
Clerk and RFO : Di Dann

Fern Hollow, 5 Balls Lane, Thursford, Fakenham, Norfolk

Tel 01328 878196 e mail

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of Cley Parish Council on Tuesday 3rd July 2012 at Cley Village Hall Social Club.

Attending: Cllr R Kelham (Chairman) Cllr R High, Cllr S Moore, Cllr M Randell.

Di Dann Parish Clerk.

NNDC Cllr D Young was in attendance.

4 public

There were 5 members of the public in attendance.

1.  Welcome and to consider apologies and reasons for absence.

The Chairman welcomed the public. Apologies were noted from Cllr S Scammel-

katz and Cllr F Kearney. NCC Cllr J Perry Warnes had sent his apologies.

2.  Declarations of Interest by Councillors in any of the agenda items

There were none.

3.  Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 5th June 2012

On a PROPOSAL by Cllr High the minutes were APPROVED and were signed by the Chairman.

4.  Matters Arising on the Minutes (for information only and not included on

the agenda:

4.1 The siting of art work (bittern sculpture) on Newgate Green was noted.

4.2 The second volunteer event on the Quay area had involved some reed spraying. Cllr Randall would strim the reeds back to ground level in due course.


5. Reports

5.1 Village Hall. A letter had been received from Jennifer Murray advising that weekly inspections of the play equipment were made and also a formal annual inspection was undertaken in September. The equipment was insured by the Parish Council. Jennifer also advised that she expected to receive the rent from the Social Club tomorrow (4th July).

5.2 Allotments. Members were advised of the overdue payment by Mr H. Harrod and they would ask him for payment. A 10 rod plot had been taken up by residents of Blakeney.

5.3 District and County Councillor.

5.3.1 NCC Cllr Perry Warnes’s report. In a report read by the Chairman, NCC Cllr Perry Warnes suggested the Council made contact with NCC at the Aylsham office or Sarah Price. He had recently visited the East Anglian Ambulance Headquarters and met with front line Paramedics. This was on behalf of the County Council Health, Scrutiny and Overview Committee. One of the difficulties faced by Ambulance crews is having to wait at hospital for patients to be admitted. At the N&NUNHS Trust there now is a room just inside the hospital to admit patients. This enables the front line ambulance to return to normal working. He hoped to welcome the Olympic torch to North Norfolk.

5.3.2 NNDC Cllr Young’s report. In the last financial year the District Council under spent by £241,000 which has been put into a reserve to cover

reorganisation costs. The first set of funding awards by the Big Society

Fund has been announced. 18 grants (up to £10,000) were announced

totalling £82,000. Grants over £10,000 are decided by the cabinet and

there is some controversy over the decision, against the administrator's

recommendation, to reduce the award to the Sheringham Skate Park from

£30,000 to £10,000. The Council has started an update of its Housing

Strategy. Cllr Young was keen to hear about any property left empty for

some time without good reason so that action to bring it back into use can

be considered. As expected, the Planning Inspector had approved the

application for routing the underground cable from the Dudgeon Offshore

Wind-farm from Weybourne to Great Ryburgh. The Inspector seemed to

have taken a highly optimistic view about the likelihood and timing of "Stage

2". Nevertheless, he understood that the conditions applied are far tighter

than those applied by Breckland DC to their part of the cable. The free legal

advice surgeries at Merchants Place in Cromer for July are as follows: 3

July Family & General; 10 July Employment; 17 July Family; 24

July Family; 31 July Employment. Surgeries of 15 minutes each from 5 pm.

Drop in or ring 01603 496623 for an appointment. The Clerk would advertise

this on the noticeboard.


5.4 Police. PC Berkeley had sent his apologies. There was a nil crime report. The Police surgeries on the Village Green would be advertised on the noticeboard. The Parish Clerk would raise the problem of vehicles parking close to the corner near to Picnic Fayre as it caused obstructions.

6. Review project to clear the old harbour and agree possible dates / times

for meeting with EA and NWT.

Members asked the Clerk to suggest any late afternoon from the end of July onwards.

7. Review the request for the public footpath designation from the George

to the Coastal footpath.

Several more forms had been received. The landowners around the site would now have to be contacted and the Clerk asked for help with this information.

8. Great Fire of Cley Commemoration event (1st September 1612)

An e mail had been received from Mr Ebdon concerning this event. The Chairman would hopefully write an article for the Glaven Valley Newsletter.

