Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Starcross Parish Council held in
Starcross Pavilion, Starcross, on Monday 12 June2017at 7.45pm


Cllr Hopper (Chairman),Cadbury, Chadwick, Chase,Debenham, Gardner, Lovell, Rastall and Stanley

Also present:

Suzanna Hughes (Clerk), County/District Cllr Connett (arrived 8.12pm) and one member of the public


Apologies were received from:

  • Cllr Burrows
  • PC Rob Harvey & PCSO Adrian Overieu

120617.02OPEN FORUM

Members of the public were invited to voice matters of concern or opinion on subjects pertaining to Starcross.

A parishioner informed members that he had applied to the Councilto fill the casual vacancy and was present at the meeting for interest only.



Members present received the minutes of the meeting held on Monday 8 May2017.

It was agreed unanimously by those members present and voting that these minutes be signed by the Chairman as a true and correct record of that meeting.


Members were reminded of their responsibility to continually update their Notice of Registerable Interests and invited to state whether they have any interest in the items to be discussed during this meeting in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct. Unforeseen requests for a Dispensation to be considered at this point only if there was no way a member would have been aware of such before the meeting.

There were no declarations of interest or requests for dispensation.



A copy of the report detailing outstanding resolutions requiring action was circulated to and noted by members. The Chairman asked that each Committee Chairman deals with items relevant to their Committee within their Chair’s Report.



Reported crimes from 09/05/17 – 11/06/17

Starcross(5 crimes)

  • Fraud – Family member used debit card online for unauthorised purchases. Offender interviewed and cautioned.
  • Criminal Damage – Cherry tree damaged at the Playing Field. No leads.
  • Blackmail – Offender attempted to coerce victim into sending explicit photographs. No police action taken at request of victim.
  • Burglary – Laptop stolen from dwelling. Possibly domestic links but not evidence to support. No leads.
  • Common Assault – Victim grabbed by offender causing minor scrapes. Enquiries ongoing.

Cockwood (0 crimes)

Cofton (0 crimes)



[This item was taken later in the meeting between items 11 and 12].

Cllr Connettapologised for being late. He had attended Holcombe Burnell Parish Council which was now part of his County ward following changes to the boundaries and which meets on the same evening as Starcross Parish Council. He advised that he had nothing more to report than had already been discussed.



Committee Chair Report (Cllr Hopper)

8.1Financial Report–members received and noted the financial report for 9 May – 12 June and were asked to approve the payments listed (copy attached).

AGREED UNANIMOUSLY by those members present that the payments listed are made. The report was signed by three signatories.

8.2Action List Report

There were no outstanding matters requiring action.

8.5General Report/Questions & Answers

The Chairman reported that the Parish Council’s reserves, once the tarmacing of the car park has been paid, is £33,065.91. He recommended that a sum of £8,000 should be kept in general reserves but asked members to think about projects on which the balance could be expended. A couple of suggestions included additional security for the sportsfield car park and upgrading the play park.



Committee Chair Report (Cllr Cadbury)

9.1New planning application:

9.1.117/00723/ADV – Warehouse Stile Farm, Lane to Stile Farm, Starcross

Two non illuminated fascia signs one on north east elevation and one on south east of building

Members had no objection to this application.


No decisions were reported.

9.3Action List Report

There were no outstanding matters requiring action.

9.4General Report/Questions & Answers

Cllr Cadbury informed members that the Planning Committee did not think it was necessary to pursue either a Neighbourhood Plan or a Parish Plan. Cllr Hopper considered that it was necessary for the Parish Council to have a plan to work towards and it was suggested that the Parish Council could have its own five year plan rather than a Parish Plan. Cllr Stanley suggested that the Parish Council might consider having a mission statement followed by a series of objectives. It was agreed that a meeting of the Parish Council would be held on Monday 14 August at 7.45pm in the Pavilion to discuss this in more detail.



