Health Ethics Committee – Clinical Trials Guidance Notes



The Health Ethics Committee (hereinafter referred to as ‘the committee’) has been appointed by the Ministry for Health to assess in both the public and private sector:

  1. Applications for clinical trials on medicinal products as per the Maltese Clinical Trials Regulations, 2004 (LN 490) and the European Clinical Trials Directive 2001/20/EC; and
  1. Applications on all other clinical trials including those involving devices and interventions.

A: Regulation of clinical trials on medicinal products

The Maltese Clinical Trials Regulations, 2004 (LN 490) may be accessed on: The European Directive 2001/20/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 April 2001 on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States relating to the implementation of good clinical practice in the conduct of clinical trials on medicinal products for human use may be accessed on: The legislation refers to both commercial and non-commercial trials.

In order to start a clinical trial in Malta, the committee should issue a favourable opinion and the Licensing Authority should authorize it. In order to obtain a favourable opinion from the committee to start a clinical trial an application shall be submitted to committee.

The application form should be submitted in English. Documentation attached to the application should be submitted in English and/or Maltese.


When an applicant submits an application for a clinical trial, he must fill in the application form: Request for authorisation of a clinical trial on a medicinal product for human use to the competent authorities and for opinion of the ethics committees in the community.

The application should be prepared in accordance with the European Commission’s Detailed guidance on the application format and documentation to be submitted in an application for an Ethics Committee opinion on the clinical trial on medicinal products for human use. The application form and guidance notes may be accessed on:

The completed application form should be submitted with section 7.2 (full data set) and section 7.3 (Module 2) of the Detailed guidance on the application format and documentation to be submitted in an application for an Ethics Committee opinion on the clinical trial on medicinal products for human use. The applicant should also submit a soft copy of the application form. The required documentation may be seen in annex 11.


Any amendments should be clearly identifiable.

When submitting a substantial amendment, the application form Request for authorisation of a substantial amendment to a clinical trial on a medicinal product for human use to the competent authorities and for opinion of the ethics committees in the community needs to be filled.

Substantial amendment forms together with the relevant documentation should be submitted to the committee according to the European Commission’s Detailed guidance on the application format and documentation to be submitted in an application for an Ethics Committee opinion on the clinical trial on medicinal products for human use. The application form and guidance notes may be accessed on:

In the light of the circumstances, notably the occurrence of any new event relating to the conduct of the trial or the development of the IMP where that new event is likely to affect the safety of the subjects, the sponsor and the investigator shall take appropriate urgent safety measures to protect the subjects against any immediate hazard. These safety measures may be taken without prior authorisation from the committee. The sponsor shall communicate to the committee the new events, the measures taken and their plan for future action as soon as possible. This should be by telephone in the first place followed by a written report. The written report should be submitted within eight (8) calendar days of the decision (except in the case were the urgent safety amendment involves the premature termination of a clinical trial, where notification should be made within fifteen (15) days). No fee will be attributable in this case.

If the committee is notified of any amendments that are relevant to the Medicines Authority only and these do not require assessment by the committee, no fee will be attributable to the committee.

Any other non-substantial amendments should be notified to the committee as soon as possible.

End of clinical trials

End of trial notifications should be made using the Declaration of the end of a clinical trial notification form.

The end of trial form together with any documentation, should be made according to the European Commission’s Detailed guidance on the application format and documentation to be submitted in an application for an Ethics Committee opinion on the clinical trial on medicinal products for human use. The end of trial form and guidance notes may be accessed on:

Transitional arrangements

Clinical trials currently taking place which started before 1st May 2004 should be notified to the committee and they should comply with pharmacovigilance and good practice obligations.


Fees of clinical trials may be accessed on the website of the committee.

Reduced fees for clinical trial applications for academic research without financial support from industry may apply. The applications will be evaluated on a case by case basis and this concession will be at the discretion of the committee.

Appropriate proof of payment should always be attached with the application form. Payment of the relevant fee should be made at:

Bank Details:

Account Name:

Account Number:


Swift Code:

NB When effecting the payment the amount should be remitted in full, net of all bank charges.

Contact for further information

Applications and notifications should be submitted to:

Health Ethics Committee

Castellania Palace

15, Merchant's Street

Valletta VLT 03



Tel: (+00356) 25599000

Fax: (+00356) 25599385


B: Regulation of other clinical trials

Other clinical trials including those involving devices and interventions should also gain approval from the Health Ethics Committee before commencing. The application for such research should be picked up from the committee’s office (see ‘Contact for further information’). The documentation which is required to be handed in with these applications may be found in annex 12.