9. Planning

9.1 To discuss any planning applications received

9.1.1 Ref PF/12/0597 Forge House High Street Erection of 2 storey rear

extension and link to main dwelling. Objections were raised with concern for

the neighbouring property It was understood that a revised application was

expected and the Clerk would write to the Planning Officer and request a

copy of this.

9.1.2 Ref PF/12/0683 Three Swallows, Newgate Green Display of

illuminated and non illuminated advertisements. No objections.

9.2 To receive any decision notices

9.1.1 Ref PF/12/0314 Mr Livsey, Beau Rivage. Retention of roof cupola.


9.1.2 Ref PF/12/0486 Glandford Water Treatment Works for increase in

height of borehole cover. Permission


9.3 To receive other planning matters

9.3.1 It was noted that the Appeal Ref PF/09/1270 for the installation of

buried electrical cable by Dudgeon Offshore Wind Ltd had been allowed at


9.3.2 The Chairman advised that the agent for Driftwood Cottage, Tim

Schofield of Raven Land Management Ltd., had made contact with him to

advise that there was shortly to be a planning application submitted for a

replacement structure for the lean to currently on the property. This was

noted, the replacement must be better than the existing structure.

9.3.3 The Chairman had been contacted by a lady who was interested in

buying the old Coastguard hut at auction. Members noted this but a letter

would be sent advising that she should contact the planning officer

concerning change of use and outline proposals.

9.3.4 There was discussion on Cley Windmill and the notices which had

been placed adjacent to the High Street and near the Mill itself and also

about the possessory rights of the Mill. The Parish Clerk was asked to

arrange a meeting with the Mill owner to see if these issues could be resolve.

10. To discuss correspondence received (refer appendix 1)

10.1 Letter from Mr Lord (previously received June) concerning the Village

Hall and Social Club – consider any action to be taken. It was noted that the

Village Hall Committee was currently well under strength and the situation

would have to be monitored with the possibility of the Village Hall and Social

Club Committees joining forces.

10.2 Key issues and actions from coastal / tidal flooding meeting held at

NCC on 15th March. The report advised that sand bags would be available although they would have to come from Grantham

10.3 The new code of conduct, following passing of the Localism Act in November 2011. Members had received a copy of the NNDC code and on a PROPOSAL by Cllr Randall AGREED to adopt this subject to consideration of the NALC code (an alternative) when it was published.

10.4 Note other correspondence received since agenda closed on 22nd June 2012

10.4.1 Norfolk Playing Fields AGM on 19th July 3, 2012


10.4.2 Meeting at Sheringham on 24th July concerning the changes to

the Coast Hopper Service. The Chairman hoped to attend.

10.4.3 News from NWT. The Chairman had attended a recent NWT

reception. He had been advised that the NWT were hoping to buy land

for sale between Cley and Salthouse. He had been advised that the

Trust were looking to enlarge the Visitor’s Centre by building an

extension on the back. Further repairs required to the beach shelter

would be arranged by Cley Parish Council and it was AGREED to send

the bill to NWT to see if they would be willing to contribute.

10.4.4  Letter from Rev’d Hunt concerning trees on the Fairstead.

This letter accompanied one written in 2009 concerning the sycamores

adjacent to the bungalow. The Parish Clerk would make contact with

the Tree Officer and if necessary would arrange a tree inspection.

The fee for this was likely to be £150

11. Financial Matters (refer appendix 2)

11.1 Financial Statement for 5th June – 3rd July 2012 on a PROPOSAL by Cllr Randell the statement was ADOPTED.

Receipts: Recycling Credit from NNDC of £595.32.

Payments: D Dann Clerk’s Salary £250.73 and Expenses £96.24 Total £346.97 ; NPF (for the quarter April – June) £82.93; HMRC payment for the quarter (April – June) £62.68.

Public Participation

An opportunity for members of the public to raise questions or concerns

There was an offer to rebuild the bridge railings on the road down to the Mill. This was accepted.

Pothole outside Lime Kiln Cottage and silt at Glandford junction (for the next Rangers visit).

Reference Areas – the outcome should be known by January 2013.


Visitors to the Art Event were parking across public footpath. Frances would be asked if she could liaise with the event organizers to arrange parking about 30 m further away.

Concern about Xmas trees in plantation behind Old Womans Lane. Tom Harrison being the owner.

Mr D Harrod asked if he could take on 5 rod allotment. The Parish Clerk would forward a tenancy agreement.

12 Items for the next agenda

Meeting concerning the clearance of the old quay.

13 To note the date of the next meeting

Next Parish Council meeting Tuesday 4th September 2012

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.05 p.m.

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Chairman Date

CPC Minutes July 2012

6 pages, 2 appendices