Street Committee Meeting
September 17, 2015 @ 4:30 pm
Council Chambers
Chair Ray Wigern called the meeting to order at 4:30 P.M.
Members present: Ray Wigern, Russ Erichsrud, Gary Armon and David Classon were present. Marty Cassem arrived at 5:03 P.M. Dan Brod was absent. Staff: City Engineer Wes Brown and City Administrator Tim Ibisch, Public Works Supervisor Jamie Holland and Light and Water Director Tim Stoner.
Public Present: Mayor Rick Scholtes and County Engineer Mark Daly.
At this time Chair Wigern addressed the Main Street Design discussion. Ibisch reported that on August 26th the City hosted an Open House with regard to the Main Street Reconstruction. Ibisch reported that there was a good response about the project. Ibisch reported that from the open house there has been discussion on an alternate design to close 6th Street and make it into a parking area. Ibisch reported that he is looking to have a recommendation for the Council meeting on Monday, September 21st. Brown reported that the scope of the project needs to be identified very soon in order to get plans through State Aid review process.
Brown explained that if 6th Street were to be closed off there would be more parking area for Main Street. The idea would be to travel down the middle of the street and be able to angle park on either side. Brown reported that there would be enough room for 59 stalls. This concept increases the number of stalls by going through Main Street. Wigern did not like the concept of blocking off 6th Street. Wigern reported that he drove down Main Street just before the meeting and found 24 open spaces as of the time of this meeting, the block by Double Play has 20 open spaces and the block a north of 6th has 22 open spaces. Wigern noted that the farthest anyone would have to walk is 1 block if Main Street is full. Erichsrud reminded the Commissioners that the Businesses are also paying the assessments. Erichsrud reported that the ladies he has talked with about parallel parking say they would not parallel park.
Scholtes explained that his biggest concern is safety. Scholtes encouraged the business owners not to park their vehicles on Main Street when they are at work to keep the spots open for customers. Scholtes added that the businesses on south Main Street did not get a choice of parallel/angle. Holland discussed the problems that could arise from closing off 6th Street particularly with snow removal.
County Engineer Mark Daly spoke up at this time with regard to angle parking on both sides. Daly noted that even though the City received a variance his concern is safety. Because this is a State Aid Road the County does have to approve whatever plans that are put together. Daly reported that he would not approve a 45° angle/angle plan for safety reasons. Wigern asked what Daly would say to one side angle and one side parallel. Daly had no problems with that layout. The west side being the preferred side for the angle parking due to the Post Office being on the west side. Brown asked if the 2 foot clear zone would remain and Daly agreed to that option. Commissioners were concerned that the sidewalk would be narrowed because of the construction. It was explained that if there is angle parallel then the east side would be a little wider and the west side with the angle parking the width would not change.
Ibisch suggested giving the Council the information that the Street Committee has eliminated 2 options, leaving the decision to the Council as to what option they choose. The options to go before the Council would be parallel on either sides or parallel on the west side and angle on the east side. The sidewalk will be narrowed by 2 ½ feet with the angle parking on both sides.
Erichsrud asked if the businesses would be able to keep the awnings. Brown reported that the awnings will be gone but they could put in new ones when the construction is done. Ibisch noted that the awnings can be discussed at a later time.
Motion by Dave Classon, second by Gary Armon to recommend to the City Council two options for Main Street parking.
1. Parallel on the east side and parallel on the west side.
2. Angle on the east side and parallel on the west side.
The motion passed unanimously.
Motion by Russ Erichsrud, second by Dave Classon approving the minutes of Street Committee Meeting from 7-22-2015. The motion passed unanimously.
Old Business;
At this time City Engineer Wes Brown updated the committee on current projects. Brown explained that Smith and Circle Drive have all the underground work completed and the subgrade is cut. They are working on getting the tile lines in. Brown reported that compaction has been a problem in addition the rain delay has been an issue. Contractors should be able to complete the project by the end of October.
Brown reported that 21st Street started on the 21st. Classon asked about no parking on Ramsey during the 21st Street project. Holland reported that he contacted Darling International and they have agreed to send ½ of their traffic south. The loaded trucks will go on Ramsey Street and the empty trucks will go south over the bridge. Holland noted that the bridge can handle 29 ton trucks. Brown reported that the reconstruction should be completed within 3 to 4 weeks. The process is to do the work in halves. Holland reported that they are finding a lot of clay of which some of the clay is of better quality.
At this time Tim Stoner discussed the Light and Water main map and explained the areas/Streets for defects and helping to establish the Street reconstruction 5 to 10 year plan. Stoner explained that to get an idea of the structure they examined the pipe size. Stoner reported that there are 6 priorities for water line replacement.
1. South Galbraith, 14th Street to South Circle Drive has 4 inch water line so there is low flow. There are 2 broken valves and 3 breaks in the last 10 years.
2. Sailor Street, 2nd Street to 7th Street and 6th Street from Grove to East Street has 4 inch water line and 5 valves that are bad and there have been 5 breaks in the last 10 years.
3. South Ramsey 12th Street to South Circle Drive has 4 inch water line with 2 bad valves and 1 break in the last 10 years.
4. South Moore, 13th Street to Smith Drive and then 2 blocks toward the Pool. There have been 9 breaks over the last 10 years.
5. 10th Street from Main to Holland Street. There are 2 vales that are inoperable.
6. West 1st Street from Childs Street to Holland has 4 inch water lines and low flow.
Stoner reported that if the Light and Water were to incorporate the water issues with the street conditions, we would find that some of the streets overlap and some do not so the overlap ones would become the priority streets.
