CLLS Final Report Instructions
CLLS Final Report Reporting Instructions
Revised June 2017
Definition of an Adult Learner
· Is 16 years or older and not concurrently enrolled in high school
· Seeks literacy services for him/herself in English and is able to do the intake interview in English
· Has completed an intake interview, has been assessed, has established one or more personal literacy goals
· Does not include someone who requests services from your library but is referred elsewhere
Definition of Instruction
· One-on-one tutoring
· Small group instruction
· Computer lab time with some help from staff and volunteers
Section 1 – Contact Information
Section 2 – Program Selection
Program selection auto fills with the programs you had in the prior year’s Final Report.
If you ADD or DELETE a program, a pop-up box asks for an explanation regarding the change. You may get the pop-up when you try to adjust programs. One explanation will do. Just note “See above” to move past the pop-up.
Section 3 – Adult Learner Activity Report
1. Continuing Adult Learners from prior Final Report: The number that appears here is the number of adult learners that you reported as “received instruction” at the end of the prior reporting period (Section 3, #3). This figure corresponds to learners remaining at the end of prior reporting period. This number will be zero for new programs. Inaccurate numbers may be revised by clicking the box and providing an explanation for the change.
2. Adult Learners who began instruction during this reporting period: New adult learners who received instruction at least twice during the current reporting period.
3. Total Adult Learners who received instruction during this reporting period: The number of Adult Learners continuing from previous reporting period (Item 1), plus the number of new adult learners who began during this reporting period (Item 2). This number will be automatically calculated. Cumulative totals and demographic totals must match.
4. Adult Learner Demographics: The ethnicity, age, and gender totals must equal Section 3, #3 total. Please note that if your ethnicity, age and gender numbers do not total to the automatic total number shown, the online reporting system will not let you submit the report until they do. Use the “unknown” and “not specified” categories ONLY if this information cannot be obtained from the adult learner or his/her tutor. Please make every attempt to determine the correct adult learner characteristics.
5. Total number of Adult Learner instruction hours for this reporting period: Total hours spent by all learners in instruction (can include one-on-one tutoring, small group, staff or volunteer – assisted computer instruction, etc.) For example: 3 learners meet for 1 hour for small group instruction –count this as 3 learner instruction hours. (Note: This counts for 1 volunteer instruction hour.)
6. Adult Learners awaiting instruction or rematch at end of this reporting period: All adults who have been interviewed/assessed and are not currently being served at the end of this reporting period.
Section 4 – Family Activity Report
1. Total Number of Adult Learner Families Served: By definition, services provided in our state-funded Family Literacy program include an adult learner. Families counted here are ONLY those who include an adult learner (not ESL Student) and must also include at least one child up to the age of 5. Do NOT include “outreach” families here (families you serve in an attempt to attract additional clients for your service, but who do not include an adult learner – i.e., when you visit HeadStart or other preschool locations in your outreach efforts.) These families should be reported under “Other Services” as outreach.
Note: This is an un-duplicated count of families you serve, meaning one family = 1, no matter how many members it has or how many times you have served them.
2. Total Number of Children up to the age of 5 served in these families containing an adult learner: Note: This is an un-duplicated count of the children you serve, meaning one child = 1, no matter how many times you have served that child.
3. Total Number of Children age 5 years and older served in these families containing an adult learner: Note: This is an un-duplicated count of the children you serve, meaning one child = 1, no matter how many times you have served that child.
Total number of Children served: AUTO-CALCULATED.
4. Provide a brief description of how you provide Family Literacy Service. What Programs and services do you offer?
Section 5 – ELLI Report (English Language and Literacy Intensive)
1. Total number of ELLI Children served: Note: This is an un-duplicated count of ELLI children you serve, meaning one child = 1, no matter how many times you have served that child.
2. Total number of ELLI Parents/Caregiver served: Note: This is an un-duplicated count of parents of ELLI children you serve, meaning one parent = 1, no matter how many times you have served that parent.