Before a substantial amendment is implemented this should be authorised by the committee.

Substantial amendments are those amendments which are likely to have a significant impact on:

• the safety or physical or mental integrity of the subjects;

• the scientific value of the trial;

• the conduct or management of the trial; or, where applicable,

• the quality or safety of any device used in the trial.

In the light of the circumstances, notably the occurrence of any new event relating to the conduct of the trial where that new event is likely to affect the safety of the subjects, the sponsor and the investigator shall take appropriate urgent safety measures to protect the subjects against any immediate hazard. These safety measures may be taken without prior authorisation from the committee. The sponsor shall communicate to the committee the new events, the measures taken and their plan for future action as soon as possible. This should be by telephone in the first place followed by a written report. The written report should be submitted within eight (8) calendar days of the decision (except in the case were the urgent safety amendment involves the premature termination of a clinical trial, where notification should be made within fifteen (15) days). No fee will be attributable in this case.

Any other non-substantial amendments should be notified to the committee as soon as possible.

The notification of a substantial amendment should include the following information:

  • covering letter, including reason for qualification as a substantial amendment;
  • description of the amendment and reason/s;
  • the new version of modified documents where the changes are so widespread and/or substantial that they justify a new version, identified with updated number of version and date. The changes should be clearly marked;
  • supporting information including an updated overall risk benefit assessment, and where applicable, possible consequences for subjects already included in the trial and possible consequences for the evaluation of the results.

End of clinical trials

When a clinical trial finishes, this should be notified to the Health Ethics Committee as soon as possible.

Transitional arrangements

Clinical trials currently taking place should be notified to the committee and they should comply with pharmacovigilance and good practice obligations.


Annex 1 Clinical Trials Regulations, 2004 (LN 490). Accessed on:

Annex 2 Directive 2001/20/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 April 2001 on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States relating to the implementation of good clinical practice in the conduct of clinical trials on medicinal products for human use. Accessed on:

Annex 3 Detailed guidance on the application format and documentation to be submitted in an application for an Ethics Committee opinion on the clinical trial on medicinal products for human use. Accessed on:

Annex 4 Detailed guidance for the request for authorisation of a clinical trial on a medicinal product for human use to the competent authorities, notification of substantial amendments and declaration of the end of the trial. Accessed on:

Annex 5 Request for authorisation of a clinical trial on a medicinal product for human use to the competent authorities and for opinion of the ethics committees in the community. Accessed on:

Annex 6 Request for authorisation of a substantial amendment to a clinical trial on a medicinal product for human use to the competent authorities and for opinion of the ethics committees in the community. Accessed on:

Annex 7 Declaration of the end of a clinical trial. Accessed on:

Annex 8 The check list of the information appended to the application (check list K).Accessed on:

Annex 9 Useful supporting documentation on the EudraCT database. Accessed on:

Annex 10 International Conference on Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use should be followed. Accessed on: Of particular relevance is the Note for guidance on good clinical practice (CPMP/ICH/135/95).

Annex 11 – documentation needed for clinical trials on investigational medicinal product:

The applicant should include one printed copy and one soft copy (on electronic storage media)of the following documents (if applicable) with the initial clinical trial application form. The documents of the printed copy should be submitted in the order given below. The soft copy should contain the following documents saved in the order shown below. This annex should also be filled in, printed, and submitted with the relevant documentation. An electronic copy of this annex should also be submitted after being completed.

Tick if Tick if not

supplied applicable

One printed copy of the documents described below

(including this annex after being completed)

Disk with one electronic copy of all documents listed below

(if applicable), including this annex after being completed

If you, or a related company (including companies from whom

you have acquired the rights to the product or active substance and

companies with whom you have a licence agreement), have made

any previous application to the Health Ethics Committee for a trial

involving the same active substance, including any application that

was previously not accepted, kindly state EudraCT number and

sponsor protocol number of the previous application(s)

EudraCT number(s):

Sponsor protocol number(s):

Bank receipt of payment (the clinical trial title and EudraCT

number should be written on it if the applicant applies for more

than one trial)

