publicaties, bijdragen en vermeldingen
Maud N Vissers, Rudolf JA Buirma, Barbara Hutten, Ben PM Imholz and John JP Kastelein on behalf of the ESMS study group participants Ezetimibe coadministered with ongoing statin therapy:
Clinical experience in the Netherlands manuscript in preparation: Neth J of Medicine 2005
J.P.H. van Wijk, R. Buirma, A. van Tol, C.J.M. Halkes, P.P.Th. De Jaegere, H.W.M. Plokker, Y.J.M. van der Helm and M. Castro Cabezas Effects of increasing doses of simvastatin on fasting lipoprotein subfractions, and the effect of high-dose simvastatin on postprandial chylomicron remnant clearance in normotriglyceridemic patients with premature coronary sclerosis Atherosclerosis. 2005 Jan ;178 (1):147-55 15585212
P.R.W. de Sauvage Nolting, J.C. Defesche, R.J.A. Buirma, B.A. Hutten, P.J. Lansberg & J.J.P. Kastelein
Prevalence and significance of cardiovascular risk factors in a large cohort of patients with familial hypercholesterolaemia Journal of Internal Medicine (2003), 253: 161–168
Pernette R. W. de Sauvage Nolting; Eric de Groot; Aeilko H. Zwinderman; Rudolf J. A. Buirma; Mieke D. Trip; John J. P. Kastelein Regression of Carotid and Femoral Artery Intima-Media Thickness in Familial Hypercholesterolemia: Treatment With Simvastatin Archives of Internal Medicine, Aug 2003; 163: 1837 - 1841
Pernette R.W. de Sauvage Nolting, Rudolf J.A. Buirma, Barbara A. Hutten, and John J.P. Kastelein on behalf of the Dutch ExPRESS Investigators Group Two-Year Efficacy and Safety of Simvastatin 80 mg in Familial Hypercholesterolemia (ExPRESS FH study) The American Journal of Cardiology (2002), Vol. 90 July 15: 181-184
Pernette R.W. de Sauvage Nolting, Marcel B. Twickler, Geesje M. Dallinga-Thie, Rudolf J.A. Buirma, Barbara A. Hutten and John J.P. Kastelein Elevated Remnant-Like Particles in Heterozygous Familial Hypercholesterolemia and Response to Statin Therapy Circulation. (2002), 106: 788-792
Pernette R.W. de Sauvage Nolting, Rudolf J.A. Buirma, Barbara A. Hutten, John J.P. Kastelein, The Dutch ExPRESS investigators Group Baseline lipid values partly determine the response to high-dose simvastatin in patients with familial hypercholesterolemia Atherosclerosis (2002), 164: 347- 354
Marjel J. van Dam, Huub J.A.M. Penn, Frank R. den Hartog, Hans A. Kragten, Mieke D. Trip, Rudolf J.A. Buirma and John J.P Kastelein, for the MUST Study Group A Comparison of the Efficacy and Tolerability of Titrate-to-Goal Regimens of Simvastatin and Fluvastatin: A Randomized, Double-Blind Study in Adult Patients at Moderate to High Risk for Cardiovascular Disease Clinical Therapeutics (200l ), Vol. 23, No. 3: 467-478
Halkes, Castro Cabezas, de Jaeger, Plokker, Buirma, vdHelm, Erkelens Normalisation of postprandial chylomicron remnant clearance by expanded dose simvastatin AHA 2000,abstract and poster
R.J.A. Buirma, A.M. Horrevorts, J.H.T. Wagenvoort and participants in the 1990 Dutch Surveillance study
Incidence of Multi-resistant Gram-Negative Isolates in Eight Dutch Hospitals Scand J Infect Dis (1991), Suppl 78: 35-44
bijdragen en vermeldingen
Anna Simon, Elizabeth Drewe, Jos W. M. van der Meer, Richard J. Powell, Richard I. Kelley, Anton F. H. Stalenhoef and Joost P. H. Drenth Simvastatin treatment for inflammatory attacks of the hyper-immunoglobulinemia D and periodic fever syndrome Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics (2004), 75(5):476-83
Arnoud W.J. van’t Hof, Nicolette Ernst, Menko-Jan de Boer, Rob de Winter, Eric Boersma, Ton Bunt, Sonia Petronio, Marcel Gosselink, Walter Jap, Frans Hollak, Jan C.A. Hoorntje, Harry Suryapranata, Jan-Henk E. Dambrink, Felix Zijlstra, on behalf of the On-TIME study group Facilitation of primary coronary angioplasty by early start of a glycoprotein 2b/3a inhibitor: results of the ongoing tirofiban in myocardial infarction evaluation (On-TIME) trial European Heart Journal (2004), 25: 837–846
R. De Vries, M.N. Kerstens, W.J. Sluiter, A.K. Groen, A. Van Tol, R.P.F. Dullaart Cellular cholesterol efflux to plasma from moderately hypercholesterolaemic Type 1 diabetic patients is enhanced, and is unaffected by simvastatin treatment EASD 2004, abstract and poster
J.P.H.van Wijk, C.J.M. Halkes, P.P.Th. De Jaegere, H.W.M. Plokker, D.W. Erkelens, M. Castro Cabezas
Normalization of daytime triglyceridemia by simvastatin in fasting normotriglyceridemic patients with premature coronary sclerosis Atherosclerosis 171 (2003), 109–116
Adrienne A.M. Zandbergen, Marinus G.A. Baggen, Steven W. J. Lamberts, Aart H. Bootsma, Dick de Zeeuw and Rob J.Th. Ouwendijk Effect of Losartan on Microalbuminuria in Normotensive Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. A Randomized Clinical Trial Ann Intern Med. (2003), 139:90-96
C.J.M. Halkes; H. van Dijk; P.P.T. de Jaegere; H.W.M. Plokker; Y. van der Helm; D. W. Erkelens; M. Castro Cabezas Postprandial Increase of Complement Component 3 in Normolipidemic Patients With Coronary Artery Disease Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology. (2001), 21:1526
Th.B. Twickler, G.M. Dallinga-Thie, H.W. de Valk, P.C.N.J. Schreuder, H. Jansen, M. Castro Cabezas, D.W. Erkelens High Dose of Simvastatin Normalizes Postprandial Remnant-Like Particle Response in Patients With Heterozygous Familial Hypercholesterolemia Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. (2000), 20:2422-2427
Marianne E. Wittekoek, Eric de Groot, Martin H. Prins, Mieke D. Trip, Harry R. Büller and John J. P. Kastelein
Differences in intima-media thickness in the carotid and femoral arteries in familial hypercholesterolemic heterozygotes with and without clinical manifestations of cardiovascular disease Atherosclerosis 146 (1999) 271–279
eigen proefschrift in voorbereiding
promotor: prof dr JJP Kastelein
Saskia de Jongh familial hypercholesterolemia in childhood proefschrift, 2002
Ed de Kluiver effecten van vrije toegang van de huisarts tot niet invasief cardiaal functie onderzoek
proefschrift, 2003
AnHo Liem intervention on (non-) traditional risk factors for atherosclerotic vascular disease
proefschrift, 2003
Pernette de Sauvage Nolting genetics and therapy of familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) proefschrift, 2002
Mieke Trip the spectrum of premature atherosclerosis proefschrift, 2002
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