Clive Belgeonneholds a Graduate Certificate in Training for Development Education (The Global Trainer - IoE, 2004); he has completed the SAPERE Level 3 Certificate (2013) and is an accredited P4C trainer. He isalso an accredited trainer for the British Council ‘Connecting Classrooms’ programme and was an Assessor for Validation for the 2013 international ‘Training the trainer’ event.
Clive also has an MA in Modern History and a Postgraduate Diploma in Art History. His PGCE was in History / Social Studies. As a secondary teacher he taught History, General Studies, Geography, R.E. and Travel & Tourism. He became a specialist teacher in PSHE and was a Cross-curricular Co-ordinator, specialising in Environmental Education and later Education for Sustainable Development, becoming part of WWF’s pioneering ‘Reaching Out’ teacher training team.
His reputation as an effective DE trainer has led to him being invited to run training for DE networks in Europe such as ‘Train the trainers’ for GLEN (Global Education Network Young Europeans) and for the Curriculum Working Party of DEEEP (Development Education European Exchange Project).
Clive has worked in two DECs in the last 14 years (Manchester DEP 2000-2009; DECSY, Sheffield 2009-Current) and was part of the management of the Northwest Global Education Network for six years (2004-2010), working with five DECs.
At the DEP he was initially seconded as ‘Schools Outreach Officer’ for the Global Dimension & ESD. He co-ordinated a three year international project, ‘Learning for Sustainable Cities’, which brought together NGOs, practitioners, teachers and pupils from Brazil, Canada, India, Italy, the Gambia and the UK He then co-ordinated two, three year (DFID-funded projects) to bring the Global Dimension into ITE (Initial Teacher Education) and Partnership Schools with Manchester Metropolitan University.
At DECSY he has led on the SEAL and the Global Dimension project and Carbon Partners (both 3 year DfID projects) and currently Building Communities through Dialogue. He has been seconded to the Global Learning Programme as National Leader (North), a job-share with Rob Unwin from DECSY.
Clive has been an Associate Lecturer at Manchester Metropolitan University lecturing on sustainability and teaching the NCSL School Business Management programme. He has written numerous articles and publications, including ‘Teaching the Global Dimension: a Handbook for Teacher education’. He is a member of the TEESNet (Teacher Education for Equity and Sustainability) Steering Group and ELSA (English Learning and Sustainability Alliance). He is a primary school governor and has been a secondary governor.
Training feedback
Clive usually runs between 20 and 40 training sessions a year with a range of audiences from Early Years Practitioners to university ITE tutors, from twilight sessions for specialist staff to whole-school, all-day sessions. In the last year of DECSY’sSEAL and the Global Dimension project, over 200 participants self-evaluated on a scale of 1 (Low) to 5 (High) before and after the training sessions on areas to do with confidence and understanding of SEAL and the Global Dimension and moved an average of about 2 points up the scale - 267 evaluations also gave an average of 8.97/10 for “appropriateness of session” and 8.85/10 for “delivery and content”. After a recent, bespoke, whole-school training on Diversity for 34 teaching and non-teaching staff at a Sheffield Primary school, 71% rated the quality of delivery as ‘Excellent’ and 29% ‘Good’. In the ‘Most useful’ section of the evaluation form, the Headteacher wrote: “Opportunity for reflection - Whole-school engagement- PRACTICAL - Bite sized chunks made it feel do-able.”