ARTICLE / JOURNAL OF RENEWABLE ENERGY / For copyediting use only
For copyediting use only
This is the Template of Journal of Renewable ENergy. Click and type your title here. The font is Bold Times New Roman 16. The Title should be concise and have no grammar errors.
Type author names here. The font is Bold Times New Roman 12. Spell out first and last names, without professional or official titles or academic degrees. Indicate the affiliations and the corresponding author(s) with superscripts 1, 2... and a, b... respectively . For example:
Mike Smith1,2, David A. Bush2, Daxue Wang3,a, and Kevin B. Johnson1,b
Type author addresses here. The font is Times New Roman 9. The affiliation should be: Department, Institution, <optional street and number>, City, State/Province Postcode, Country. For example:
1Department of Physics, Xxxxx University, 123 Abcd St., Boston, MA 12345, USA
2Department of Materials Science, Xxxxx University, Tokyo 123-4567, Japan
3Department of Electrical Engineering, Xxxxx University, Beijing 123456, China
ABSTRACT: Type your abstract text here. The font is Times New Roman 10. All manuscripts must be accompanied by an abstract which briefly summarizes the work. It should be one paragraph (80-250 words). Since the abstract is indexed in many databases, it should be self-contained without any undefined abbreviations or any cited references. © Global Scientific Publishers 2011
KEYWORDS: Type keywords (up to 6 keywords) here. The font is Times New Roman 10.
For copyediting use only / © 2011 Global Scientific Publishers / 1234
ARTICLE / JOURNAL OF RENEWABLE ENERGY / For copyediting use only
For copyediting use only

General Instructions

Main text of the manuscript starts here in a two column layout. The authors should stick to this layout, and thus the review and publication processes can be accelerated. The authors may simply mimic the format and layout of a paper published in this journal.

The manuscript should be written in English and in Word format (.doc file, not .docx file). Manuscripts in other languages may be submitted for consideration of publication, only if our language services are used to translate and/or edit your manuscripts at the cost of the authors.

The paper is Letter size (21.59 cm by 27.94 cm). The margin is 1.8 cm in all the four borders (left, right, top and bottom). Do not use A4 paper.

The font type is Times New Roman everywhere. The font size of main text is 10.5. Font size of captions for figures and tables, references, and any other non-main-text, is 9.

The line spacing is single line everywhere, except the spacing before and after the titles and/or subtitles, if any, is 1.5 lines. Titles and subtitles may be used in Article and Review papers and should in bold and left aligned. However, titles and subtitles should not be used for Letters, except the “References” section.

Except the first paragraph of the main text, the first line of each paragraph should indent 0.63 cm. No additional spacing is needed between consecutive paragraphs.

You can simply type your text into this template or modify an already prepared manuscript based on the template formatting.

All Figures, Tables and Equations should be mentioned in the text consecutively and numbered with Arabic numerals.

Ensure that all parts of the manuscript are presented clearly.

Acknowledgment(s) may be included in a separate paragraph at the end of the main text of the manuscript. No title.

A section of References should be included at the end of the manuscript, with a title “References” in Bold New Times Roman 10.5.

All materials must be in a single Word file (except multimedia files), including Title, Authors, Abstract, Body text, References, Tables and Figures.


Below each figure, there should be a figure legend/caption. The font is Times New Roman 9. A figure legend normally begins with a brief title describing its whole contents, and continues with a short description of each panel. The format of figure legends is “Figure 1. Figure legend”. Identify any previously published material by giving the original source in the form of a reference at the end of the legend.

The preferred figure formats is TIFF or PNG with a preferred resolution of 600dpi relative to the final figure size. When figures are divided into parts, each part should be labeled with a lower-case (a), (b), and so on, in the same font size as used elsewhere in the figure. All lettering in figures should be in lower-case, except for the first letter of each label which should be capitalized. Use a single space to separate a number and its units.

Color figures are free online.

Figures are referred to in the manuscript as “Fig. 1”, or “Fig. 1(a)”, or “Figs. 1-3”, or “Figs. 1 and 2”, or “Figs. 1(a) and (b)”, or Figs. 1(a-c). When at the beginning of a sentence, use “Figure” or “Figures” to replace the short forms. After a manuscript is accepted, we may ask the authors to provide high resolution figures. Failure to supply the file can significantly delay the publication of your work. If possible, please provide a set of high resolution figures along with your initial manuscript. The width of figures should better be 8, 12, or 17 cm, and the height should be less than 19 cm. For example:

Figure 1. Nanoparticle shapes. (a) An ellipse with green at the center to red at the edge. (b) A circle with blue at the enter to green at the edge.


