Association of College Educators

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Closed Session: 3:30-4:30pm, Open Session: 4:30-5:30pm

Mission College, GC 223

Closed Session: 3:30-4:30PM

  1. Negotiations/Contract Article Review

The ACE Negotiations team met with Carol Koenig yesterday. The District asked for an updated Sunshine list. The Negotiating Team worked on a list of articles to present to the District.

Grievance Officer Reports / Faculty Issues

Issues are becoming more problematic as faculty attempt to file grievances against other colleagues. This action is not permissible. Faculty can only grievance Contract Article(s) and not individuals.

Open Session: 4:30-5:30PM

  1. Call to Order and Introductions

Council Members Present: Leigh Burrill, Randy Castello, John Chew, Dianne Dorian, Wendy Gachesa-Bowers, Rick Hobbs, Cathy Jones, Clement Lam, LeAnn McGinley, Rod Pavao, Kathryn Wood.

Negotiators Present: David Rose, and Jory Segal

Guests: Cathy Cox, Laura Glaser, Diane Lamkin, Lorin Thompson, Jim VanTassel

  1. Order of the Agenda
  2. Approval of the Minutes:

Randy moved to approve the October 2, 2014 minutes. John seconded. The motion passed. 4 abstentions.

  1. Administrative Business:
  2. President’s Report
  3. ACE / Senate Agreement – Second Reading (Final)

John moved to approve. LeAnn seconded the motion. Discussion occurred about liaisons attending each group’s meetings. Cathy Cox stressed the importance of finalizing the agreement. The motion passed. The Agreement will be sent to the Academic Senates for Review.

  1. CalPERS Forums / Communications

The suggestion was made to contact Albert Moore to request at least 2 forums.

If the faculty do not make any decisions about benefits, they will begin paying for a portion ofthe cost of their benefits, when the Health Care Reimbursement funds run out at the end of January. That amount will be deducted from their paychecks by HR.

What are the options for Benefits? Will Blue Cross & Kaiser even bid on faculty as a smaller group? If they do bid, the cost will probably be higher.

  1. Strike or Walk-out discussion

Is this a possibility? A vote would be required by all faculty. Faculty on “strike” would not receive compensation or health benefits from the District. The District could bring non-union faculty in to teach classes,and there is a possibility of other job actions against faculty.

  1. Load Inconsistencies Division / Department

The load document are assigned load from the Load Committee. The Load Sheet is a work sheet for the Load Committee.

There was never an ACE document that was approved. ACE has never seen the Load Sheet. The Load Committee has responsibility for loading the classes. There was a load book that was kept by HRand in the VPI offices. Loads were determined by curriculum when they were written. It appears to be based on past practice. There should be some description of all the loads.

  1. Recruitment – WVC Negotiator

Wendy moved to approve Diane Rudy, Randy seconded the motion. The motion passed. Two abstentions.

  1. ACE Constitution and By-Law Review – Rod will send out potential dates.
  2. Attorney - Negotiations $33.00/per capita/$3.35 per member/monthly. Postponed
  3. PAC Report Postponed
  1. Vice-President’s Report

Proposed Non-Credit Courses WVC Postponed

  1. Secretary’s Report

Website Proposals and Current Status Postponed

The ACE office will be moving to Office P in the Business Division at West Valley.

  1. Treasurer’s (Budget Analysis) Report/PresentationPostponed
  2. Annual Budget Review and Website Posting
  3. Annual budget?
  4. CFT Reports:
  5. CFT Ballot Count and Council Vote

The ballots are in the boxes. They will be counted at 2pm on 10/23 at WV & Mission.

  1. Election Update; Membership List?

A list of all current ACE members was forwarded to Rick. Jory will try to put together a list of the agency fee payers for the ballot on Thursday.

  1. Pro-CFT Committee Report
  1. Old Business:
  2. Ballot Boxes
  3. SLO Sub-committeesPostponed
  4. New Business: Postponed
  5. Appointment of two ACE people to the DEMC
  6. Health Services Director Position
  7. Future Agenda Items:
  8. ACE Faculty Division Liaisons
  9. ACE PAC Report from Wendy
  10. Council Reports:
  11. Associate Faculty
  12. Full-Time Faculty
  13. Adjournment

Future Meetings:

November 6, 2014 West Valley College, FOX 102 3:30 - 5:30 PM

November 20, 2014 West Valley College, FOX 102 3:30 - 5:30 PM

December 4, 2014 Mission College, GC 223 3:30 - 5:30 PM

December 18, 2014* Mission College, GC 223 3:30 – 5:30 PM

*If required