a while before he is able to hold a lollipop! I will continue to cover for him while I am able, however there are days when, for one reason or another, I am busy or away from school at the beginning of the day. We will try to send a text out if this is the case so that you can be extra careful when crossing the road.

PTA event: The Christmas Bazaar is on Friday 14th December from 3.30-4.30pm in the school hall. There will be various stalls including Tombola, chocolate raffle and gift-wrapping for the children. Donations of homemade cakes, raffle prizes and gifts will be most welcome nearer the time.

We will be holding a mufti day before the Bazaar – details to follow.

Funmats The children have been busy completing their art work for this fundraising project. You will be able to see your children’s pictures and order a Christmas gift from 3pm on Monday 26th November in the school hall. If your child does a club on that day, you will still be able to view and order at 4.15. Please bring the order form with you (on the back of the leaflet) and the correct money or cheque made payable to Catsfield School Fund.

PGL Final payment for the residential trip is due on Friday 8th March. Please ensure that all outstanding amounts are cleared by this date. Thank you.

Dinner money Please make sure that all payments are up to date as we approach the end of term. Please pay for the final week by Thursday 20th December, including lunch for the last day, if required.

Mrs Hammond

Mrs Hammond is expecting a baby in February and will be taking maternity leave from Friday 21st December, the last day of this term. We wish her well at this exciting time and look forward to seeing her new baby. If you would like to contribute to her collection, please place money in a sealed envelope and give it to the office.

Mrs Fernandes will take the Tigers’ class from Tuesday to Friday. We are delighted to welcome Mrs Noakes to Catsfield staff; she will teach Tigers on Mondays. Mrs Noakes has been teaching for 5 years in Reception and Year 1 at St Peter and St Paul’s school in Bexhill.

Tag Rugby Club Unfortunately there will be no more Tag Rubgy for the time being as Mr Elms has commitments for the rest of this term.

KS1 Christmas

The Nativity will take place on Thursday 13th December at 1.45pm in the school hall. All parents, grandparents and villagers are welcome. There will be a special Dress Rehearsal performance for Catsfield Under Fives and our school children on Wednesday 12that 9.45am. No doubt you will hear much more from your children in the near future. We will be sending out requests for help with costumes and learning songs and words.

KS2 Christmas

The Big Sing at the De la Warr is on Monday 10th December at the earlier performance time of 5.30. We will be travelling there by coach , leaving here at 1.30pm for a rehearsalbefore the performance. Children will need a packed tea (see letter that went out on this week).Children will need to wear their normal school uniform that day, but with a WHITE SHIRT instead of blue. There will be no need to bring a book bag to school as we would like to travel light!

Tickets for this can be booked from the box office on 01424 229111.

Carol singing at Catsfield Christmas Tree Farm will take place on Wednesday 12th December at 5pm. Mr Elms is organising this and again details will follow when finalised. All are welcome to join us. We hope the weather proves better than last year!

Church Christmas Service

This will take place on Thursday 20th December at 2pm. Please come back to school afterwards for a cup of tea and a mince pie. We will need some volunteers to help with this however, so If you are able to help serve tea, please let the office know.

Carols by Candlelight

Please join us on the last day of term at 2.30pm in the hall for our traditional Carols by Candlelight.

Yours sincerely,