Tables should be numbered and should be set in the body of the manuscript. Authors must use Word’s Table editor to insert tables. Authors must not import tables from Excel. The table title, which should be brief, goes above the table. Detailed explanations or table footnotes should be set directly beneath the table, as shown. The font for the title and the contents is Times New Roman 9 and the font for the table notes should be Times New Roman 8. Title format should follow “Table 1. Table title”. Tables are referred to in the manuscript as “Tab. 1”, “Tabs. 1 and 2”, or “Tabs 1-3”. When at the beginning of a sentence, use “Table” or “Tables” instead of the short forms. Tables should use horizontal rules to delimit the top and bottom of the table and column headings. In general, no other rules should be are used. For example:


The font is Times New Roman 10.5. Equations and mathematical expressions should be centered and are identified by parenthetical numbers, such as (1), and are referred to in the manuscript as “Eq. (1)”, “Eqs. 1 and 2”, “Eqs. 1-3”, “Eqs. 1(a) and (b)”, “Eqs. 1(a-c)”. When at the beginning of a sentence, use “Equation” or “Equations” instead of the short forms. The equation identification number should be at the rightmost of the equation line.

For example:



Multimedia files may be included as part of a paper. GSP only accept video/audio multimedia files.

Video files should be in .mpg or .avi or .mov format, 720 by 480 pixels (width by height) and less than 6 MB (file size). They should be playable using the free version of Quick Time and Windows Media Player.

Audio files should in .mp3 or .wav format at >= 128 Kbs.

A hyperlink should be used where a media file is referred with noting the media type. For example, “Video 1”, “Audio 3”, etc.


References should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are first referenced in the body of the paper. The font is Times New Roman 8 and the format may be following: [1], [1-3], [2, 3], or [2-4, 5, 7-10]. When at the end of a sentence, they should be before the punctuation.

A title “References” in Bold New Times Roman 10.5 is needed, with a 1.5 lines spacing before and after. The font of the references text is New Times Roman 9. The text of each reference should have a left indent 0.63 cm, except the reference number.

Each source must have its own reference number.

The spacing of references is single line, and there should be not blank line(s).

When on-line reference numbers are essential (e.g., see [1]), it is not necessary to use the words "Reference(s)" or "Ref(s)." except when needed for clarity. Footnotes (notes at the bottom of text pages) are not used in GSP journals. Footnotes should be incorporated into the text or set with references as an endnote.

When reference authors are mentioned in the text, use last names only (unless further clarity is needed), and use “et al.” and first author name when three or more authors are given.

Wikipedia contents may not be used as a reference.

Most of the references should start with author names (Initials followed by full last names, like M. Smith for Mike Smith, D. A. Bush for David A. Bush, D. Wang for Daxue Wang, etc.), then followed by the title of the cited article, abbreviated journal name, volume number in bold, starting-ending pages and year of publication in parentheses. There should be no issue number in the references.

Here are some examples of how to set the most common reference types:

Journal paper

1. D. A. Genov, S. Zhang, and X. Zhang, Mimicking celestial mechanics in metamaterials, Nat. Phys. 5, 687-692 (2009).

2. J. Danon and P. W. Brouwer, Non-Gaussian fluctuations of mesoscopic persistent currents, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 136803 (2010).


3. T. Masters, Practical Neural Network Recipes in C++ (Academic, 1993).

Chapter in a book

4. B. L. Shoop, A. H. Sayles, and D. M. Litynski, New devices for optoelectronics: smart pixels, in Handbook of Fiber Optic Data Communications, C. DeCusatis, D. Clement, E. Maass, and R. Lasky, eds. (Academic, 1997), p.705-758.

Paper in a published conference proceedings

5. R. E. Kalman, Algebraic aspects of the generalized inverse of a rectangular matrix, in Proceedings of Advanced Seminar on Genralized Inverse and Applications, M. Z. Nashed, ed. (Academic, 1976), p.111-124.

Paper published in an OSA conference proceedings

6. R. Craig and B. Gignac, High-power 980-nm pump lasers, in Optical Fiber Communication Conference, Vol. 2 of 1996 OSA Technical Digest Series (Optical Society of America, 1996), paper ThG1.

Paper in an unpublished conference proceedings

7. D. Steup and J. Weinzierl, Resonant THz-meshes, presented at the Fourth International Workshop on THz Electronics, Erlangen-Tennenlohe, Germany, 5-6 Sept. 1996.

SPIE proceedings

8. G. D. Love, C. N. Dunlop, S. Patrick, C. D. Saunter, Horizontal turbulence measurements using SLODAR, Proc. SPIE 5891, 27- 32 (2005).

IEEE proceedings

9. T. Darrel and K. Wohn, Pyramid based depth from focus, in Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (IEEE, 1988), p.504-509.

Paper accepted for publication

10. D. Zhiao, N. K. Duttah, and L. Otish, Removal of artifacts in optical coherence tomography imaging, Opt. Express (to be published).

Internet links

11. J. Fresnais, C. Lavelle, J.-F. Berret, Nanoparticle aggregation controlled by desalting kinetics,

For copyediting use only / © 2011 Global Scientific Publishers / 1234
ARTICLE / JOURNAL OF RENEWABLE ENERGY / For copyediting use only
For copyediting use only
For copyediting use only / © 2011 Global Scientific Publishers / 1234