Receipt of confirmation of the EudraCT number i.e. a copy of the

email containing the notification of the EudraCT number which

was received by the applicant

Covering letter

Application form

Tick if Tick if not

supplied applicable

Module 2 of the Detailed guidance on the application format

and documentation to be submitted in an application for an Ethics

Committee opinion on the clinical trial on medicinal products for

human use

Disk with the file for EudraCT containing the exact information

contained on the printed CT application form handed to the

Health Ethics Committee. The file should be saved and named

with the EudraCT number of the clinical trial

List of competent authorities to which the application has been

submitted and details of decisions, if available

If the applicant is not the sponsor, a letter of authorisation

enabling the applicant to act on behalf of the sponsor (the

wording ‘to act on behalf of’ would signify signing /

communicating on behalf of the sponsor)

Subject related

Informed consent form

Subject information leaflet

Arrangements for recruitment of subjects

Protocol related

Protocol with all current amendments

Protocol summary in English

Peer review of the scientific value of the trial, when available,

not compulsory

Ethical assessment made by the principal / coordinating

investigator, if not given in the application form or protocol

Tick if Tick if not

supplied applicable

IMP related

Investigator’s brochure

Summary of Product Characteristics (for products with

marketing authorisation in the Community)

Outline of all active trials with the same IMP

Viral safety studies, if applicable

TSE Certificate when applicable

Examples of the label in English and/or Maltese

Facilities & staff related

Facilities for the trial

CV of the coordinating investigator in the MS concerned

(for multicentre trials)

CV of each investigator responsible for the conduct of the trial in

a site in the MS concerned (principal investigator)

Information about supporting staff in each site

Finance related

Provision for indemnity or compensation in the event of

injury or death attributable to the clinical trial

Any insurance or indemnity to cover the liability of the

investigator and sponsor

Compensation to investigators

Compensation to subjects

Agreement between the sponsor and the trial site

Agreement between the investigators and the trial sites

Certificate of agreement between sponsor and investigator when

not in the protocol

Tick if Tick if not

supplied applicable


Informed consent letter of authorisation holder when

cross-referencing is made

Proof of establishment of the sponsor or its legal representative

in the Community

All available contact numbers - mobile, home, places of work

including clinics and private hospitals, fax of primary place of

work, pager - should be attached with the application. All local

investigators participating in the conduct of the research should

make themselves available and accessible to the Health Ethics


The intention of the sponsor on whether to continue to supply the

IMP or other therapies, for example, supportive therapy, after the

research ends together with the time periods and conditions

involved (if not already provided in the protocol).

Copy of the opinion of other ethics committees, if applicable

In this case, any differences between the documentation (including the version) submitted to the other ethics committees and to the Health Ethics Committee should be highlighted.

Letter signed by Head of department(s) / Consultant(s) concerned

when patients / relatives and / or records of their department are


Annex 12 - documentation needed for all other clinical trials:

The applicant should include one printed copy and one soft copy (on electronic storage media)of the following documents (if applicable) with the initial clinical trial application. The documents of the printed copy should be submitted in the order given below. The soft copy should contain the following documents saved in the order shown below. This annex should also be filled in, printed, and submitted with the relevant documentation. An electronic copy of this annex should also be submitted after being completed.

Tick if Tick if not

supplied applicable

One printed copy of the documents described below

(including this annex after being completed)

Disk with one electronic copy of all documents listed below

(if applicable), including this annex after being completed.

The disk should also contain the application containing the exact

information contained on the printed application form handed to

the Health Ethics Committee.

Bank receipt of payment (the Clinical Trial title should be written

on it)

Covering letter

Application form

Investigator’s brochure

List of other bodies to which the application has been

submitted and copy of opinion, if available

In this case, any differences between the documentation (including the version) submitted to the other bodies and to the Health Ethics Committee should be highlighted.

If the applicant is not the sponsor, a letter of authorisation

enabling the applicant to act on behalf of the sponsor (the

wording ‘to act on behalf of’ would signify signing /

communicating on behalf of the sponsor)

Examples of the label in English and/or Maltese

Tick if Tick if not

supplied applicable

Subject related

Informed consent form

Subject information leaflet

Arrangements for recruitment of subjects

Protocol related

Protocol with all current amendments

Protocol summary in English

Peer review of the scientific value of the trial, when available,

not compulsory

Facilities & staff related

Facilities for the trial

CV of the principal investigator

CV of the coordinating investigator in Malta

(for multicentre research studies)

Information about supporting staff in each site

Finance related

Provision for indemnity or compensation in the event of injury

or death attributable to the clinical trial

Any insurance or indemnity to cover the liability of the

investigator and sponsor

Compensation to subjects

Compensation to investigators