3. Provide a brief description of how you provide English Language and Literacy Intensive (ELLI) service.
Section 6 – MLLS Report (Mobile Library Literacy Services)
1. Total number of MLLS Children up to the age of 5 served: Children up to the age of 5 who are served in your CLLS-funded MLLS (Mobile Library Literacy Services) program. Note: This is an un-duplicated count of children up to 5 served with the MLLS vehicle, meaning one child = 1, no matter how many times you have served that child.
2. Total number of MLLS Children 5 years and older served: Children 5 years and older who are served in your CLLS-funded MLLS (Mobile Library Literacy Services) program. Note: This is an un-duplicated count of children age 5 and older served with the MLLS vehicle, meaning one child = 1, no matter how many times you have served that child.
3. Number of Parents/Caregivers served: Parents/Caregivers who are served in your CLLS-funded MLLS (Mobile Library Literacy Services) program. Note: This is an un-duplicated count of parents/caregivers served with the MLLS vehicle, meaning one person = 1, no matter how many times you have served that person.
4. Number of MLLS Site Visits: Total number of times the vehicle stopped to provide service during the reporting period.
Note: This is a cumulative count, meaning the total of all visits made to all “stops.” If the same “stop” was visited 8 times during the reporting period, it counts as “8.”
5. What programs and services do you offer?
Section 7 – ESL Report
Although CLLS funds cannot be used to support ESL services, the State Library wants to acknowledge libraries that have identified local resources to provide ESL services in communities where there is a need. To gain a complete picture of local literacy services provided, we have included a section for ESL activities.
1. Number of ESL Adults served: Adults who speak English as a Second Language and who do not fit the definition of an adult learner.
2. First or Home Languages of ESL Adults served: For each ESL student served, report the primary language spoken in their home. Total should equal total of ESL students in Item 1.
3. What programs and services do you offer: Please provide a brief description of how you provide ESL services. What programs and services do you offer? Report here any literacy services provided by your program that are not adult ESL programs or one of the 4 CLLS program components (ALS, Family Literacy, ELLI, MLLS).
Section 8 - Other Services Report
1. What are the Other Services that your literacy program provides to your community?
Section 9 – Library Impact
1. What program and service needs do you have that you are unable to meet and why?
2. How do you work with the library as a whole?
3. Director’s Statement
How have your literacy services impacted the rest of the library in this grant year?
Section 10 – Community Partners
Community partners include any agencies, businesses, schools or other entities with whom you have an agreement (casual or formal) to receive or provide service and/or support at no charge, we are also interested in the role that they have played. Examples include: the local Adult Education office posting your flyers or referring adults to your program (and/or you doing so for them); the local coffee shop that provides space for your tutors and students to meet; the Head Start program where you provide storytelling once a month, etc. First enter the partner’s name. Select role(s); you may choose more than one role for each partner. Finally, select the Partner Service from the drop down menu.
1. Community Partner Name(s)
Complete #2 & #3 for each Community Partner
· #2 – Roles (Click boxes)
· #3 – Partner Service (Drop downs)
Section 11 – Volunteer Hours
1. All Volunteer Adult Literacy Instructional Hours (ALS/Family Literacy/MLLS): Actual time contributed by volunteers in providing adult literacy instruction. Can include one-on-one tutoring, small group, computer instruction, etc. provided by a volunteer. Does not include prep time however. (Prep time is included in Item 4 – All other volunteer hours in literacy services.)
2. All Other Volunteer Hours in Literacy Services (Non-Instructional Hours): Time contributed by volunteers to the literacy program in ways other than literacy instruction. Examples are people helping with craft or family activities, or doing office filing and/or photo-copying. Can also include time spent in preparation for tutoring. Do not include professional services that are reported as In-kind Services (in dollar equivalents), i.e. an attorney contributing legal work.
3. Total of Volunteer Hours: Total of volunteer hours for all programs. This is automatically calculated by adding items 1 & 2.
