
Minutesof the April2012meeting of Skellingthorpe Parish Council held on Tuesday 24th April 2012at 7.30pm at Skellingthorpe Village Office, Lincoln Road, Skellingthorpe, Lincoln

Present: Cllrs. Goldson (Chair), Barnett, Billinghurst,Richardson, Foster, Lawton, Chambers, Halland Waller.

Cllr Shore (LCC) was also present.

Parishioner’s Question Time. The Scout Master addressed the Parish Council with further clarification of the Scout Do 1 Thing for Scout Community Week. Council agreed to think of a project that the Scouts could undertake as part of this week but the Scout Leader did indicate that the group would still litter pick at the Gala and some of the older members would assist with monitoring the car parking.


Two members of the public were present.

1.Apologies for absence and reasons given.

There were apologies from Cllrs. J. Bennett, S Bennett, T. Scottand Cllr Mrs Flint (NKDC), Lincolnshire Police.

2.Parish Council Insignia.

The Parish Council Insignia was inspected.

3.To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the 2000 Local Government Act.

Cllr Lawton declared a personal interestin any matters relating to North Hykeham Town Council as he carries out work on behalf of the Council.

4.Police Report.

There was no police report as the report to date had been given at the Annual Parish Meeting at St Lawrence’s on Tuesday 17th April 2012.

5.Notes of the last Parish Council meeting held on 27thMarch 2012 to be approved as the minutes of that meeting.

CllrWallermoved a motion to adopt the clerk’s notes being a correct record of the meeting held on that date. The motion was seconded byCllr Foster.The minutes were unanimously approved on a show of hands by those members of the Council present at that meeting. All action notes had been dealt with.

6.To consider the valid expressions of interest for co-option to the Parish Council vacancy

The two candidates were in attendance and each addressed the Council in support of their expression of interest.

They then left the room whilst the vote took place.

Cllr Lawton declared a personal interest in this item and took no part in the discussion as one of the candidates is known to him. Cllr Mrs Chambers proposed that R Andrew Walshaw should be elected as a co-opted member of the Parish Council. Cllr Waller seconded the motion that was unanimously approved on a show of hands. There was one abstention from the vote as Cllr Lawton had declared an interest and took no part in the discussion. Cllr R Andrew Walshaw was duly elected as a co-opted member of the Parish Council.

7.Financial matters

a) Payment of accounts/budget report.

Cllr Billinghurst presented the payment of accounts and indicated that all appeared to be in order. Cllr Foster seconded the motion that was unanimously approved on a show of hands.


LALCLALC Training scheme 2012/13£105.00£596.70

Annual subscription£491.70

(Cheque no. 200010 27/03/12)

NKDC Non-domestic rates bill £1,171.91

Playing field and Pavilion

(Cheque no. 200011 27/03/12)

Skellingthorpe Magazine CtteeCleaner advertisement £20.00£144.00

Annual Report centre page pullout£124.00

(Cheque no. 200012 10/04/12)

EonVillage office energy£121.88

(d/d 24/04/12)

EonHeritage Room energy £2.39

(d/d 24/04/12)


(d/d 16/04/12)


(d/d 26/04/12)



CaretakerHeritage room/Pavilion £56.79

C. WilkinsonSalary £1,551.93 £1,580.43

Travelling expenses £28.50

Post Office Ltd(Inland Revenue)Wilkinson£637.60

Deducted Tax and N.I £442.14


Deducted Tax and N.I. £ 0

Employers NI £145.86


Deducted Tax and NI £49.60

M GumsleySalary £509.16

D ParkerSalary £198.93£288.93

Travelling £90.00

LincsCounty Council Superannuation£638.03

Pension Fund AccountClerk’s contribution £120.36

Asst Clerk’s contribution £31.92Employer’s contribution £485.75

G MossHandymanApril 2012 £349.88 £559.80

Litter picking £209.92

Petty cashApril 2012 £58.69

Community LincsBest Kept Villages 2012 £18.00

Northcliffe MediaAnnual Parish meeting £85.46

EonStreet lighting – unmetered supplies £451.57

ESPOOffice supplies £88.44

Reprotec Connect For LtdPhotocopier maintenance £21.26

VeoliaGrass cutting £273.67

Total expenditure £7,720.79


NKDCNKDC precept 1st instalment £44,571.00

NKDC Agency fees £700.00 £966.24

Refund of council tax discount£266.24

LCCBig Society Fund £2,000.00

Total income £47,537.24

b) To approve the Parish Council accounts year ended 31st March 2012

Cllr Waller presented the end of year accounts. Cllr Goldson proposed that the accounts be accepted, seconded by Cllr. Foster and unanimously approved on a show of hands.

8.Parish Council Committee reports

Minutes of all committee meetings had been circulated to all members prior to the meeting.

a) To approve the playing field rents/hire charges for 2012/13

Proposed Cllr Foster, seconded by Cllr Lawton and unanimously approved on a show of hands.

b) Proposed that the emergency expenditure is approved for the quote for work on the Pavilion.

Proposed Cllr Goldson, seconded by Cllr Foster and unanimously approved on a show of hands.

Clerk to place order

9.To consider the arrangements for the Annual 50/61 Squadron Memorial Service

It was agreed that St John’s Ambulance Brigade cover should be arranged by the Clerk. Invitations have been sent out to civic parties, schools etc as in previous years. Wreath ordered. Police will be in attendance to monitor the event. Clerk to book St John’s Ambulance Brigade

10.Queen’s Diamond Jubilee 2012

Meeting to be called of Community Cohesion committee as now the funding has been received from LCC Big

Society fund. Thanks were given to Cllr Shore for nominating and securing the funding on behalf of Parish Council

which will be used primarily to fund the event. Choir to entertain the group and will then lead the singing of

National Anthem prior to the lighting of the Parish Council beacon at 10.15pm.



It is hoped that the lighting of Beacon in London by the Queen will be screened live at 10.30pm.

  1. Adoption of Code of Conduct for Town and Parish Councils update.

No further update.

  1. Closure/remedial action to resolve the uneven surface of tarmac path running between footpath 15 and Monson PlayingField.

Temporary measures have been taken to close off the footpath until expert advice of Nigel Sardeson of LCC is obtained for remedial action to make safe the area. Advice to be sought from LCC footpaths/Tree officer

  1. Gala report

Schools have agreed to take part in the Gala but will not be competing against each other. 5 bands are coming to play at the afternoon music festival on Saturday preceding Gala but an emergency meeting has been convened for tomorrow as a sound engineer is required to operate the equipment that is to be kept on site. NK Schoolis to be approached to see if they can assist. There are food stalls and a beer tent. The licence has been obtained but marshals are needed to ensure that alcohol is only consumed within the confines of the beer tent.

14. Bus service Skellingthorpe route 29

Residents have registered their appreciation to the Parish Council and County Councillor for the efforts that have been made on their behalf to try and restore the bus services to the village. Letters have been sent to the Parish Council since the matter was discussed at the Annual Parish meeting last week from Stagecoach. It was suggested that Stagecoach should be asked to meet with a contingent from the Parish Council to further discuss this and other solutions that may be permissible. Cllr Shore is prepared to attend if required. It was agreed that further consultation should be taken with the residents to feedback into a meeting with Stagecoach and Chris Briggs of LCC to help resolve issues with the revised service and if that meeting is not successful to consider drawing up a petition asking for the reinstatement of the services that have been withdrawn from the village.

15. Annual ParishMeeting action notes

There were no action notes to follow up on.

16. Report from latest Energy From Waste Community Liaison Group meeting.

Clerk to contact Helen Renshaw Environment Agency to update Parish Council on progress of Whisby Landfill/air pollution control residue permit once the application is received. Clerk to arrange

17. Report from last Parish Cluster meeting.

Cllr Barnett to attend the meeting at N Scarle for presentation by senior planning officer NKDC on subject of wind turbines and to report back to next meeting of Parish Council. Agenda item for May meeting

18. NKDC Local Access Point annual review of the service

It was agreed that a letter should be sent to Karey Barnshaw inviting her to meet with the Parish Council

Staff Management Committee and report back to full council. Clerk to write

19. Correspondence.

i) LCC Letter regarding Old Wood North, Skellingthorpe Noted

ii) Letter from Fire Brigade. Resident to copy letters to Parish Council regarding this matter. A meeting has taken place with residents and Fire Brigade in order to address the residents concerns.

iii) LCC Highways letter – Status of Old Wood South Noted

20.Report from District Councillors.

No report.

21.Report from CountyCouncillor

Report awaited from Alan Brown regarding the crossing on Lincoln Road.A petition demanding a safe crossing following a recent road traffic accident has been given to Cllr Shore who is dealing with the matter with Alan Brown. It was agreed that a copy of the petition should be held in the office to be pinned to the noticeboard for people to sign if they wish.

Complaint regarding a goped that is being ridden on the pavements.Clerk to report to police

Drainage problems in the village are being investigated by LCC.

22.Clerk’s Report.

Remind to Councillors that June 12th 2012 planning meeting will be starting at 6.30pm as there will be a review of

the BMX dirt track taking place prior to Estates meeting.

23.Chairman’s Report

Members were reminded that expressions of interest for committees and specialist roles are with clerk by 1st May in time for the Annual Parish Council meeting of 8th May 2012.



24.To approve submission to Chatterbox

  • Co-opted a Parish Councillor.
  • Approved new scheme of playing field charges.
  • Considered the arrangements of Gala, 50/61Memorial Service and Diamond Jubilee Event.
  • Diamond Jubilee in competition with televised events but the ParishCouncil hosted activities will be taking place simultaneously with televised concerts etc.
  • Closure of footpath as it is dangerous and professional advice is being sought.
  • Pursuing the bus cutbacks.

25.To resolve whether the Council will move into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to meetings) Act 1960.

Should this resolution be passed the public and press will be required to leave the meeting at this stage.

Part B minutes proposed by Cllr Billinghurst, seconded by Cllr Foster and unanimously approved by those present

There being no further competent business the meeting was closed at 8.45 pm.

Signed ………………………………………………….. Date ………………………………………….