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Brian T. Murphy

November 17, 2018

Tannen, Deborah. “Squeaky Wheels and Protruding Nails: Direct and Indirect Speech.” Patterns for a Purpose, 4 ed. Barbara Fine Clouse. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2006. 359-67.

The following questions all concern the assigned reading for today. Answer in complete sentences. Remember that these answers should be formal: they should be in complete sentences, grammatically correct, and avoid use of "I" or "you" throughout.

Reading Closely and Critical Thinking:

1.Explain the communication problems that contributed to the airplane accidents mentioned in the essay. What problem with indirect communication do the accidents highlight? How can that problem be addressed?

[Click here and type your answer: complete sentences]

Examining Structure and Strategy:

2.Tannen contrasts direct and indirect communication, but she also contrasts the cultural orientations of Americans and some Asians. Why does she include the latter contrast?

[Click here and type your answer: complete sentences]

3.Throughout the essay, Tannen cites the research findings of others (in paragraphs 7, 9, and 10, for example). What do these citations contribute to the essay??

[Click here and type your answer: complete sentences]

Considering Language and Style:

2.Although Tannen is a professor, a linguist, a scholar, and a researcher, she keeps her essay accessible and interesting for the typical reader of the New York Times Magazine, where the essay first appeared. Explain how Tannen’s word choice helps make the essay accessible to a broad audience.

[Click here and type your answer: complete sentences]

5.Why do linguists use “It’s cold in here” as a standard sentence for illustrating indirect communication?

[Click here and type your answer: complete sentences]

6.Consult a dictionary, and define the following words:

  1. admonishing (paragraph 3) [Click here and type the definition]
  2. self-deprecating (paragraph 3) [Click here and type the definition]
  3. prerogative (paragraph 7) [Click here and type the definition]
  4. rapport (paragraph 10) [Click here and type the definition]
  5. cheeky (paragraph 10) [Click here and type the definition]
  6. imperious (paragraph 13) [Click here and type the definition]
  7. mitigated (paragraph 28) [Click here and type the definition]
  8. broached (paragraph 28) [Click here and type the definition]
  9. relief (paragraph 33) [Click here and type the definition]