Committee Chair Report (Cllr Debenham)

10.1Action List Report

Cllr Debenham updated members as follows:

  • Powderham has been contacted m about the wasteland in Generals Lane who have informed Cllr Debenham thatthe Japanese Knotweed has been treated recently and would be treated again in September. Cllr Debenham has also been advised by Powderham that Savills would be looking at the Herras fencing and would be expected to visit soon.

Action: Cllr Debenham to contact Powderham again.

  • Cllr Debenham has met with a representative from DCC and Cllr Connett to look at the recent highways matters discussed by this Council including the double yellow lines and traffic orders with a view to putting in a designated bus bay in New Road. DCC will look into this and will consult with Stagecoach. Highways now have a complete list of the Parish Council’s proposals.
  • It has been suggested that the access to the new development at Brickyard Lane

should be angled so as to encourage people to travel eastwards towards the Strand.

10.6 General Report/Question & Answers




Committee Chair Report – Cllr Rastall

11.1Proposal: To retrospectively agree the purchase of a combination padlock lock (£16.23) for the allotment gate opposite the two cottages in Brickyard Lane to replace missing lock and to agree the purchase of another combination padlock and chain (approximately £30) for the middle entrance to the allotments on Brickyard Lane which also went missing

AGREED UNANIMOUSLY by those members present that these costs are approved but that the situation at the allotments is monitored and reviewed.

Action: Cllr Chadwick to purchase combination padlock and chain

11.2Action List Report

There were no outstanding matters requiring action.

11.3General Report/Questions & Answers



120617.12YOUTH CLUB

Committee Chair Report

12.1Action List Report

Cllr Chadwick informed members that one of the youth workers has now left and interviews for her replacement would be taking place this week. The leader is on leave this week which means the club will have to close as there is insufficient staff. The club was also closed on 8June when the Pavilion was being used as a polling station.

12.2General Report/Questions & Answers




13.1Cllr Chadwick reported that Toby Russell of the DAAT would be writing formally to the clerk setting out the plans for carrying out the installation of the site together with costs and when it is likely to be undertaken. A quote for £2,800 has been received which Exeter Lions Club has agreed to fund. Cllr Chadwick informed members that it was likely that the Parish Council would have to submit a planning application. Details of this and who would pay for it to be obtained from Toby Russell.

Action: Once confirmation has been received from Toby Russell, clerk to seek confirmation from Toby Russell about who will be submitting the planning application and who will fund it.






The next meeting of the Parish Council is to be held on Monday 10 July 2017 commencing at 7.45pm in The Starcross Pavilion, Generals Lane, Starcross.



Chairman of the Parish Council DATE: 10 July2017

Note: In cases where a document or paper is referred to on the Agenda or the Minutes, this document will be available EITHER on the Parish Council website or on request from:- The Clerk to the Council, 16 Westwood Cleave, Ogwell, Newton Abbot TQ12 6YE. 01626 330311

Starcross Parish Council Finance Report – 12 June 2017

Summary of Bank Balances at 12 June 2017

Current Account

/ £16,614.78
Pavilion Trading Account / £6,177.70
Allocated Reserves / £36,181.94
Total / £59,850.92

Income: 9 May – 12 June 2017

Allocated Reserves – interest



Pavilion/Sportsfield hire



VAT repayment



Dinghy licences



Memorial tree (reimbursement)



Authority for cheques/online payments – Current account


/ £742.73



HMRC (April)

/ £70.20


/ Roadform
-Tarmacing car park / £20,151.58


/ St Pauls Church
-Contribution towards grass cutting / £75.00


/ Birbeck Landscapes
-Grass cutting / £450



Lee Accounting (SW) Ltd

-Internal audit / £240
Authority for cheques/online payments – Pavilion trading account



T Greenslade

-Pavilion security & cleaning for May

/ £156
Direct Debits

Opus Electricity (21/5/17)

/ £65.57

Opus Gas (26/5/17)

/ £56.10

Post Office (broadband) (18/5/17)

/ £19.99

Natwest Bankline fees (15/5/17)

/ £28.90

South West Water (1/6/17)

/ £72.77

Signatory approval for payments listed above:
