Clinical Supervisor (exempt)
6 month contract
As soon as possible
Counselling Programs Services include the following programs: Alcohol and Drug; Alternatives to Violence; (Victims of Violence, Survivors of Sexual Abuse, and Self-Referred Offenders Program) Child/Youth Suicide Prevention; Program; Family Support Services, Nobody’s Perfect Parenting, and, Healthy Families.
A primary objective and fundamental responsibility of this position is the promotion of, and commitment to the society’s aims and objectives (e.g. mission statement, standards of practices, strategic plan). Counselling Services contribute to the society’s mission by delivering intake/referral, outpatient and outreach treatment, prevention and educational services to enhance the psychological, physical and social health of the residents of Delta and the surrounding communities.
By adopting a strong “consumer” orientation, Counselling Services strives toward improving customer satisfaction (e.g. clients, funders, referral source, community), developing effective servicesand, recognizing its fiscal accountability.
Executive Director
Domain 1: Quality Control
To monitor, evaluate and improve the quality of all counselling program services within the guidelines of the policies and procedures of the society to achieve maximum cost effectiveness and the highest level of customer satisfaction.
1.1Assure compliance of staff to agency/programs quality and productivity performance standards
1.2Monitor, evaluate, and enhance staff clinical skills and expertise to meet agency/program needs through supervision by identifying strengths and training needs
1.3Monitor, evaluate, and improve case management/record keeping practices through supervision
1.4Comply with all monitoring procedures established by the agency/programs quality standards
1.5Participate in program development and community needs assessment through established mechanisms
1.6Chair or participate in any relevant internal meetings
1.7Represent the agency on relevant committees as directed by the Executive Director
1.8Network and collaborate with other community agencies to facilitate the development of an effective partnership with community groups
1.9Meet and review contracts with funders on a regular basis
1.10Assist in the development/establishment of formalized consumer (referral agents, funders, clients) satisfaction mechanisms
1.11Assist in the evaluation of service effectiveness to identify service gaps and means to address client needs, and improve program cost effectiveness and client satisfaction
1.12Ensure provision of level of services in accordance with program funding and contracts
1.13Develop and maintain professional competency and specific job required skills and knowledge
1.14Provide training to staff or, alternatively, facilitate staff access to relevant professional development activities in order to encourage the potential of staff
Domain 2: Documentation
To document quality control activities in a professional, relevant, and timely manner within the policies and procedures of both the society and the division
2.1Document supervision activity for personnel files and review of client files
2.2Report quarterly on client satisfaction through established systems
2.3Provide the Executive Director with a complete annual report
2.4Perform and document staff evaluations in accordance with the established evaluation process
2.5Manage client complaints (client, funder, referral source, and community)
Domain 3: Administration
3.1Adhere to policies and procedures of both the program services and the society
3.2Assure staff compliance to policies and procedures of both the program services and the society
3.3Assist with the implementation and ongoing administration of the PQI standards and monitor staff compliance
3.4Manage information resources: organize existing library materials; coordinate journal subscriptions and purchase of new materials; manage group curricula and incoming information regarding training
3.5Assist the Executive Director with administrative tasks as directed
The Clinical Supervisor may not:
3.6.1In regard to the society’s assets utilized by the counselling staff, allow the facilities or equipment to be exposed to improper wear or tear, or insufficient maintenance
3.6.2With respect to employment, promise or imply any permanent or guaranteedemployment
3.6.3Make program operation decisions that are not cost-effective
3.6.4Make decisions that may benefit the Supervisor beyond compensation/benefitsapproved by the Executive Director
3.6.5Establish compensation or change established compensation for staff memberswithout the approval of the Executive Director
3.6.6Terminate any staff without fair and documented constructive dismissalprocess
3.6.7Fail to document performance problems/issues in personnel files
3.6.8Fail to gather relevant employment standards information
3.7 Consultation with the Executive Director
With respect to providing information and counsel to the Executive Director, the Clinical Supervisor will actively participate as a member of the Management and Planning Committee and may not cause, or allow the Executive Director to be uninformed. Accordingly the Clinical Supervisor may not:
Let the Executive Director be unaware of anticipated adverse media coverage, client complaints, negative relationship with funders, or any changes in the internal/external environment
Fail to gather as many points of view (staff and external parties), issues and opinions as needed for informed Executive Director decisions
Present information in an incomplete fashion
Fail to immediately report any actual or anticipated non-compliance with agency and division policy and procedures either on the part of him/herself or counselling division staff
Domain 4: Human Resources
To be responsible for recruiting, evaluating, disciplining and terminating counselling staff.
4.1Responsible for the hiring of staff (including interviewing, and selecting candidates for vacant or new positions, awarding postings, identifying the most qualified candidate)
4.2Responsible for fair and constructive discipline of staff
4.3Responsible for demotion and termination of staff
4.4Participate in confidential labour relations or personnel matters
4.5Orient all new staff according to established procedures
4.6Provide training for new staff in all documentation procedures, including any computer systems
4.7Evaluate staff using the established evaluation protocol
- Effectiveness: effectiveness of the counselling services and documentation standards
The position encompasses 35 hours per week. However the responsibilities associated with the Supervisor’s position require a flexible schedule.
- Education:Master’s degree in psychology or social work from a recognized University
- Experience:Experience in the delivery of individual, family and group counselling, and working with individuals and families that are difficult to engage or reluctant to access services
Extensive clinical skills
Knowledge in the following areas (this is NOT an all inclusive list):
Substance use, family violence, child/adolescent development,
geriatric issues, Parenting skills, family systems, crisis intervention, and basic play therapy.
Extensive supervisory experience as well as experience with
collaborating with other professionals and services in the best
interests of clients
- Personal Demonstrated leadership skills
Time Management skills
Ability to manage stress
- Other Excellent verbal and communication skills
Ability to utilize the computer to complete all required
Ability to work effectively in an organizational hierarchy