NOTICE is hereby given of a regular meeting of the Clifton City Council to be held

Tuesday, March 13, 2012, 6:00 p.m.,

in the Council Chambers at the Clifton Civic Center, 403 West 3rd Street, Clifton, Texas, for

the purpose of considering the following agenda items. The public is invited to attend this

and all meetings of the City Council.




a) Regular meeting – February 14, 2012

b) Called meeting – March 1, 2012

4) PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD - Welcome to visitors – open public comments.


a) Consent Agenda items:

The Consent Agenda allows the Council to approve routine or noncontroversial items with a single motion, without the time needed for individual discussion. Any item may be removed from this consent and considered individually upon request of a Council member. The following items are listed for discussion and possible action:

i) Enter into a contract with Bosque County for election services for the General Election to be held May 12, 2012.

ii) Request from Scout Leader Justin Tergerson for permission for Boy Scout Troop 376 to camp at the reservoir in April. Troop 376 has liability BSA insurance and water safety qualifications.

iii) Department Reports

  • Police Department – crime reports and department operation, animal control report
  • Code Enforcement – inspections and violations report, and department operations
  • Municipal Court – number of monthly violations
  • Public Works – work orders completed, budget items & purchases, personnel, sewer system, water system, parks, streets and PW department operations. Status reports on major projects in progress or completed.
  • Clifton Volunteer Fire Dept – Response events, man-hours, miles driven and department operations

b) Nellie Pederson Library – monthly report and report on our grant application for improvements

c) Discussion & possible action regarding the City Administrator’s report – monthly cash position, sales tax allocation, and YTD budget/expenses reports. (McLean)

d) Discussion & possible action regarding the Community Development Report – meetings attended & planned, events, projects reports. (Neelley)

e) Discussion & possible action regarding the approval of the Chamber of Commerce’s Proposed budget for Hotel/motel Tax for 2012 in the amount of $11,000. (Paige Key)

f) Presentations and possible action to award a contract for the City’s electricity provider. The current contract with Reliant expires March 2013. Several potential suppliers have asked to present. Potential suppliers can commit on contracts up to a year before the current contract expires. (McLean)

g) Presentation and possible action on approval to continue with the Legacy Park Project. (Julie Conley)

h) Presentation from CEO Paul Phillips on habitability of 1015 West 5th – Christina Morgan.

i) Discussion & possible action regarding the request by Robert Alford for fill material at 502 South Ave L to reduce flooding in his backyard and driveway caused by the elevation of the upgraded 13th Street pavement and curb. (Harvey)

j) Discussion & possible action regarding the gifting of the old Santa Fe depot/police dept building to a collector who moves, restores and places “old buildings”. (McLean)

k) Discussion and action regarding replacement of way-finding signs within TXDOT right-of-way (McLean)

l) Discussion & possible action regarding the appointment of a P & Z Board member to replace Clinton Albrecht.

m) Discussion & possible action regarding authorizing the Mayor to enter into contract with Tysvaer, our sister city in Norway. (Mayor)

n) Discussion & possible action regarding the approval of an ordinance redirecting the use of funds in the current “Water Meter CD” account. (Mayor/McLean)

o) Discussion & possible action regarding issuing a certificate of occupancy for the property located in the 300 block East 9th to be used as a recycling business – zoned industrial. (Phillips)

p) Discussion & possible action regarding replacing the flag pole at the entrance sign at Hwy 6 and FM 3220 with three 40 ft poles. (Neelley)


In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Clifton will provide for reasonable accommodations for persons attending City Council meetings. To better serve you, requests should be received 24 hours prior to the meetings. Please contact Pamela K. Harvey, City Secretary, at 254-675-8337.


I certify that a copy of the March 13, 2012 agenda of items to be considered by the Clifton City Council was posted on the City Hall bulletin board on March 9, 2012 at 3:00 p.m.


Pamela K. Harvey, City Secretary

I certify that the attached notice and agenda of items to be considered by the City Council was removed by me from the City Hall bulletin board on the ______day of ______2012.
