Clinical Examination Candidate Complaint / Feedback Form

Clinical Examination Candidate Complaint / Feedback Form

Annex 2

Clinical Examination Candidate Complaint / Feedback Form

All candidates wishing to provide feedback (including where candidates believe they have a complaint) to the College must answer all questions relevant to their specific exam (exam type).

In addition candidates wishing to provide feedback must read the declaration, and sign and date the form which can all be found at the back of this document.

Candidates must complete the answers from the questions numbered 1 to 9. Candidates need only complete answers to further questions (question 10 onwards) that are relevant to them and their particular case.

These optional questions relate to the following areas and types of feedback:

  • Examination booking / Examination placement / Examination withdrawal
  • RCPCH clinical examination content
  • RCPCH clinical exam venue / examination delivery

The RCPCH (The College) is extremely grateful for feedback candidates may have on any aspect of the RCPCH examinations.
Please note that any information candidates submit on this form will be received in the strictest confidence, and dealt with entirely separately from the RCPCH marking and results delivery process.

Please answer the following questions: (Question 1 – 9 must be completed)

  1. Examination Type (please specify which examination type the candidate’s feedback refers to e.g. MRCPCH/DCH Clinical)
  1. Date of Examination (dd/mm/yyyy)
  1. Examination Venue (test centre/hospital name/city/country)
  1. Your (the candidate’s) First Name
  1. Your (the candidate’s) Surname
  1. Title (of candidate)
  1. Your (the candidate’s) RCPCH number
  1. Your (the candidate’s) email address
  1. Your (the candidate’s) daytime telephone number
  1. Examination Booking / Examination Placement / Examination Withdrawal

Please also enter details of the examination booking / placement / withdrawal feedback below (providing as much detail as possible)

  1. Please provide details of any significant issues experienced with the booking of examination places. This may include technical issues or feedback related to the service provided by the RCPCH Examination Team.
  1. Please provide details of any significant issues experienced with examination placements. This may include technical issues, centre location or feedback related to the service provided by the RCPCH Examination Team
  1. Please provide details of any significant issues experienced with examination withdrawal. This may include the service provided by the RCPCH Examination Team or the outcome. Candidates should please ensure they have read the RCPCH Examination Rules and Regulations relating to withdrawal before submitting their feedback.
  1. RCPCH Clinical Examination Content

Please enter details of the examination scenario/s, question/s, station/s, examiner/s or case/s below (please provide as much detail as possible)

  1. The examination station(s), and/or unique identifier of the scenario(s) or question(s) in the candidate’s clinical examination to which the candidate would like to draw the College’s attention to (e.g. Communication station)
  1. Please include details of what you can remember of the wording/content of the scenario(s) question(s) or the case(s) or patient(s) used. You should identify the task(s) that you were asked to perform
  1. Please include detail of your observations about the scenario(s), question(s), examiner(s) or case(s)
  1. Clinical Exam Venue & Delivery Issues

Please enter details of your feedback, which could include details on the examination centre, the centre facilities/equipment, the test centre staff, the examiner/s, any disruption or delay experienced during examination day (please provide as much detail as possible)

  1. The RCPCH (The College) is committed to ensuring that all candidates receive equal opportunity and appropriate access to examinations. Candidates to please outline if and how they encountered any obstacles to the examination as a result of its structure or location?
  1. Please provide full details indicating whether your feedback relates to the centre facilities and/or equipment, the general running of the examination, the examination centre staff, the examiners, or any disruption or delay experienced during examination day

To see all MRCPCH and DCH examination rules and regulations, go to