Wigern asked if incorporating the overlap streets into a 5 year plan does the looping increase the planning for the streets and changing the 4 inch lines to 6 inch water line. Wigern noted that the projects need to be done with the economic value as the goal and the least cost to stretch the money as far as we can. Ibisch noted that once the overlap mapping is done we will be able to see the priorities of the streets and then plan accordingly with the worst areas first.
At this time Public Work Supervisor Jamie Holland addressed a question from Jim Sabin about his sod issue from the 11th Street project. Sabin had presented some pictures of his sod on the north side of 11th Street. Wigern noted that he has talked with both Sabin and Wise about the sod and agreed that there is something that has happened because last year it was fine. Wigern noted that Sabin and Wise feel that it is bad soil full of rock and sand. Wigern reported that there was an area that they put manure and the grass grew just fine so it could have something to do with the PH factor of the soil. Malwitz grass is doing fine and on the south side of the road at Skaare and Volkenant. Suggestions were that he should check back with Lawn Pro who treated his lawn earlier this year and see what formula was used on his lawn. Ibisch noted that there was plenty of rain this summer and Ibisch added that Sabin is very good to take care of his yard. The grass could have been stressed with a chemical at the wrong time of year and burnt the grass. Wigern noted that he had an issue on the boulevard grass with Lawn Pro. Ibisch will keep watching the grass next year and see what happens. Wigern recommended taking a soil sample and see if there is a PH problem.
Armon asked about the trail area by Franks home. Holland reported that he has talked with him about not putting boards across the trail. Holland noted that he has had complaints that Franks are harassing people when they use the trail.
New Business;
Faribault County Engineer, Mark Daly Hwy 16 Storm Sewer under the 1970 Agreement
County view of Main Street Project.
County Engineer Mark Daly reported that there is a signed agreement from 1970-71 between the City with regard to signage, plowing and mowing. Basically the agreement details who takes care of what under the County State Aid system. Highway 16/Leland Parkway was turned over to the County after this agreement. The City maintains all the storm sewers and catch basins and the County is responsible for the reconstruction grading and subgrade corrections, bituminous covering the full width of the street. The City is responsible for the sign maintenance, snow plowing, mowing and those types of things. Highway 16 is on the list for the repair of 2 catch basins of which 1 catch basin is on 16 and the other is on Grant Street. Daly’s question is the City going to take care of the catch basins. The County Board wants to continue with the same policies that are currently in place with Blue Earth which is the same as what is in place with the other cities in Faribault County. MNDOT treats all cities the same and if a City is part of a MNDOT project, there are certain costs that they pay for on that project and they pay 8% of the standard construction and most cities do Cooperative Agreements. MNDOT lets the City design the project and pay for the engineering cost then the County pays for a share of the intersection.
Daly reported that in Faribault County, the County pays up to 18% of the construction cost for the design and construction engineering.
Daly reported that the County currently plows County Road 16 from the city limits to the county line.
Cassem asked what the maintenance for a catch basin is. Holland reported that they need to be vacuumed out occasionally and drained. On the north side of Leland Parkway it is all overgrown with trees and is blocking the basin. The trees will need to be cleared away and then bring in a back hoe to trench so there is drainage which will take about 2 weeks of back hoe work to clear the area. The south side where the break is in a lateral pipe by the guard rail next to the road that will cost between $10,000.00 to $15,000.00. Holland reported that the catch basins in town can cost between $4,000.00 and $7,000.00. Daly reported that the ones along Leland Parkway have never been replaced as far as they knew.
Ibisch reported that if a new agreement is needed he was not opposed to working with the County toward new agreement terms. Ibisch explained that the terms of snow removal would be something that would be detailed in a new agreement. If Council wants a new agreement with the County, he would be willing to work with Daly and Holland on renegotiating the terms to fit the current needs. Wigern agreed that a new agreement is needed when working under the terms of a 1970 agreement. Daly reported that the State Aid Roads were established in 1957 and the actual agreements were not done until 1970 and 1970. Daly noted that the repairs to the catch basins on 16 are critical because they are being used. The catch basins on the ramps if they fail it isn’t as critical. Brown noted a safety concern with the basin’s taking in dirt.
Cassem asked about the proposed pathway from Blue Ridge going east into town on the south boulevard. Wigern reported that the kids and adults with strollers walk from Blue Ridge Apartments on the street on Hwy 16 which is dangerous. Wigern reported that there have been discussion to put some sort of walkway or path to keep those people off the road for safety. This would be in the Right of Way behind the curb. The County Commissioners and the property owners did not have any issues with the walkway as long as they don’t have to remove the snow or maintain the path. Daly did not have any issue with a path but it would be a cost that the County would not pay. Daly noted that an 8 foot path is usually the minimum and if it is put right up to the curb, there is a 2 foot clear zone.
Ibisch reported that he would be working with Brown, Daly and Holland with regard to a writing a new agreement and bring the draft back to the board to review.
Brown asked Daly for clarification on the agreement and what the County covering the curb and the sidewalk portion for replacement. The past practice has been that the County pays for the curb and the sidewalk. Daly reported that he agreed that was typical of past agreements and has been 100% coverage.
Brown asked for width clarification on the Main Street reconstruction of 9 foot parking lanes and 12 foot driving lane. Daly noted that the minimum lane is 10 foot for 30 MPH on State Aid road. Daly noted that the only thing he is objecting to is the 45 degree angle on both sides.
Daly reported that the County has on the schedule next year (2016) to reconstruct north Main Street from the bridge to 44 with a 36 foot wide road surface because the bridge will be replaced with a narrower deck. There will be new curb and gutter and transmission to the narrow lane and a turn lane added to Fairgrounds Road.
Motion by Dave Classon, second by Marty Cassem to adjourn the meeting at 6:04 p.m. The motion passed unanimously.