Client Side Export

Client Side Export

Client side export

The offline-exporting module allows for image export of charts without sending data to an external server. This is the solution if you:

  • Want to avoid having users send your chart configs to Highsoft's servers
  • Want to save the cost of setting up your own server
  • Don't require the export to work with old browsers like IE8

View it live on jsFiddle.

The module makes use of modern browser technology to accomplish this, and therefore does not work flawlessly with older browsers. For a detailed table of supported browsers, see below. In the case of an unsupported browser, the module will by default fall back to the export server, but this can be disabled with the exporting.fallbackToExportServer option.

Internet Explorer requires the canvg library in order to export to PNG and to export charts with embedded images. PDF export also requires the jsPDF and svg2pdf for all browsers. By default, the module will load these file from our server on demand, but the URL can be changed using the exporting.libURL option. If the scripts have already been loaded by the page, Highcharts will not load them again. Note that even when loading these files, no chart data is sent to our server.

PDF does not support exporting with images and will fall back to the export server.

To use the module, simply include it after the exporting module. The exporting module is a required dependency even if fallback is disabled.

<script src="

<script src="

<script src="


Chrome (latest) / Firefox (latest) / Microsoft Edge / Internet Explorer 11 / Internet Explorer 10 / Safari (latest) / Safari 5.1 / Android (latest) / Android (4.0) / Chrome for Android / iOS / Chrome for iOS
SVG / OK / OK / OK / OK / OK / Opens data URI in new tab / Opens data URI / OK / Opens data URI / OK / Opens data URI in new tab / Opens blob URI in new tab
PNG/JPEG / OK / OK / OK / OK / OK / Opens data URI in same tab / Opens data URI / OK / Opens data URI / OK / Opens data URI in same tab / Opens blob URI in new tab
PDF / OK / OK / Fallback to export server / Fallback to export server / Fallback to export server / Opens data URI in same tab / Fallback to export server / OK / Fallback to export server / OK / Fallback to export server / Fallback to export server
SVG w/images (same server) / OK / OK / OK / OK / OK / Opens data URI in same tab / Opens data URI / OK / Opens data URI / OK / Opens data URI in same tab / Opens blob URI in new tab
PNG/JPEG w/images (same server) / OK / OK / Fallback to export server / Fallback to export server / Fallback to export server / Opens data URI in same tab / Suboptimal image / OK / Opens data URI / OK / Opens data URI in same tab / Opens blob URI in new tab
SVG w/images (CORS enabled server) / OK / OK / OK / Fallback to export server / Fallback to export server / Opens data URI in same tab / Fallback to export server / OK / Fallback to export server / OK / Fallback to export server / Fallback to export server
PNG/JPEG w/images (CORS enabled server) / OK / OK / Fallback to export server / Fallback to export server / Fallback to export server / Opens data URI in same tab / Fallback to export server / OK / Fallback to export server / OK / Fallback to export server / Fallback to export server

Internet Explorer 9 and older will attempt to fall back to export server in all cases.

Decision flowchart of the module (click for large version):