4. How many non-tutor volunteers do you have in your literacy programs?
Section 12 – Volunteer Tutor Activity
1. Continuing Volunteer Tutors instructing from prior grant year: The number that appears here is the number of tutors “remaining” at the end of the prior reporting period. This should represent the number of volunteer tutors who have provided instruction to an adult learner at least twice in the previous six months, did not leave the program, and continued to tutor in the current reporting period.
2. Volunteer Tutors who began instructing during this grant year: Newly trained or reactivated volunteer tutors who provided at least two instructional sessions during the reporting period.
3. Total Volunteer Tutors who instructed during this grant year: Total of Section 12.1 & 12.2. Auto calculated.
4. Volunteer Tutor Demographics: The total ethnicity, age, and gender must equal Item 3. Please note that if your ethnicity, age and gender numbers do not total to the automatic total number shown, the online reporting system may not allow you to submit until the error is fixed. Use the “unknown” categories ONLY if this information cannot be obtained from the tutor. Please make every attempt to determine the correct tutor characteristics.
5. Volunteer Tutors awaiting training/matching/re-matching at end of the grant year: Persons who have volunteered to be trained, but have not yet been trained to provide adult literacy instruction AND those who have been trained but have not yet begun active tutoring, or who are awaiting re-match. Do not include inactive tutors.
6. Number of tutor training hours new tutors are required to complete before beginning to tutor: The number you report here is the number of tutor training hours a volunteer must complete before being matched with an adult learner.
Section 13 – Staff Commitment
For the Staff Commitment questions, you will enter the
· FTE or Full-time Equivalent* for:
1. ALS / A&FLS [Adult Literacy Services & Adult & Family Literacy Services (A&FLS)]
2. Other CLLS Funded Programs (ELLI, MLLS)
3. Locally Funded Programs (ESL, Other Services)
· Total Salary for all Staff – 13A) Library Personnel 13B) Contract Staff
Section 13A – Staff Commitment – Library Personnel*
A.1 Total ALS or A&FLS FTE: Enter the TOTAL FTE* hours for ALS (Adult Literacy Services) or A&FLS (Adult & Family Literacy) services. Add up FTE for all positions—Coordinator, Director, etc.
- *Library Personnel are those who are city, county or library district employees.
A.2 Total FTE for ELLI and/or MLLS: Enter the TOTAL FTE for those programs. If you have both programs, add the FTE for each together.
A.3 Total FTE for ESL and/or Other Services: Enter the TOTAL FTE for those programs. If you have both programs, add the FTE for each together.
A.4 Total FTE – Library Personnel: All Library Personnel FTE will be summed here. AUTO-CALCULATED
A.5 Total Salary – all programs: Enter the Salary for all programs, State funded AND local funded.
A.6 Comments
Section 13B – Staff Commitment – Contract Staff*
B.1 Total ALS or A&FLS FTE: Enter the TOTAL FTE* hours for ALS (Adult Literacy Services) or A&FLS (Adult & Family Literacy) services. Add up FTE for all positions—Coordinator, Director, etc.
- *Contract Personnel are those with whom you contract separately – they are not employees of the city, county or library district. AmeriCorps Members are reported here.
B.2 Total FTE for ELLI and/or MLLS: Enter the TOTAL FTE for those programs. If you have both programs, add the FTE for each together.
B.3 Total FTE for ESL and/or Other Services: Enter the TOTAL FTE for those programs. If you have both programs, add the FTE for each together.
B.4 Total FTE – Library Personnel: All Contract Staff FTE will be summed here. AUTO-CALCULATED
B.5 Total Salary – all programs: Enter the Salary for all programs, State funded AND local funded.
B.6 Comments
- * FTE—Full Time Equivalent—1 FTE equal 40 hours per week. For example:
• You have a literacy position working 20 hours per week (.5 FTE) and an A&FLS position working 40 hours per week. The total AFL FTE should be 1.5.
Section 14 – Budget Expenditures Page/ Financial Report
The CLLS Reporting System allows users to import [eventually] their budget expenditures from the previous report. When you click “Import Previous Data,” the expenditures from a previous report will appear for you to revise: