

Clifton David HollisterSchool of Social Work

ProfessorUniversity of Minnesota

e-mail: 105 Peters Hall

(612) 624-3695, (612) 625-12201404 Gortner Avenue

Fax: (612) 624-3744St. Paul, Minnesota55108



Home Address:2200 Midland View Court North, Roseville, MN 55113

Home Phone:(651) 636-5788

Citizenship:United States


StanfordUniversity1978-79Post-Doctoral Scholar, Research Training Program in Organizations and Mental Health, Department of Sociology

University of Michigan1962-66Ph.D., Joint Doctoral Program in Social Work and Sociology

University of Michigan1960-62Master of Social Work (M.S.W.)

HamlineUniversity1956-60B.A. with General Honors and Special Honors

Major: SociologyMinor: Physics

CONTINUING EDUCATION(Listed here are only those professional development experiences of extended duration.)

HarvardUniversity / Summer 1985 / Certificate, Institute for Educational Management, Management Development Program for College and University Administrators
BostonUniversity / July 1993 and July 1994 / Faculty Development Institutes on Integrating Alcohol and Drug Issues Into Social Work Education


2004Excellence in Academic Advising Award, College of Human Ecology, University of Minnesota

2001Educational Leadership Award, College of Human Ecology, University of Minnesota

2001Lifetime Achievement Award, Minnesota Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers

1992Founders Award, Inter-University Consortium for International Social Development, presented in Washington, D.C. at the Seventh International Symposium (Awarded to the six individuals involved in founding IUCISD in 1975. The organization’s name was changed in 2005 to International Consortium for Social Development or ICSD.)

1986Distinguished Alumnus Award, University of Michigan, School of Social Work Alumni Society, presented at the Annual Meeting, Ann Arbor, Michigan.

1978-1979NIMH Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Research Training Program in Organizations and Mental Health, Department of Sociology, StanfordUniversity

1965-1966NIMH Pre-doctoral Research Fellowship, University of Michigan


Licensed Independent Social Worker, Minnesota Board of Social Work, License #4528.


University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

July 1983 - July 1991Director, School of Social Work

July 1981 - June 1983Associate Director, School of Social Work

May 2007 - PresentDirector of Graduate Studies, School of Social Work

September - December 2004

July 1981 - July 1983

September – December 2004Chair, Doctoral Program, School of Social Work

July 1996 - September 1998

May 1981 - October 1984

September 1980-PresentProfessor, School of Social Work

September 1980-PresentSenior Member, Graduate Faculty in Social Work

September 1999-PresentAdjunct Professor, Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs

–Affiliate Member/Advising, Graduate Faculty in Urban and Regional Planning

–Affiliate Member, Graduate Faculty in Public Policy

November 2005 - PresentMember - Graduate Faculty, Family Policy Minor

April 2007 – PresentAffiliate Member – Graduate Faculty in Nonprofit Management

September 1992-PresentFaculty Affiliate, Center for Advanced Studies in Child Welfare

September 1980-June 1996Adjunct Professor, School of Public Health, Division of Epidemiology

October 1984-June 1992Adjunct Professor, Center for Youth Development and Research

September 1998-December 1999Faculty Affiliate, Center for Urban and Regional Affairs

Ph.D. dissertations advised to completion (as major adviser): 22

Courses Taught (during last five years)

Public Affairs 8203 Neighborhood Revitalization

Social Work 5810 Working with Immigrant Populations

Social Work 8603 Program Evaluation

Social Work 5708 Substance Abuse and Social Work

Social Work 8211 Macro Practice Methods in Social Work

Graduate Level Study Tours on Social Policy and Social Services:

UKIreland (2004);Vietnam (2006); Chile (2008).

University of Minnesota, Duluth

July 1979-August 1980Professor, School of Social Development

July 1976-August 1978Acting Dean, School of Social Development

September 1978-August 1979(On Sabbatical Leave, StanfordUniversity)

September 1971-June 1979Associate Professor, School of Social Development

September 1979-August 1980 Director of Graduate Studies, School of Social

June 1977-December 1977 Development

January 1975-September 1976

January 1976-August 1980Adjunct Faculty Member, School of Public Health, Division of Epidemiology, Twin Cities Campus

University of California, Berkeley

September 1969-July 1971Assistant Professor, School of Social Welfare

University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee

September 1966-July 1969Assistant Professor, School of Social Welfare and Department of Sociology (Joint Appointment)

University of Michigan

September 1964-June 1965Teaching Assistant, School of Social Work

September 1963-June 1964Teaching Fellow, Department of Sociology

Michigan Boys' Training School

January-August 1961Social Worker, State of Michigan, Boys' Training School, Whitmore Lake, Michigan (internship in conjunction with MSW studies, University of Michigan School of Social Work.)

HamlineUniversity, St. Paul, Minnesota

September 1959-June 1960Research Assistant, Department of Sociology

September 1957-June 1959Teaching Assistant, Department of Physics

University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

Summer, 1959Interviewer, Survey of Farm Operators and Rural Social Security Recipients, Department of Rural Sociology


2004-2005Consultant, United Nations Population Fund, Follow-up Study of Training Program Participants of the International Institute on Aging (INIA), Malta.

1997-1998Consultant, Blandin Foundation, Evaluation of Distance Education for Rural Leadership Training, Grand Rapids, Minnesota.

1979-1998External Examiner, Social Work Program,The ChineseUniversity of Hong Kong

1996-1998Monograph Reviewer, Westview Press, Boulder, Colorado

1988Consultant, Social Work Program, University of North Carolina at Greensboro

1987External Examiner, Social Work Program, Rajshahi University, Bangladesh

1985Consultant, Social Work Program, St. CloudStateUniversity

1982-1986Consultant, Medical Education and Research Foundation, St. Paul-Ramsey Hospital, Research on the Comparison of Inpatient and Outpatient Chemical Dependency Treatment

1980-1981Consultant, State of Minnesota Crime Control and Planning Board

1980Text Reviewer, MacMillan & Co., New York

1979Consultant on curriculum, School of Social Work, University of Hawaii, Honolulu

1978Consultant, Reorganization of human services curricula, SangamonStateUniversity, Springfield, Illinois

1976Consultant, Technical Assistance Institute, Department of Criminal Justice, Washburn University, Topeka, Kansas

1974-1975Consultant, City of Duluth, Study of Juvenile Vandalism

1971-1975Consultant, Police Foundation, Washington, D.C. Research and evaluation of organizational change in police departments in Dallas, Texas and Kansas City, Missouri.



Mehrotra, C.M., Hollister, C. D. & McGahey, L. (2001). Distance Learning: Principles for Effective Design, Delivery, and Evaluation. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Galaway, B., Hudson J. & Hollister C. D. (1976). Community Corrections: A Reader. Springfield: Charles C. Thomas.


Toft, J., Hollister, C.D., and Martin, M. (forthcoming). The influence of paid work, racial-ethnicity, and immigrant status on health care coverage. Journal of Health and Social Policy.

Hollister, C.D., Martin, M., Toft, J. and Yeo, J. (2005). Obstacles to welfare-to-work transitions for Somali, Hmong, and Latino Immigrants in the United States. Social Development Issues, 27 (2), 57-69.

Martin, M., Hollister, C.D., Toft, J., Yeo, J. & Kim, Y. (2005). Work, race, and welfare reform: A study of the Minnesota Family Investment Program in Hennepin County, 1998-2002. CURAReporter, 35 (1), 13-23.

Hsieh, S. & Hollister, C.D. (2004). Examining gender differences in adolescent substance abuse behavior: Comparisons and implications for treatment. Journal of Child andAdolescent Substance Abuse, 13 (3), 53-70.

Robin, S. C., & Hollister, C. D. (2002). Career paths and contributions of four vohorts of IV-E funded MSW child welfare graduates. Journal of Health and Social Policy,15(3/4),53-67.

Menanteau-Horta, D. & Hollister, C. D. (2001). Globalization and interdisciplinary challenges for international social development: Reflections from the classroom. Social Development Issues, 23(2),3-10.

Macy, J. A., Rooney, R. H., Hollister, C. D., & Freddolino, P. P. (2001). Evaluation of distance education programs in social work. Journal of Technology in Human Services, 18(3/4), 63-84.

Hollister, C. D., & Kim, Y. (2001). Evaluating ITV-based MSW programs: A comparison of ITV and traditional graduates' perceptions of MSW program qualities. Journal of Technology in Human Services, 18(1/2), 89-100.

Hollister, C. D., & McGee, G. (2000). Delivering substance abuse and child welfare content through interactive television. Research in Social Work Practice, 10(4),417-427.

Hollister, C. D., & Mehrotra, C. M. N. (1999). Utilizing and evaluating ITV workshops for rural community leadership training. Journal of Technology in Human Services, 16(2-3),35-45.

Hsieh, S., Hoffmann, N. G., & Hollister, C. D. (1998). The relationship between pre-, during-, post-treatment factors, and adolescent substance abuse behaviors. Addictive Behaviors, 23(4),477-488.

Gibbs, L. E., & Hollister, C. D. (Fall/Winter, 1993-94). Typologies under study for treatment of alcoholics. Sociology of Rural Life, 13 (2),3-8.

Gibbs, L. E., & Hollister, C. D. (1993). Matching alcoholics with treatment: Reliability, replication and validity of a treatment typology. Journal of Social Service Research, 17(1-2),41-72.

Harrison, P., Hoffman, N., Hollister, C. D., Gibbs, L., & Luxenberg, M. (1988). Determinants of chemical dependency treatment placement: Clinical, economic and logistic Factors. Psychotherapy, 25(3),356-364.

Hollister, C. D. (1988). Social development concepts: Lessons from the U.S. Experience. In A. C. J. Feng (Ed.), From Developing to Developed: The Taiwan Model. (pp.159-171). Taichung, Taiwan: Tunghai University Press.

Hollister, C. D. (1988). Observations on social development in the United States. In Bjork, G. (Eds.), Peace and Development in the Context of Social Welfare (pp.129-143). Gothenburg, Sweden: University of Gothenburg.

Wellin, E., Slesinger, D. P., & Hollister, C. D. (1987). Psychiatric emergency services: Evolution, adaptation, and proliferation. Social Science and Medicine, 24(6), 475-482.

Pandey, R. S., Tan, N.-T., & Hollister, C. D., (Winter 1987). Guest Editors, Special Issue on Social Development and Peace, Social Development Issues, 10, (3).

Hollister, C. D. (1982). The knowledge and skill bases of social development. In D. S. Sanders (Eds.), Developmental Perspectives in Social Work Education (pp. 31-42). Honolulu: University of Hawaii.

Hollister, C. D. (1981). Emerging Issues in social development in the United States. In P. Lee (Eds.), Proceedings of the Sino-American Conference on Social Welfare in the 1980s (pp. 97-104). Taichung, Taiwan: TunghaiUniversity.

Gibbs, L., & Hollister, C. D. (1981). A classification of alcoholics relevant to type-specific treatment. In Evaluating Alcohol and Drug Programs: Current Methods and Findings Hazelden: Center City, Minnesota, 231-258.

Hollister, C. D., & Jones, J. F., (1981). Education for social development. In J. F Jones & P. Rama S. (Eds.), Social Development: Conceptual, Methodological, and Policy IssuesNew York: St. Martin's Press, 152-168.

Hollister, C. D. (July 1979). School bureaucratization as a response to parents' demands. Urban Education, 14 (2), 221-235. Selected for the Reprint Series of the Institute for Finance and Governance, Center for Educational Research at Stanford, StanfordUniversity.

Hollister, C. D., & Heslin, P. J. (Autumn-Winter 1978). Vandalism: A profile of vandals and some recommendations. Crime and Social Deviance, 6 (3-4), 77-102.

Hollister, C. D. (Spring 1977). Social work wkills for social development. Social Development Issues, 1(1), 9-20.

Litwak, E., Meyer, H. J., & Hollister, C. D. (1977). The role of linkage mechanisms between bureaucracies and families: Education and health as empirical cases in point. In R. J. Liebert & A. W. Imershein (Eds.), Power, Paradigms and Community Research. London: Sage Publications Ltd.

Hudson, J., & Hollister, C. D. (December 1976). An experimental study of parole supervision of juveniles and social service utilization. Iowa Journal of Social Work, 7 (4)

Hollister, C. D., Bast, D., & Dolezal, F. R. (1976). Public welfare and the news media: A regional study. In L. Ginsberg (Eds.), Readings in Rural Social Work. New York: Council on Social Work Education.

Hollister, C. D., & Hudson, J. (Summer 1974). Interorganizational Conflict: The case of police youth bureaus and the juvenile court. Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 1 (4), 206-216.

Hudson, J., & Hollister, C. D. (1973). Diversion Programming in Criminal Justice: Proceedings of an Institute. Arrowhead Regional Development Commission and School of Social Work.University of Minnesota, Duluth.

Hollister, C. D. (Autumn 1969). Negro-White differences in parental interest in education. Sociological Focus, 1 (1), 96-110.


Hollister, C. D. & Mehrotra, C.M. (2005). A Tracer Study of Participants in the Training Programme of the International Institute on Aging, Malta. United Nations Population Fund, New York.

Hollister, D., Martin, M., Toft, J., Yeo, J. & Kim, Y. (2003). The Well-Being of Parents and Children in the Minnesota Family Investment Program in Hennepin County, Minnesota, 1998-2002. St. Paul,MN: University of Minnesota, Center for Advanced Studies in Child Welfare, School of Social Work.

Hollister, C. D., Martin, M., & Wanberg, C. (December 1, 1999). Findings from the Second Phase of a Study of the Transition from Welfare to Work in Hennepin County, Minnesota. University of Minnesota, Center for Urban and Regional Affairs.

Hollister, C. D., Martin, M., & Wanberg, C. (March 1, 1999). Findings from the First Phase of a Study of the Transition from Welfare to Work in HennepinCounty, Minnesota., University of Minnesota, Center for Urban and Regional Affairs.

Wanberg, C., Hollister, C. D., & Martin, M. (December 7, 1998). Non-Participation in Welfare-to-Work Programs: A Summary of Findings From a Focus Group and Survey of Welfare-to-Work Professionals. University of Minnesota, IndustrialRelationsCenter.

Harrison, P. A., Hoffmann, N. G., Gibbs, L., & Hollister, C. D. (April, 1985). Comprehensive Evaluation of Patient-Treatment Interactions: Patient Population Profile. St. Paul: State of Minnesota Department of Human Services, Chemical Dependency Division.

Gibbs, L., & Hollister, C. D. (1981). Replication of a Typology of Alcoholics, (Grant No. R01-AA-03316-02). University of Wisconsin, National Institute of Alcohol Addiction and Abuse.

Heslin, P. J., & Hollister, C. D. (1976). Patterns of Vandalism. Duluth, MN: Office of Community Development.

Wellin, E., Hollister, C. D., & Slesinger, D. (1968). Community Service for Personal Crisis: A Study of Psychiatric Emergency Service. Milwaukee, WIUniversity of Wisconsin, Office of Applied Social Research.

Hollister, C. D. (1966). The School as a Bureaucratic Organization — A Third Test of the Balance Hypotheses. In E. Litwak & H. J. Meyer, The Relationship Between School-Community Coordinating Procedures and Reading Achievement (Chapter 18, pp. 453-492). U.S. Office of Education.


Toft, J. & Hollister, C.D. (2004). Effects of Employment, Race, and Immigrant Status on Health Care Coverage for Adults and Children in Low-Income Populations in HennepinCounty.


2007 Reviewer, Children and Youth Services Review

2006-PresentReviewer, Journal of Planning Education and Research

1987-PresentConsulting Editor, Social Development Issues

1988-2000Reviewer and Member of Editorial Board, Journal of Law and Social Work

1976-1996Reviewer and Associate Editor, Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare

1977, 1994Reviewer, Journal of Social Service Research


C. David Hollister and Chandra M. Mehrotra. “Follow-up Study of Training Program Participants of the International Institute on Aging, Malta.” Funded by the United Nations Population Fund. September, 2004 – April, 2005.

C. David Hollister: “Understanding the Effects of MFIP on the Well-Being of Parents and Their Children.” Funded by HennepinCounty, the Center for Urban and Regional Affairs, and the Center for Advanced Studies in Child Welfare, September 1, 2001 – December 31, 2002. $86,212.

C. David Hollister, Mary Martin, and Connie Wanberg: “Toward a Better Understanding of Successful Transitions from Welfare to Work.” Funded by the Joyce Foundation, HennepinCounty, the City of Minneapolis, and the University of Minnesota Center for Urban and Regional Affairs, September 1, 1998 - August 31, 1999. $44,000.

Norman Hoffman, C. David Hollister, and Leonard Gibbs: "Comprehensive Evaluation of Patient-Treatment Interactions and Outcomes in Alcoholism Treatment." Funded by the State of Minnesota Department of Human Services, Chemical Dependency Division, January1, 1983 - December 31, 1985. $450,000.

Norman Hoffman, C. David Hollister, and Leonard Gibbs: "Feasibility Study for Comparison of Inpatient and Outpatient Alcoholism Treatment." Funded by State of Minnesota Department of Human Services, Chemical Dependency Division, March 18, 1982 - September 30, 1982. $55,000.

Leonard Gibbs and C. David Hollister: "Replication of a Typology of Alcoholics and Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Type-Specific Treatment." Funded by the National Institute of Alcohol Addiction and Alcoholism, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,RO1-AA-03316-02 October 1, 1979 - March 31, 1981. $170,000.

C. David Hollister and Philip J. Heslin: "Study of Juvenile Vandalism." Funded by U.S. Law Enforcement Assistant Administration, the Minnesota Crime Commission, and the City of Duluth. September 1, 1974 - December 31, 1975. $30,000.


C. David Hollister, “Engaging Immigrants: Strengthening Students’ Multicultural Competence for Working with Immigrant Populations.” Multicultural Education Fellowship funded by the Center for Teaching and Learning Services Initiative for Pursuing Excellence in Multicultural Education, 2003-2004. $3,000.

Participant, Mid-Career Teaching Enrichment Seminar, Center for Teaching and Learning Services, University of Minnesota, 2001-2002.

C. David Hollister and Edward Goetz, “Using GIS Technology for Teaching and Outreach Related to Neighborhood Revitalization.” Funded by the Bush Foundation Faculty Development Program on Excellence and Diversity in Teaching, University of Minnesota, 2000-2001, $4,500.


Hollister, C.D. and Nelson, K. (2007, July). Teaching Social Development Approaches to Neighborhood Revitalization. Paper presented to the15th International Symposium of the International Consortium for Social Development, Hong Kong.

Hollister, C.D., Toft, J. & Martin, M. (2007, July). Welfare Reform Impacts on Immigrant Hmong Families in the United States.Paper presented to the 15th International Symposium of the International Consortium for Social Development, Hong Kong.

Hollister, C. D., Toft, J., and Martin, M. (2006, July). An Exploratory Study of the Impacts of Welfare Reform on the Well-being of Families and Children in the USA. Paper presented to the 2006 Biennial European ICSD Conference onSocial policy and Social Work: Action and Interaction in the Context of Social Development, Warsaw, Poland.

Mehrotra, C.M. & Hollister, C.D. (2006, March). Tracking the Impact of an International Training Program in Aging. Paper presented at the Joint Conference

of the American Society on Aging and the National Council on the Aging,Anaheim, CA.

Hollister, C.D., Toft, J. & Martin, M. (2005, October). The Well-Being of Parents and Children in the Minnesota Family Investment Programme, 1998-2002. Paper presented to the Oxford University Department of Social Policy and Social Work seminar series on ‘Promoting the well being of children: What is ‘evidence’ and how can different kinds of evidence from research inform practice?’ sponsored by the Oxford Centre for Research into Parenting and Children, Oxford, England.

Hollister, C.D. & Phan, P.T. (2005, July). A Social Development Approach to Teaching about Globalization, Migration and Work with Immigrant Populations. Paper presented to the14th International Symposium of the Inter-University Consortium for International Social Development, Recife, Brazil.

Hollister, C.D. & Mehrotra, C.M. (2005, April). A Tracer Study of Participants in the Training Programmes of the International Institute on Ageing. Paper presented to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Ageing Advisory Group meeting on "Ageing Issues: Past Experiences and Strategic Directions,"Valletta, Malta.

Toft, J., Martin, M. & Hollister, D. (2005, February). Racial-Ethnicity and Immigrant Status and the Minnesota TANF Program. Paper presented to the Annual Meeting of the Council on Social Work Education, New York, NY.

Toft, J., Hollister, D., & Martin, M. (2005, January). The Effects of Minnesota's TANF Program on the Well-Being of Children in HennepinCounty". Paper presented to the meeting of the Society for Social Work Research, Miami, FL

Hollister, C.D. & Phan, P.T. (2004, February). Developing A Course On Social Work With Immigrants and Refugees Paper presented to the Annual Program Meeting of the Council on Social Work Education, Anaheim, CA.

Toft. J., Martin, M., Yeo, J. & Hollister, C.D. (2004, January). Factors that Influence Health Care Coverage for Low-Income Populations under Welfare Reform. Paper presented to the meeting of the Society for Social Work Research, New Orleans, LA.

Hollister, C.D., Martin, M., Toft, J. & Yeo, J. (2004, January). Impacts of Welfare-to-Work on the Well-Being of Families and Children. Poster Session presented at the meeting of the Society for Social Work Research, New Orleans, LA.

Hollister, C.D., Martin, M., Toft, J. & Yeo, J. (2003, December). Obstacles to Welfare-to-Work Transitions for Somali, Hmong and Latino Immigrants in the United States. Paper presented to the 13th International Symposium of the Inter-University Consortium for International Social Development, Mumbai, India.